Just broke up with the empress, stepped on the ant to upgrade

Chapter 94 Su Mo vs Xuanyuan Luo Yun (Part 2)

Su Mo naturally didn't know what everyone was thinking.

But with his current level of cultivation, the low murmurs of the people around him were clearly transmitted to his ears.

He smiled faintly, without any ripples in his heart.

With his current state of mind, it would be difficult for outsiders' words to affect him at all.

He stood there quietly, looking at the magnificent sword energy coming towards him,

The reason why he didn't move was naturally not because he was frightened, but because he was analyzing and studying this golden sword energy.

"Is it the power of the sword? It doesn't look like it. It seems to be the inherent power of the Xuanyuan Divine Sword."

Su Mo murmured, a hint of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"Ding, you have observed the Xuanyuan Sword Qi. Because your swordsmanship is extremely high, you have automatically understood the tenth form of the Xuanyuan Sword Technique, the golden legend! Experience value +100000, swordsmanship understanding +1000"

"I hope you can bring me more surprises."

Seeing that he had almost learned enough, Su Mo shook his head and laughed.

When the sword energy was about to overwhelm him, Su Mo moved.

At this moment, the sword on Su Mo's body was clanging, and he easily broke through the sword force created by Xuanyuan Luo Yun.

At the same time, the terrifying sword intent erupted, tearing apart the lock of Xuanyuan Luoyun's sword intent.

Running around chasing the stars and the moon,

When the golden sword energy was about to completely submerge him,

His body had turned into an afterimage and he escaped lightly.

In fact, the reason why it is difficult for sword cultivators to dodge the sword energy is not because they are not fast enough or in time, but because they cannot avoid it.

For most powerful sword cultivators, their sword energy comes with forced hits.

It will lock the opponent firmly with the sword's intention, and imprison the opponent with the force of the sword, making it feel unstoppable for a moment.

They can only respond hastily and be forced to resist, or simply cannot resist and are annihilated by the sword energy.

But as long as the sword force overcomes the opponent's sword intention,

The body is not hindered and can move freely. It is naturally easy to dodge this golden sword energy.

"How can this be?"

Xuanyuan Luoyun's pupils shrank.

Obviously, he didn't expect Su Mo to be able to escape the pressure of her Xuanyuan Divine Sword so easily.

"This sword is not bad, but the sword intention is not strong enough."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind Xuanyuan Luo Yun.

He commented lightly.

"So fast……"

Xuanyuan Luoyun's pupils shrank.

Then he heard Su Mo's comments and was even more shocked, because he actually got them all right...

Moreover, if Su Mo hadn’t warned him just now,

But if she takes action secretly, she may have no chance now...

But... how is this possible?

How could an arrogant and arrogant guy who had just entered the realm of kings be so strong?

Xuanyuan Luoyun gritted her teeth and had no time to think too much.

The next moment, he followed his instinct and slashed behind him with his sword.

A bright sword light was seen streaking through the air. There was no doubt that Xuanyuan Luoyun's sword failed again.

"Where are you looking?"

Su Mo appeared in the void, standing with his hands behind his back. He was dressed in pure white clothes and said calmly:

"This sword is imaginary but not real, real but not imaginary. The sword is drawn out in a hurry, but the sword's intention is still intact, which is acceptable."

"But the sword power has been lost, and it still lacks some firepower."

Su Mo commented that it was like a teacher teaching students carefully,

Just like what he once said, he never regards his peers as opponents...

It turns out...it's actually true...

It was never nonsense...

But this...

Xuanyuan Luoyun's pretty face was a little pale, and her red lips were pursed tightly.

Her beautiful eyes were a little red, and she was doubtful about life for a moment.


As if furious, Xuanyuan Luoyun swung several more swords,

His body flew high into the sky and turned into meteors, stabbing towards Su Mo continuously.

Su Mo dodged casually while commenting:

"The accuracy of this sword is a bit off..."

"This sword's sword intention is gone..."

"This sword... is flashy..."

Su Mo never drew his sword, just like taking a leisurely stroll in the courtyard. He was not competing at all, but giving random instructions.

Not only did he give up three moves, he gave up three hundred moves!

Xuanyuan Luoyun fell to the ring tiredly, her sword-holding hand was trembling, she was dripping with sweat, and she was panting.

At this time, she was already in a confused state of mind.

His eyes were red, and for a moment, an unspeakable grievance surged into his heart.

From the first time she saw him when she was eight years old, she had never forgotten him.

It’s as if a person who originally only existed in a dream suddenly appears in reality.

Two years ago, I found him again. I thought he still remembered me, but who knew that he had already completely forgotten her?

I think she has been practicing sword fighting so far just to get closer to him.

I thought I could finally stand in front of him...

Even more than... let him take a high look...

But now...the distance seems to be getting farther and farther...


Su Mo sighed.

He hates seeing girls cry the most, how can they be like little Luoxi from the reincarnation world?

"Watch it."

Su Mo said softly.

The next moment, Su Mo drew his sword.


I saw an extremely dazzling golden sword energy, with extremely condensed sword intent, and a panic-stricken sword momentum,

Behead towards Xuanyuan Luo Yun.

Xuanyuan Luo Yun stood there blankly, enveloped by the majestic sword force, and her body could not move at all at this moment.

He could only watch the sword getting closer and closer to him.


The sword energy whizzed past my ears,

I saw the irresistible majestic sword energy, brushing against her shoulder dangerously.

Slash straight behind her,

Under this sword, the entire arena was split into two!

The sword energy continued to attack the auditorium without abating.

As the battle began, the representatives of the aristocratic families who were originally in the audience were shocked and speechless.

Now looking at that magnificent sword, I am sweating profusely,

Because of the majestic power of that sword, even they felt unable to resist it!

They wanted to pull away, but they were firmly locked by the sword intent, and their bodies seemed to be frozen in place.

Just when they wanted to use all their strength to join forces to resist,

That golden sword energy dissipated just as it landed in front of a group of representatives of aristocratic families.

"This... why do I always feel like he did it on purpose..."

Representatives of all the aristocratic families looked at the peerless figure in white clothes with lingering fear.

I saw him raising his eyes casually, as if he had a tacit understanding, and glanced over here lightly.

At this moment, everyone felt a sense of panic, and they were so horrified that they could no longer say a word.

Su Mo shook his head, then withdrew his gaze and stopped looking at everyone.

Walked towards Xuanyuan Luoyun who was standing on the spot.

"Kids, you still have to practice!"

Su Mo said softly,

He patted her shoulder and passed her by.


Adding another chapter today!

Thank you everyone for the gift. Xiaoluo received it and burst into tears o(╥﹏╥)o

Today is the birthday of book friend [Zhaotian Gang·Chen Bao], I wish him a happy birthday! He is one year older, and he will be a mature child from now on! I hope you can have a happy birthday today and be happy every day in the future!

Of course, other book friends who have not celebrated their birthdays are also happy, and I love you all, ღ( ´・ᴗ・` ) with all my heart!

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