Chapter 281

Of course Bai Ming knew about the misfortune.

A terrorist organization originally established by Rizevim, it has grown continuously over the years and has unknowingly been involved with many forces.

Now the nominal leader is Orpheus, but the actual mastermind behind the scenes is Rizevim.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Ming asked

"It’s like this. Although the underworld has not been disturbed for the time being, in fact many mythological forces have been attacked by the disaster group. This is not the most important thing. The important thing is that some of them are armed with"Giant God Soldiers" flag."

The role of public opinion warfare has always been ignored by them.

After all, the mythical forces in the past only fought civil war on their own one-third of an acre.

Even spreading remarks of doubtful authenticity will have no effect.

But the three parties' Alliance, fighting the"670" broke the existing rules, allowing the originally blocked world to gradually resume communication.

In addition, it hit this juncture again.

The Titan Soldier was in the limelight due to the battle with the Red Dragon.

It was not easy. When the heat subsided, Loki's death once again brought the Titan Soldier into the public eye.

The Scourge began to spread the word widely that the Titan Soldier was a war machine that could end the world. At the same time, there were also rumors claiming that the Titan Soldier was a war machine that could end the world. It was jointly created by the three forces and used to invade the existence of other mythical forces.

In short, there are rumors everywhere, true and false, false and true, no one knows the truth.

But at least all the mythical forces are aware of the Titan Soldier. the danger of

"Under my banner, this is really interesting."

A faint smile appeared on Bai Ming's face.

It's impossible for Ophis to do this.

This should be what Rizevim secretly instigated.

After all, he is a person who is born to have fun. For him, seeing world peace is more important than dying himself. It must be uncomfortable.

The peace treaty concluded by the three parties will definitely make Rizevim very dissatisfied, and then he will start to make a fuss about the giant god soldiers that accidentally descended on this world.

"Aren't you angry?"

Gulefia asked

"If being angry is useful, then everyone can just sulk at home. Miss Gulefia, I can still solve this little thing."

Lizevim's little move will not bring trouble to Bai Ming.

On the contrary, it plays into his hands.

The more urgent those mythological forces are, the better.

After all, there may not be much time before the evil god from another world comes.

"Well, Miss Gulefia, keep working hard, I'm leaving first."

Bai Ming smiled.

After giving her cold silver-haired princess an"I'm optimistic about you" look, Bai Ming slipped away.

On Gulefiya's desk, there were piles of documents like a mountain. He got a headache every time he looked at it, as if Time went back to the senior year of high school before the college entrance examination.

After solving the matter in the dark world, Bai Ming also put aside a worry.

In the chat group, Tina reported the situation of the day every day.

Because Bai Ming deliberately showed mercy, so There is no problem with food, clothing, housing and transportation.

But it is a bit difficult to rebuild the glory of human civilization.

The most important one is the population problem.

Although many of the surviving adults are lovers or couples , but with that number alone, it is difficult to see results in a short period of time.

What's more, coupled with the existence of hundreds of thousands of cursed children, it can be said that it is a situation where yin rises and yang declines.

Not only that.

Bai Ming was also Tina sent a private message, saying that almost all the Cursed Sons looked forward to being by his side every day.

Some bold and precocious Cursed Sons even spontaneously established religious groups to worship him.

Except for those who worshiped the only God. In addition to the rules of all religions, because children are not very mature, there are also strange dogmas such as"when they grow up, they must marry the God of Destruction."

Bai Ming is not surprised by the worship of children..Compared to the terrifying-looking Titan Soldier, the Cursed Son obviously hated the past world where he was discriminated against, bullied, and not treated fairly.

In the eyes of others, the majestic and terrifying God of Destruction, in the eyes of the Cursed Son , naturally became their savior.

The result of establishing a religion based on the premise of marriage was something he never expected.

Could the leader be Yanzhu Aihara?

Loli sniper:"Mr. Bai Ming, I am also in that organization One of them."

Bai Ming:"?"

Loli Sniper:"You must join the church before getting married."

Bai Ming:"......"

Bai Ming:"Let me guess, the reason why this situation has evolved into this situation is probably due to you....."

Loli Sniper:"Thank you for your compliment, but I am just telling the truth. Most of those cursed children like me are fatherless and motherless. Your existence is a ray of light in our hearts. Naturally, I want to marry you."

Bai Ming:"Under normal circumstances, shouldn't you want to be my daughter?"

Loli Sniper:"Besides, you are a god, so you don't have to worry about breaking the law. Of course, you can also wait until you are cursed. The sons will get married when they reach adulthood."

Tina perfectly ignored Bai Ming's inquiry. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I don’t know if it’s intentional or not.

Bai Ming:"Athena also helped a lot."

Loli Sniper:"We treat the goddess as our mother."


Earth Mother Goddess.

Well, that makes sense.

Maybe Athena would become a little gentler because of these Cursed Children.

If we can use those loli, we might be able to eliminate the violent nature of the God of Disobedience.

From the god of disobedience to the god of freedom.

Of course, Athena couldn't have thought of anything he could think of.

There was just one thing he wanted to complain about.

In the eyes of the Cursed Children, he is their fiancé, Athena is their cold mother, and Bai Ming is friends with Athena.

So from now on, I will call you mom, and you will call me brother, and everyone will have their own thing, right? 0.2.

This generation is in chaos.

Loli sniper:"That's it. The work assigned to me by the Holy Emperor has not been completed yet, so I will leave first."

After a while.

Loli Sniper:"Sir Bai Ming, if possible, can you send a full-body picture of yourself? Looking forward to it. jpg."

Although he knew that Tina must have thought of another crooked idea, Bai Ming still did not reject Loli's request.

After posting one, temporarily exit the chat group.

Get rid of random thoughts from your mind.

Bai Ming decided to enjoy his daily life a little for these two days.

And the day after he returned to the underworld.

Rias came to him and told him that the identity forgery was completed and she also obtained the entry permit, and asked Bai Ming when he could leave.

It won't be too late, come out clearly..

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