Chapter 285

Himejima Suzaku’s body stiffened with fear.

At the same time, as if meeting a being from a higher level in life, the sense of crisis stemming from biological instinct firmly locked the girl in place.

It's not that I can't move, it's that I don't dare to move.

It seemed as if if he moved, he would be torn to pieces by this suffocating pressure.

At this time, the man sitting in front of Suzaku said:"This matter is not something you should worry about."

As he said this, Bai Ming removed the pressure that was surrounding him.

It was as if nothing had happened, with an understatement smile on his face.

But from now on, Himejima Suzaku can no longer despise the man in front of her.

Just the overwhelming momentum made her lose her resistance.

If she really takes action, how long can she resist even if she is the sacred beast Suzaku, one of the four liberating gods?

I'm afraid it won't take just a few minutes to defeat her.

Even if the four gods are tied together, they may not be able to compete with it.

If we add the"Kagutsuchi of Fire", the deity worshiped by the Himejima family for generations,...

"Cousin Suzaku, this matter has nothing to do with you, I just want to avenge my mother."

Himejima Akeno, who was sitting next to Bai Ming, moved her infatuated eyes away from Bai Ming and said in a serious tone.

"So please don't stop me here"


Himejima Suzaku sighed.

"But even so, I can't sit idly by. After all, I am the successor head of the Himejima family."

"Even if you may die...I also have to stand in front of you."

Although she also understands Akeno's feelings.

As the successor of the sect, she can't just let them go to Himejima's house to cause trouble.

"Cousin Suzaku, do you really want to stop me? Obviously there is no need for this."

Hearing this, Himejima Zhu showed a sad expression on his face.

"...This is a matter of position. If I were just an ordinary member of the clan, I might not do this, but my identity cannot allow me to ignore what you will do next."

Himejima Suzaku said helplessly.

At the same time, I don't know if it was an illusion.

The temperature in the air gradually rose. Little red sparks began to linger around the woman with long black hair like fringes.

Behind her, the space was chaotic, as if there were Some kind of huge foreign object is coming

"The mythical beast Suzaku is just a sparrow in front of the real Phoenix."

Bai Ming didn't even take action, he just showed the authority of the Winged Divine Dragon.

Like gold, the light spread along Bai Ming's body, and then formed a shining divine halo behind him.

Himejima Suzaku couldn't understand and couldn't describe it. The power of the man in front of him was highlighted.

At the same time, the girl who had made a contract with the divine beast felt it most clearly.

When the light wheel appeared, the spiritual beast Suzaku, who was supposed to be ready to come out, seemed to have been hit in the head, cowering in the spiritual power. The alien world created cannot come

"Suzaku...Are you actually afraid of him?"

If she was only oppressed in terms of strength, she might not be surprised.

But what caught her off guard was that Suzaku, one of the four divine beasts, was actually afraid of an existence she had never seen before.

Feeling the spirit The beast's emotions made Himejima Suzaku find it unbelievable

"Since you are the successor sect leader, I can regard your behavior just now as a declaration of war against me."

Bai Ming had a faint smile on his face.

"In this case, wouldn't I have more reason to attack the five major sects of you?"

Himejima Suzaku sat there. The girl who was imprisoned in power and did not dare to move could only watch Bai Ming walking slowly towards her.

Until she came forward, a little fear appeared on the girl's face.

But her expression remained the same, as if she was doing something. A plan to look forward to death

"Are you ready to die? But don't worry, I won't do anything to you. After all, you are one of the few relatives Akeno cherishes, and I am also quite interested in you."

Half-squatting down, Bai Ming caressed Himejima Suzaku's face with his right hand, with a playful look on his face.

While being touched, Himejima Suzaku couldn't help but tremble slightly.

This was not her own reaction, but It was the behavior of the spiritual beast Suzaku living in her body.

It was well-behaved, obedient, and pleasing.

It was like the wild wolves surrendering to the wolf king among the wolves.

"And I'm sorry, I have to keep you as a hostage for a while."

Bai Ming knocked the girl unconscious with a knife.

The force was just right. At most, her neck would only be sore when she woke up.


A soft cry came from behind at the same time.

Himejima Akeno's hanging heart was finally relieved.

If Bai Ming wanted to attack Suzaku, she couldn't help but plead for her cousin. (If you want to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fortunately, everything is fine.

At the same time, Akeno felt more and more grateful for what Bai Ming said earlier was for her.

This kind of kindness cannot be repaid even if she is sold entirely.

In addition, Akeno also had mixed feelings about Bai Ming's last words.

When we first met, I was interested in her cousin, so I gave her some time to react.

However, compared to Himejima Suzaku, her cousin is indeed more mature in appearance and figure.

"Does what I just did look like a qualified villain? Bai

Ming turned around and asked.

Himejima Akeno nodded, while Linali clapped her hands and applauded:"Like, the master is so similar. Those international superstars are not even qualified to carry shoes compared to you!""

"generally. Bai

Ming waved his hand, unusually modest.

Himejima Akeno:"......"

"Next, it’s time to go to Himejima’s house, and we don’t know what gifts they will give us to welcome us."

Bai Ming carried Himejima Suzaku on his shoulders.

If he was like him, carrying the future successor of the Himejima family, he walked out in a swagger.

Those secret agents planted nearby by the five major clans would definitely report this matter to The respective heads of the family, let’s take action.

It’s such a happy decision.

Thinking of this,

Bai Ming carried Himejima Suzaku’s plump figure on his shoulders, with his butt facing forward, and his beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings were moved by him with his right hand. hug

"What brand of black silk is so smooth?"

Putting his right hand on his leg, Bai Ming almost slipped out and said to himself...

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