The heavenly tribulation lasted for nine days and nine nights.

The heaven and earth shook, and the cultivators disappeared.

The might of heaven was overwhelming.

In this world, except for Su Mo who was going through the tribulation, no other cultivator or mortal dared to go out.

The world was rarely quiet, except for the thunder.

Su Mo returned from the tribulation, standing in the air bathed in lightning, overlooking the world.

He might be the last great cultivator in the world who had gone through the tribulation!

When the great tribulation came, along with Xuan Yue, Douzhan Zun and others, the other great cultivators who had participated in the great tribulation also disappeared!

All the cultivators in the tribulation and the fusion stage were killed or injured.

The strongest people in the entire lower world, except for Su Mo, were only some in the transformation stage!

With the strength of Su Mo in the tribulation stage, he far exceeded the strength of the two major realms in the lower world... and became the real number one in the world! Even... a god!

Su Mo was at a loss for a moment... He had no relatives, and his old friends left one after another...

Even though he was extremely powerful, he didn't know where to go.

Now, although he had reached the stage of crossing the tribulation, he was still far from shaking the Heaven Gate and fulfilling his promise to Xuan Yue...

He took a step forward, leaving an unspeakable sigh in the sky, and disappeared somewhere unknown...

And the world, along with Su Mo's crossing the tribulation, the lower world, which had been silent for five hundred years, began to quietly brew war...


Some people said that the heavenly tribulation was the return of the top great cultivators, those gods...

Some people also said that the heavenly tribulation was the departure of the last great cultivator in the world, the god...

But the heavenly tribulation that struck for nine days and nine nights, making the whole world shrouded in boundless fear,

but it made everyone clearly see that the figure that was fighting against the power of the sky, bathed in lightning, unprecedented, like a god,

his powerful image of fighting against the sky was imprinted in everyone's mind. Lingering.

That day, everyone recalled their fear of Daxiu and the Heavenly Tribulation...

In this world, the road to the top level of cultivation has been cut off!

There is no Daxiu with ancestors anymore to point the way forward for future generations!

With the road to cultivation cut off, everything has to be explored by oneself.

Everything seems to stop at the stage of transformation of the spirit...

Everyone... major forces... are almost all looking for the person who is suspected to be the last Daxiu in the world! The last god...

They want him to uphold justice for the world, compete for the nine states... and take charge of the overall situation.

They also want him to pass down the cultivation method... and point out the way forward above the transformation of the spirit...

But even if the cultivators in the world trample every corner of the world, they still don't know where he is.

If that kind of existence doesn't show up on its own, how can the world find him?

One hundred years, two hundred years of searching... but nothing was found...

Over time... except for some particularly stubborn forces that still persisted... the world had forgotten that figure...

But they didn't know... in the secular world, there was one more wanderer, one Taoist priest, one beggar, one ordinary carpenter... a martial arts teacher... a commoner.

"During the Tribulation Period... will all cultivation and soul be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao?"

"Maybe I will start from a mortal and re-understand the Heavenly Dao..."

Su Mo murmured. When he entered the Tribulation Period, his cultivation was suppressed by the rules of the world.

The whole world can no longer accommodate the power of the Tribulation Period. Once it erupts, the Heavenly Tribulation will strike again...

Cross the Tribulation, cross the Tribulation, and if you don't kill someone, the Heavenly Tribulation will never disappear...

And through Xuan Yue, the strongest cultivation method from ancient times to the present, which was once given to him,

If you want to cross the Tribulation and become an immortal, you must first become a mortal!

His cultivation, as suppressed by the laws of heaven and earth and broken apart by the calamity, he had to live a secluded life like a mortal.

Over the years... he had been a barren Taoist priest in the mountains, a wandering swordsman... he had also lived in a secular capital, from the prime minister in the court, to a bandit in the mountains...

For a hundred years after a hundred years... he had become many people... but he had never been himself...

In the end, he lived in seclusion in a small town and chose to be a martial arts teacher...

Just like his first master, Long Xiaohu in the first reincarnation world... he began to teach children martial arts...

"Practice in the coldest days of winter and the hottest days of summer!"

"The waist is not straight enough, and the arms are not straight enough!"

When Su Mo, with his hands behind his back and a beard, casually pointed out the movements, looking at those ordinary children, each of them shouted "Hey hey hey" in a posture.

Inexplicably, he thought of himself as a three-year-old child... In order to gain proficiency, he swung his sword 10,000 times every day...

He couldn't help but smile, with thoughts in his eyes that were about to melt...

How many years have passed... Unknowingly, he is almost 1,500 years old...

And in ordinary days... the world has quietly changed dramatically.

Wars broke out between countries, and many people were displaced. Even students of martial arts schools, when they grew up to adolescence, at the age of twelve or thirteen, had to be sent to the battlefield...

When those children choked and called his teacher, they left reluctantly.

Su Mo could only sigh helplessly and didn't go to see them...

Turned around and closed the door of the martial arts school...

That day, the martial arts school that had been opened in the town for more than a hundred years went bankrupt... The martial arts master of the martial arts school disappeared...

That day, the commander who came to the town to recruit soldiers also disappeared, but he never came to the town to forcibly send children, women and children to the army again.

Su Mo started a new journey again... Along the way... There were constant wars of all sizes...

The cultivators fought, the country was in war, the demon cultivators were causing trouble, and the people were living in misery!

Blood unknowingly stained the earth...

After Su Mo, a mortal, killed a cultivator who looked confused and had seen a ghost, he realized that the entire cultivation world was reshuffled, and it also indirectly affected the lower world...

It turned out that all of this was the great catastrophe of the year, which caused all those old antiques to be robbed, and the top cultivators followed Xuan Yue to draw their swords to the sky!

However, it also caused countless super forces and sects standing in Zhongzhou to have their foundations destroyed.

Without the suppression of the old antiques above the God Transformation Stage, the advantages of the super sects would be gone.

They no longer have an overwhelming advantage over the sect forces below, and the top combat power is even faintly equal.

And with the departure of the suspected last god in the world!

As a result, the control of the super sects over some lower forces has reached the lowest level in history. At the same time, these super forces control most of the cultivation resources in this world, so there will inevitably be a new reshuffle.

The fuse of the incident was when one of the super sects in Zhongzhou launched the same call as before to the sects that had been affiliated with it for thousands of years! After asking them to pay tribute and mobilizing their sect disciples to find the gods and being rejected, the super sects and other forces officially broke out in a war!

This is a war that swept the entire cultivation world!

The world pattern was re-divided, the forces were reshuffled, and countless super forces fell apart.

I don’t know how many sects returned to the netherfire overnight,

and I don’t know how many sects rose again by stepping on the bones of others.

The war continued, and five hundred years have passed. When Su Mo walked in this scarred land, looking at the corpses and bones everywhere, he suddenly realized... Perhaps the catastrophe that year was not only a catastrophe for the top cultivators!

It is a super disaster that is truly aimed at the whole world and will affect the future generations!

With the departure of the top overhauls, there is no top power to suppress it! It is bound to bring about the self-disintegration and disintegration of the world...

Perhaps the real catastrophe... with his departure... is just beginning now...


ps: Thanks to [Chenshi Huanxin], [Kongzi Yibai], [Old Lu who loves to eat steamed small yellow croaker], [b fat goose goose], [blooming starry sky], [Qi 㑦], [Zhao Cen of the sea ​​level], [Grave Sweeper], [Midnight Hunter Ma Ren], [I am Ganlin], [poryl] and other book friends for their gifts! I also thank other book friends for their gifts! ! Seeing that Xiaoluo has updated for everyone is so late, I hope everyone will come to support Xiaoluo for love! Help Xiaoluo update! o(╥﹏╥)o! Good night everyone!

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