Chapter 282

Since this is a sightseeing trip, it is natural to take a comfortable minibus.

Along the way.

The girls looked out the window at the scenery going back, inevitably looking forward to the next trip.

Asia, Kitty and Ravel sat together, holding a Tokyo travel guide and planning their next plan.

Kuroka turned into the form of a black cat, lay on Xenovia's lap, and fell asleep comfortably.

Xenovia, on the other hand, kept her eyes closed and rested, but looked at Bai Ming from time to time. She also held a parenting manual in her hand, obviously thinking about some unhealthy things.

"Having said that, we were able to obtain the permit thanks to Odin's relationship. If the Nordic god hadn't visited, we might not have entered the country at this time. Rias said with a relaxed expression.

"It must be because of the Disaster Group."

Bai Ming said in a different tone.

"Yes, I heard that many mythological forces have been attacked, and because of some rumors, the three major forces have also become the object of suspicion. Why are there always people who like to cause trouble? Isn't it good to live a peaceful life?"

Rias complained helplessly.

After hearing this, Bai Ming did not speak, but Himejima Akeno on the side spoke.

"Because of the human heart, some people want the world to run in their own way, but they don't know that the way they pursue is the biggest mistake in itself."

Himejima Akeno looked serious, her wine-red eyes filled with a bit of reminiscence and hatred.

"That's why my mother left me"

"...Yes, if it weren’t for you and me when we met, even you would......"

Rias had a sympathetic look on her face.

"It is because of the existence of these people that we cannot achieve peace."

At this moment, Himejima Akeno looked at Bai Ming and said with a very serious look:"Master Bai Ming, will you help me?"

She got a promise from Bai Ming in the past.

Now that she is getting closer and closer to Tokyo, the feeling of setting foot in her hometown again makes the girl's desire for revenge even higher. The death of her biological mother is not something that is easy to let go of.

What's more, she My mother has done nothing wrong! She is completely the one being persecuted unilaterally!


Hearing these words, Rias also showed a complicated look.

But she also understood Akeno's mood.

If her mother was also killed, she would definitely not be able to let go and would definitely try every means to get revenge.

Therefore, she will not persuade Akeno to forget her hatred.

You know, they are demons.

Although the era of eating raw hair and drinking blood has passed, the violent instinct still flows in the blood.

"Did I say I would help you?"

Bai Ming's understatement made Himejima Akeno stunned.

But then she heard Bai Ming continue to speak.

"It's you who wants revenge. I'm just interested in the five major clans, so I'm going with you by the way. Himejima

Akeno reacted immediately.

Bai Ming's meaning was very clear, and she would leave the opportunity for revenge to herself.

As for other things, there is no need to think about it by herself.

Thinking of this, Himejima Akeno showed gratitude on her face. Expression.

She originally thought that Bai Ming would directly kill the murderer of her mother's death in the Himejima family as he had done in the past, but she never thought that Bai Ming would give her the opportunity.

"...I hope there won't be any big problems."

Rias is not a fool.

Knowing that this incident is inevitable, she can only hope that the impact can be minimized.

"Don't worry, with me here, what big problem can happen? Bai

Ming said with a chuckle.

"The five major sects are not very influential forces. Behind them is nothing more than the Gao Tianyuan Divine Sect that occupies one-third of an acre. And because of their xenophobic policies, they must have attracted dissatisfaction from many parties, so they will be happy to see them suffer. There is definitely only a lot more power"

"Hope so."

Rias nodded and didn't say anything more about this matter.

Soon after, a minibus carrying everyone drove into the Tokyo Hotel.

Its name was"Kyoto Sergekes Hotel".

Good guy, this Are you afraid that the people from the five major sects don't know that this is the devil's stronghold?

Seemingly reading Bai Ming's thoughts, Rias explained with some embarrassment:"This is a hotel opened by my brother four years ago, but all the employees are Humans, that’s why they are allowed to operate."

Are they all demons?

Bai Ming just smiled.

I'm afraid it's because the five major sects don't want to offend the demon king, so they allow hotels from the underworld to operate here.

Compared with the past

"The five major sects who"closed themselves off to the country" are almost at the end of their strength.

At least, in the past, this kind of thing would never have happened. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Where are the five major clans located?"

Bai Ming asked

"...I know where it is, but Lord Bai Ming, you don’t need to be so anxious if you are new here. Let’s go somewhere else to relax first."

Himejima Akeno said.

Even though she couldn't wait in her heart, she didn't want to trouble Bai Ming to take action so soon.

At least, the purpose of coming to Tokyo this time was to travel, not her"revenge""

"So let’s take a look around first."343

Bai Ming nodded.

The five major sects have already put the fat on their lips. If they want to find trouble, they can go there at any time.

It won't be long.

After that,

Bai Ming and the girls left the hotel and started to Visiting some famous attractions in Tokyo.

During this period, Bai Ming felt a lot of looks from the dark, with some malice.

If nothing unexpected happened, they should be the spies of the five major sects.

Bai Ming didn't care about this.

After all, it was left to them. The time is limited to the end of the game.

Of course.

In addition to the five major sects, the forces entrenched in Tokyo also include monster forces.

The strange news of Hyakki Nightwalk is very popular in the island country.

But what interests Bai Ming the most is The current commander-in-chief of the demon world is a fox girl named Yasaka.

And the reason for his interest is also very simple.

Bai Ming is a man, and what he likes is nothing more than strength and beauty.

But now, he has the power to dwarf the others in his life. After half of the goal was accomplished, the remaining energy naturally had to be focused on the latter. The extremely majestic fox girl of Mount Fuji naturally came into his sight.

If he didn't capture her, he would be ashamed of his status as a time traveler.

Of course.

Here. Before that, let’s settle the affairs of the five major clans first...

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