Chapter 286

Just as Bai Ming said.

When he was carrying the future successor head of the Himejima family up and down the mountain on his shoulders, the spy who was secretly following him quickly spread the news to the ears of the head of the Himejima family, Himejima Zhuhuang.

If an ordinary disciple was kidnapped, the family leader would not be notified in a big way.

However, the person being kidnapped is the future head of the Himejima family, and the talented Suzaku Himejima who is currently the most talented person in the entire Himejima family.

Not only has his Shinto skills been practiced to the extreme, but his ability to control ghosts is comparable to that of the onmyoji of the past, Abe Seimei. In addition, the spiritual beast Suzaku resides in his body, and his identity as the only one who can summon the gods worshiped by the Himejima family for generations, he has to let go. Himejima Zhuhuang responded seriously.

Soon, many elders and people related to the clan gathered together

""Zero Four Seven" After learning that Himejima Suzaku was kidnapped, everyone showed extremely serious expressions.

"Do you know who did it?"

A man in his fifties or sixties sitting inside the hall asked in a low voice.

"...The other party is a demon who recently traveled from the underworld. In the former residence of the people who colluded with Black Wing in the past, Miss Suzaku was kidnapped by them. One of the women seemed to be also named Himejima."

"Also called Himejima?"

"Does that mean they are from the clan?"

"Is it the Xu Chan organization? But weren’t they eradicated by us four years ago?"

"Could it be that the former residence of the person who colluded with Black Wing was the filthy daughter born from the union with Black Wing?"

Himejima Akeno.

It is impossible for the elders in the palace to be unfamiliar with this name.

That incident made the Himejima family the laughing stock of the five major sects. In order to eradicate the impact of this incident, the head of the family led a team and personally The mother and daughter were arrested.

On the way, the daughter took advantage of the chaos to escape. When she was about to be caught, she encountered the devil in the devil's territory.

"But isn't the Akeno incident settled?"

Someone spoke.

Hearing this, Himejima Zhuhuang, who was sitting on the main seat with a majestic expression, sighed as if he felt uninterested.

"It was just a treaty with the Seventy-Two Pillars Duke Family, so I would let that person's daughter go. However, in recent years, the Black Wings and the Devil's group have continued to invade our territory. From our position How can we just wait and see what happens?"

"After all, we, Himejima, are one of the five tribes who have been protecting this country since ancient times."

The words spoken in a sonorous and powerful voice, spoken by the leader of a sect, contain different meanings.

The will contained in the words penetrates everyone's body and mind like a soup.

"Sure enough, they should not have been allowed to enter the country in the first place."

"The current situation is extremely uncertain. Incidents have occurred frequently recently. In the past, the giant god from India fought with the red dragon, and the main god from Northern Europe was killed by the giant god. Apart from us, there are already many mythological forces who are worried and have done their best. Be on guard"

"If the rumored giant god comes to the Himejima family's territory."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone immediately started talking.

After all, no matter how hard they work behind closed doors, the five major sects have learned about the red dragon with dream power.

Even if they can defeat such a dragon and destroy half of the city, they have already Let the whole world be shrouded in the shadow brought by the giant god

"That was enough to focus on, and now we're talking about what to do next. Himejima

Zhuhuang said displeasedly.

"In any case, the attack on Suzaku has offended the dignity of the Himejima family. If measures are not taken as soon as possible, it will become the laughing stock of the whole world."

"I can say with certainty that no matter who the opponent is, as long as the evil ghosts and Rakshasa set foot on this country with disasters, it is our mission to turn them into ashes!"

"We, who have protected this country for generations, will never succumb to the invasion of any evil creatures such as monsters and monsters!"

Himejima Zhuhuang's words seemed to have some kind of magic power, making the originally lifeless family members gradually become excited as if they had been given blood.

"Now, I want to select a team of elites to go with me to rescue Suzaku, and let the evil spirits who have entered our territory and acted recklessly realize that our Himejima family is not something that can be manipulated at will."

The words fell.

Many young talents in the hall enthusiastically signed up. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is not only a battle to maintain the dignity of the family, but also the only chance to save a talented woman who is admired by everyone........

If you can achieve success in battle, you may have a chance to have a romantic relationship.

But just now.

An urgent voice came from outside the hall.

A panic-stricken attendant hurriedly ran in. Under everyone's doubtful eyes, he said in horror:"No....Unfortunately, Lord Sect Master, someone has invaded, and all the guards are not hostile to the enemy."

Hearing this, everyone looked shocked.

Himejima Zhuhuang frowned slightly:"Why are you panicking? Our territory is guarded by five layers of barriers and is impregnable. Even attacks from big monsters like Shuten Douji cannot shake this place."

In the past, the Himejima family has not been beaten by monster forces.

But even if several big monsters join forces, there is no way to break through a total of five layers of barriers.

Going deep into the third layer is already the limit.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the palace There was a thunderous explosion outside.

Then it was like an earthquake, and the whole hall shook uncontrollably.

Dried paint chips and ashes fell.

You could even hear the sound of wood breaking.

Immediately afterwards , before anyone could react, several servants of the Himejima family knocked down the door, flew in from the outside, and fell heavily to the ground unconscious.

"Is this what you call an impregnable barrier?"

Accompanied by a melodious and relaxed tone of 5.5.

A young man wearing a navy blue windbreaker walked in casually.

"Could it be that they cut corners? That kind of barrier broke when I poked it with my finger."

Bai Ming had a smile on his face.

On his shoulders, he still carried the unconscious Himejima Suzaku.

Behind him were the arrogant Linali who had transformed into black wings, and Himejima Akeno with gloomy eyes.

"Ah! Those bubble-like barriers actually dared to be called impregnable. My master destroyed them all with just one blow! How about it, everyone from the five major families?"

Linali put her hands on her hips and stretched out her plump black wings. The expression on her face was not to mention how proud she was.

It was as if she had done all this...

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