Chapter 252

Although it was impossible for him to be injured because of such a trivial matter, the mental insult undoubtedly made him furious in an instant.

However, the force pressing on his head made Susanoo unable to move. incredible!

With the violence that he can kill dragons and snakes, it is impossible for him to lose to other gods in terms of strength.

But it happened today that I failed.

Failed inexplicably!

My plan has only just begun!

The fact that Susanoo has been able to secretly dominate the island country for hundreds of years without being discovered is enough to prove that he has sufficient abilities.

At the same time, he did not live up to his hidden, deceitful godhead.

However, none of this was useful today.

He had not made any preparations for the current situation, and there was nothing he could do at this time.

The hot coals ignited Susano'o's long hair, and there was an unacceptable expression on his rough face.

While facing Bai Ming in silence, he also quickly thought about countermeasures, but in the end he could only come to the only conclusion of"fight".

But how could he beat Bai Ming?

The record of killing two god-slayers one after another, plus a god who refused to obey, is terrifying just to hear it.

Although Susanoo 25 is confident that his strength is not inferior to that of the past, he also knows that he can only fight a few moves against Bai Ming.

It's impossible to win in a fight

"As a god, he didn't respect martial ethics and came to sneak attack on an old man!"

Hearing this, Bai Ming smiled and said:"With heretics like you, there is no need to talk about martial ethics, and if you want to cooperate with me, then show your sincerity."


"For example, your head."

Bai Ming had a smile on his face, and his heterochromatic pupils flashed with azure light.

Susano'o seemed to see the shadow of the giant god soldier from his body.

But at this moment, the goddess' dissatisfied voice came from behind.

"Bai Ming, as promised before, Susanoo is my prey."

Hearing this, the light in Bai Ming's pupils quickly extinguished, and he released the palm holding Susanoo's head.


After all, it was something agreed upon in advance.

Athena has a feud with the God of Steel and is also a member of the group, so he can't really let him get the points alone.

In line with the principle of advancing and retreating together in the chat group, Bai Ming gave up this monster to Athena.

Anyway, he already has enough points now.

"But if it's like last time at Toshogu, I won't mind helping again. Bai

Ming said with a smile.

"snort! I will definitely not fail this time!"

She glared at Bai Ming angrily.

Several failures not only frustrate her confidence, but also made her unable to hold her head high in front of Bai Ming.

"Got it, then I wish you success."

Bai Ming echoed again and again, as if to comfort his quarrelsome sister.

Then, he moved towards Sita who was imprisoned in the cage.

"Come on you."

The power of Susano'o's spell immediately fell apart, and then Sita's body flew uncontrollably into Bai Ming's hands. The princess with glazed eyes shivered and did not dare to make a sound. She was afraid that Susano'o's killing power could easily be suppressed in front of her. God, crushed her to death like an insect.

Or, thinking of what happened to those witches, Sita turned pale.

She herself...Will she also become one of his wives?!

Bai Ming naturally had no time to care about what Sita was thinking.

But the selfishness behind catching her is still the same as before.

As for the monks?

On the way to catch Sita, he was slapped to death by Bai Ming.

However, looking at the corpse of the Buddha in physical form, Bai Ming, in line with the principle of not wasting anything, activated his power - chanting the mantra book.

"Come out, Cortana."

A blond girl wearing a blue and red magician's robe appeared expressionlessly.

"He's probably not dead yet, don't waste it"

"Yes, master."

The girl called Xiaona nodded slightly, and then used a blue light to roll up the monk's body and began to analyze and copy it.

Then, Bai Ming took them away from the battlefield and landed on a mountain top to watch the battle.

Knowing that the battle still needs to be done Bai Ming, who will take a while to end, will naturally not be idle.

In addition to keeping an eye on Susanoo and preventing him from cheating and escaping, he has also not forgotten the members of the chat group who are"waiting for food". (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Group news: Group member"Bai Ming" has opened a live broadcast room. Come and watch.~~~】

The live broadcast room, which had been silent for about a day, started to bubble up because of this news.

After a series of prompts to enter the live broadcast room.

There were replies one after another.

Discharge girl:"This is...Fighting again? I remember it was less than a day ago, right?"

Laomuna:"Either we are fighting, or we are on the way to fight.

The number one genius of the Red Demon Clan:"Tata, let's go!""

Nightmare Elf:"But this time the protagonist seems not to be Mr. Bai Ming, but Miss Athena."

Bai Ming:"Yes, because Athena had a bit of a grudge against this person in the past, so I gave it to her this time."

Butterfly Chane:"...Who is Miss Athena's opponent? Bai

Ming:"Oh, it's Susanoo. Except for Megumin and Nazuki-chan, the rest of you should 410 know about it.""

Prison attack officer:"...I have said it many times, but the history here is different, and the mythology and stories are not much different."

Prison attack officer:"Also,...Are you addicted to the name Yue-chan? Bai

Ming:"Yeah, what's wrong?""

Xian Kami Island high-end apartment building.

Nangong Nayue looked at Bai Ming's righteous reply and couldn't help but twitching.

If he had known that he would be called like this, he should have made a magic doll in human form to meet him!

Discharge Sister:"Susanoo? Is he the god from the Takamagahara myth? Bai Ming:"

That's right.""

Lao Mo Na:"...Wow! It turned out to be Susanoo. When I was reading a book a few days ago, I also saw a story about Susanoo!"

Discharge Girl:"I also know that he, Tsukiyomi Ming, and Amaterasu are the three main gods of the island country! I have heard their story since I was a child, and he is featured in many games and movies!"

Nightmare Elf:"Then the question is, Susano'o seems to be Miss Athena's enemy now, which means he is a bad guy?

Bai Ming:"You can think so.""

Loli sniper:"This is the first time I've seen the goddess of justice!".

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