Chapter 251

The Nether World.

Susano'o finished communicating with Seiakiin Ena and looked at the other figures in the room.

The monk, whose flesh and blood seemed to be peeling off from his body, leaving only dry skin, sneered hoarsely:"...It seems to be as lustful as we guessed. Otherwise, how could he say such things? Sita, what else do you have to say?"

"Monks, I will never forgive you for using those poor mikos as pawns."

The woman wearing twelve singles said.

"Humph, we have to consider our position before speaking. Not only did that god destroy Toshogu Palace, but he also destroyed the precious god-killer that was just born in this country. That boy named Kusanagi Godou was supposed to be me. An object that can be controlled."

The rough-faced Susano'o snorted coldly."Sixty-three."

"If it weren't for him causing trouble in the country I dominate, I wouldn't be using your daughters."


Sita was silent.

She wanted to say that the God of Disobedience should not interfere in human affairs, but from her position, she was not qualified to say these words.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Sita then asked

"He has shown us the corresponding power. If used properly, it can be used to execute the god-killers of other countries. Maybe even other gods will have the power to capture. By then, the scope of our activities will no longer be limited. Not for this country, but for the whole world. Susano'o said with a smile in his eyes.

"But, Mr. Yu, didn’t you say that you would no longer wander the earth?"

Hearing this, Sita was extremely surprised.

When she first met Yu Husband in the Netherworld, the other party stated in a tone as if he had seen through the world of mortals that he was tired of the wandering and wreaking life on earth and decided to come to the Netherworld to live in seclusion.

But how could it be like this now? ?

Did she hear wrongly?

"hehe...That's just a lie used to deceive. I have done a lot of bad things in the past, such as locking my sister in a cave. Don't real people often call me the God of Deception?"

The seemingly old man laughed out loud.

Not only that.

In fact, the main reason why he lived in seclusion in the secluded world was actually because of the existence of the God Killer.

Not wanting to be killed and usurped of power, he made up This is an excuse to live in the Nether World.

After all, the God Killer cannot live in the Nether World for a long time.

Moreover, the area is extremely vast. If he does not take the initiative to show up, no God Killer will find his existence.

And the one who lives here in seclusion is Susano'o also no longer thinks that one day he can return to the earth to wreak havoc.

After all, he is a god of disobedience, a violent god who deviates from mythology. How can he be willing to live in a thatched house for the rest of his life?

"My husband, it seems that you scared Princess Sita."

The skinny monk chuckled.

"you...Did it turn out that they had already colluded? But...Haven't you ever thought about what to do if that adult doesn't want to accept it?"

Hearing this, Sita was a little panicked.

"Fraud and lies are nothing to me. Even my sister Amaterasu Omikami has been deceived by me several times. What do you think a lustful god can guess? Susano'o said with a smile.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the dark whirlwind wrapped around Sita's body like a cage.

"Sorry, Princess Sita, you are kicked out, so you will be locked in the cave by me forever."

Just when Sita was thinking about herself in panic, her pair of glazed pupils suddenly widened, as if she had seen a savage beast. She completely ignored her own safety and just looked behind Susanoo in a daze. Seeing

Sita With so many reactions, Susano'o thought that the divine ancestor was frightened. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But just when he was about to imprison Sita in his own power, he saw The monk who became a Buddha next to him showed the same expression.

The cloudy eyeballs under the skin and bones had never opened so wide.

Until then, Susano'o also noticed something abnormal.

Although he still had the ambition to wreak havoc on the earth, the long The stable life he has lived for many years has made him less sensitive to breath.

But seeing the expressions of Sita and the monks looking behind him, no matter how slow he is, he still knows what must be happening behind him........

Then, Susano'o turned around suddenly.

The figure they had discussed earlier appeared behind him.

Black-haired boy with a smile on his face

"What are you plotting with all this noise?"

This god of disobedience, who has lived in the world for more than a thousand years and was almost among the first batch of disobedient gods to come to the world, was stunned for a moment.

He can guarantee that he has never seen such a thing!

"you...Why are you here?"

I was stunned for three seconds before Susano'o's brain started to spin.

"...Didn't you invite me?"

Bai Ming pretended to be confused.

Hearing this, Susano'o felt even more incredible.

He indeed agreed to the request to meet Bai Ming under the reply of Qingqiuin Ena.

And he also opened the door to the ethereal world from the human world. the passage of the world.

But...The"door" he opened in Tokyo has until now had no feedback on entry or exit.

Therefore, Susanoo found it unbelievable

"When did you think we would come in through the door you opened?"

Bai Ming said with a chuckle.

Anyway, he and Athena had already reached an agreement to deal with Susanoo.

In this case, the sudden attack should be unexpected.

Susanoo was shocked, but his face showed a calm look. Expressions.3.0

"Now that the distinguished guest is here, let's sit down and talk. I just happened to have prepared some good wine......."

He changed the topic, but his eyes were already looking elsewhere.

Damn it!

Did this guy come to the underworld without taking the main entrance?

According to what happened in the island country a few times before, this guy is quite dangerous. If you come here in this way, you must be prepared to run away at any time!

But at this moment, Susano'o felt a cold wind blowing.

He looked shocked and tilted his head back subconsciously, but even so, he still felt a burning pain in his neck.

But immediately after, a big hand pressed down on his face, and with a bang, he was pressed to the ground because of his disobedience!

The entire head was lost in the still burning firewood..

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