Xuanyuan Luo Yun was defeated,

She stood there in despair,

It felt like something was falling apart in my heart, falling into a bottomless abyss.

Her eyes were dim, as if they had lost their luster and had no sparkle anymore.

"Kids, you still have to practice!"

Su Mo patted her shoulder and said softly.

Then he passed her by,

Xuanyuan Luo Yun's delicate body trembled, and her eyes regained their luster little by little.

Her eyes were red, her red lips were pursed, and her delicate face looked pitiful to me.

Su Mo shook his head secretly, feeling filled with emotion.

How similar is Xuanyuan Luoyun's appearance at this moment to the trajectory her original body will take?

I just hope that I won't be like the little loser that I was, and never get back on my feet, losing my sword heart.

And with the battle completely over,

At this time, everyone in the audience had different expressions, and everyone was shocked.

"That kid's sword seems to have condensed the power of heaven and earth!"

"To be able to resolve the battle so lightly, he must be at the Venerable level... Hiss, such a young Venerable... Am I crazy or is the world crazy?"

"I originally thought that Dao Sect's previous promotion of their young master was just an exaggeration, but now it seems..."

"Low-key...it's really too low-key..."

"A peerless evildoer who has cultivated a noble level must be said to have entered the realm of kings for the first time... Hey, this sect's old man is used to it, so he has to give in..."

"We are really old... Such a young Venerable Realm... given time, we will soon catch up with us..."

"It's really scary. It seems to have recreated the peerless style of the ancestor of the Su family. If this son continues to grow up, his future achievements will be limitless!"

All the representatives of the aristocratic families were secretly frightened, maybe they were also frightened by Su Mo's glare.

The conversation changed and they all praised Daomen and Su Mo without hesitation.

Su Mo twitched his lips, ignored the crowd, and returned to the auditorium.

But the Taoist sect master is very fond of this trick.

At this time, his face was already flushed, his head held high, his chest straightened, and his waist straightened a lot unconsciously.

"Mo'er... did a good job..."

A hint of joy appeared on Su Feng's resolute face, completely different from the look he had when scolding the traitor before, and he was just about to greet him.

But he saw Su Mo just humming lukewarmly and walking past him with a calm expression.

Su Feng stood there blankly, feeling that he had lost face, and was about to scold him with a straight face.

"Congratulations to the master of the sect, for getting this Qilin'er, the true dragon son... The Taoist sect will prosper greatly if it is in the hands of the Su family!"

"Yes, a genius should look like a genius, be rebellious and have a personality. I like it! There is also a girl in the family who has not yet left the court... I wonder if it is okay..."

But at this time, people from other aristocratic families started to praise him one after another.

Su Feng couldn't say anything else, so he raised a smile and said:

"I've made all you brothers laugh... Quanzi has a naughty character..."


However, at this moment, an uncoordinated sound came,

Xuanyuan Xiaotian snorted heavily.

Seeing Xuanyuan Luoyun's dejected look,

Fire-like eyes glanced at Su Mo.

Walking towards Su Mo step by step,

As Xuanyuan Xiaotian took steps forward, his aura began to rise steadily.

Soon, a power belonging to the peak of the Venerable came, just like Su Mo's pressure.

Su Mo looked at him calmly,

Gujing Wubo's eyes are calm and calm,

Facing the pressure of the Supreme Master's aura, his eyes showed no ripples.

"Oh, your concentration is pretty good."

Xuanyuan Xiaotian said softly.

Seeing that Su Mo was calm, calm and unmoving in the face of his own power,

While I was secretly frightened, I just thought he had amazing perseverance and strong composure.

Then he sneered and said:

"You have the guts, if you dare to bully my daughter like this, I will bully your father!"

Dao Sect Master: "..."

The Taoist sect leader next to him was stunned, with a smile on his face that had not completely faded away because Su Mo won the game.

At this time, he was frozen in place.

The rest of the wallflower families stopped talking and watched quietly as the two families competed against each other!

"Xuanyuan Xiaotian, don't think that you can defeat me!"

Immediately, the Taoist Sect Master said angrily,

However, when he said this, he was obviously a bit angry and lacked confidence.

Because Xuanyuan Xiaotian is a powerful person in the Venerable Realm who has been famous for a long time, and there are no one knows how many Demon Lords died in his hands.

It is a reputation that is truly earned, and it is almost invincible in the realm of Venerables!

And he has just entered the late stage of Venerable.

The gap during this period was not even a tiny bit.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Xuanyuan Xiaotian took advantage of him...

"It seems you haven't had enough from the last battle. I hope you can make some progress this time."

Xuanyuan Xiaotian said with disdain.

Hearing this, the master of the Dao Sect turned pale.

In order to keep their combat power from declining, Dao Sect and the Eight Great Aristocratic Families usually

There will also be discussions and exchanges from time to time.

And obviously, in the last competition, the Dao Sect Master suffered a lot.

The leader of the Taoist sect sounds like the person in charge of the Taoist sect, but in fact he is only the official representative and spokesperson.

The ones who are really in power are the elders of the older generation and the top ancestor of the Su family, the Human Emperor.

The top Taoist sect has strong combat power, but the middle-aged generation is the most hip generation.

I don't pick up the white and yellow, and I can't control the situation.

If the leader of the Dao Sect had not been the direct grandson of the ancestor of the Su family, he would have lost his position as the leader of the Dao Sect long ago.

And now, this battle,

If the master of the Dao Sect was really ravaged by Xuanyuan Xiaotian and lost face in front of all the aristocratic families,

The Taoists will be even more dissatisfied with him in the morning and evening.

Therefore, the leader of the Dao Sect at this time can be said to be riding a tiger, unable to dismount, and his face is terrifyingly gloomy.


When the Taoist Sect Master was hesitating,

Xuanyuan Xiaotian has already jumped up and arrived at the ring,

The entire ground was bursting with cracks due to the huge force.

"What's wrong? Master, are there no members of your middle-aged generation left?"

Xuanyuan Xiaotian sneered.

"Hahaha, in my opinion, if it doesn't work out, you can just abstain, lest you lose too ugly in a while, and it won't be embarrassing to abstain in front of me, Xuanyuan Xiaotian."

Xuanyuan Xiaotian smiled arrogantly and said arrogantly,

But no one present dared to refute.

Because what Xuanyuan Xiaotian said is the truth.

Since his birth, he has dominated the entire era.

Now he is the well-deserved number one among the middle-aged generation!


The leader of the Taoist sect was confused and struggling in his heart.

"Sect Master, you can't give up. Everyone in the Taoist sect is watching, the Supreme Elders are also watching, and those aristocratic families..."

"Yes, sect master, even if we are going to lose, we still have to show the momentum of our sect..."

The disciples tried to dissuade him one after another, fearing that if the Taoist leader did something wrong, he would be afraid of Xuanyuan Xiaotian's power and abstain from voting.

If he abstains from voting directly, he will lose the face of the entire Taoist sect. If word spreads, it will be said that the Taoist sect is timid before fighting.

If he loses in a normal battle, no matter how much he is ravaged, it will only be Su Feng who loses his face.

"Shut up, of course I know!"

The master of the Dao Sect said angrily,

These people can stand and talk without pain in their backs. How about competing with Xuanyuan Xiaotian instead? I guarantee that the person who gets beaten won’t even know his mother.

Who doesn't know that Xuanyuan Xiao Tian is usually the most cruel and murderous, and countless monsters have died among him.

Even when facing his own race, he rarely spares a hand, at most he spares his life.

Because of his extraordinary fighting power and the favor of the Human Emperor ancestor of his Xuanyuan family, no one dared to provoke him.

The Xuanyuan family is the only family that dares to openly oppose the Taoist sect.

"Master, this is the elixir that the Supreme Elder asked me to give to you."

And at this moment, a Taoist disciple,

He walked up and handed a pill in his hand to the master of the Dao Sect.

"This is...blood soul pill..."

The Taoist Sect Master looked at the elixir in his hand and his pupils shrank.

Then he raised his head and looked at a high platform in the distance.

There, a white-haired old man glanced at him lightly,

The master of the Dao Sect felt bitter in his heart.

The Blood Soul Pill is a pill that forcibly improves the realm. Within half an hour, you can break through a small realm.

But the price is that there will be huge side effects after using it, not only will your realm fall, but you will also damage your foundation.

The talent of the Taoist sect leader was not very strong to begin with, but now he is considered the oldest among the middle-aged generation.

He is a man in his fifties, but it is because of his biological grandfather who is the strongest even among the Supreme Elders that he has reached this stage.

If you take this Blood Soul Pill rashly, you may never have the chance to be promoted to the Saint Realm in the future.

Obviously, this is to let him destroy the foundation of his practice to protect the face of the Taoism.

"Where is my grandfather? Does he know about this?"

The Taoist sect leader still asked in disbelief.

"Back to the sect master, this is what your grandfather ordered. He said that you have wasted too many cultivation resources over the years...for the sake of the Taoist sect's face...it's worth it..."

The doorman whispered.

"Grandpa, how could he..."

The master of the Dao Sect murmured in a daze, his face turned pale in an instant, and his body staggered a little.

"What? If the middle-aged generation of the Taoist sect really has no one left, surrender as soon as possible without wasting time."

On the ring, Xuanyuan Xiaotian said impatiently.

"In this round I..."

The master of the Dao Sect had mixed feelings in his heart, and his whole expression was indescribably depressed.

Suddenly he seemed to have aged many years.

His hand holding the elixir kept shaking, and the next moment,

A flash of determination and relief flashed through my heart, just when I was about to give in.

“We took over this round.”

A calm and indifferent voice faintly echoed throughout the audience,

The master of the Dao Sect could not help but tremble, and turned around in disbelief.

I saw that there was still Su Mo...

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