Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1331: Task penalty

Yesterday, Qi Feifei might have some dissatisfaction in her heart. He felt that it was a bit too much for him to give him clothes like this.

But today Xu Wenqing apologized to herself so sincerely, and talked to her so softly, Qi Feifei felt that she was making a fuss.

It's not a big deal. Can she expect a straight man to pick out what good clothes are not? They were also kind, and the clothes she decided to wear in the end did not have anything to do with Xu Wenqing?

"Don't think too much, I'm fine."

Seeing Xu Wenqing becoming more and more self-blaming, Qi Feifei couldn't help but speak. She calmed Xu Wenqing's emotions and told him that she didn't blame him.

However, Xu Wenqing fell into deep self-blame. His head was drooping, and he looked dejected. Seeing him like this, Qi Feifei was also very embarrassed. She had never had a boyfriend before, and she didn't know how to comfort a man at all. After a while, she lost her words, and the atmosphere between the two fell into embarrassment.

At this moment, Xu Wenqing seems to have finally adjusted his emotions. He raised his head to look at Qi Feifei. Seeing that her face was full of worry and anxiety, he comforted her warmly. Emotions.

"Fei Fei, I'm sorry, but I didn't care about your emotions. I just care about my guilt and self-blame. Did you scare you?"

Qi Feifei shook his head hurriedly: "No, how can you scare me? Don't blame yourself too much. After all, although you gave me the clothes, I chose to wear them. It has nothing to do with you, you don’t have to."

Qi Fei Fei has said this kind of car talk many times, and this time, Xu Wenqing was finally persuaded by her. He looked at Qi Fei and couldn't help but laugh.

To be honest, Xu Wenqing’s appearance can only be said to be ordinary, barely counted, but only delicate, but the way he laughs is very friendly, which makes people look at it easily. Feeling warm in my heart, matched with his gentle voice, it is easy to relax people.

After being comforted by him for a few words, Qi Feifei gradually relaxed and attacked. The two looked at each other and laughed, and the previous knots were completely solved.

After eating, Qi Feifei went to the movies with Xu Wenqing. The movie tickets were bought by Qi Feifei. When he was not in the past to buy popcorn and drinks, Xu Wenqing stopped Qi Feifei.

"Fei Fei, I should buy these things. If you take care of everything, won't I be a soft meal?"

Qi Feifei blushed and couldn't help but said: "I just buy something to eat. I can't spend a lot of money. How can it be regarded as soft rice?"

She really doesn’t think these things are worth anything. She has an unlimited secondary card that Qi Wang gave her. You can buy whatever you want, but Qi Feifei doesn’t have much interest in shopping. , The expenditure of this secondary card is not too much.

Now that she started her internship and got her salary, she spends most of her time with her own money. Only in a small part of her time will she use Qiwang's secondary card.

These things can be consumed from her salary, and she can't even use Qiwang's secondary card. Where is it to eat soft food?

However, Xu Wenqing didn't say anything, just raised his hand and touched her head, and then ran to buy drinks and popcorn.

While waiting, Qi Feifei was bored, so he took out the movie ticket, took a photo and posted it to his circle of friends.

[The first time I come out to watch a movie, it should be a different experience. 】

The picture of this circle of friends is the two movie tickets.

Not long after the news was sent, the sisters in the dormitory all liked and commented.

[When you fall in love, it’s really different, and it’s actually a secret show of affection! 】

[Tsk tusk, don’t cover up like this next time, just send a kiss photo! 】

[Fourth old man, you didn’t bring your brother-in-law to us when you fell in love. Isn’t that interesting? 】

Looking at the ever-increasing likes and comments, Qi Feifei's face became more and more red, and his face showed the sweet smirk that people in love would have.

She did not respond to messages from the dorm sisters. At this moment, she saw a new message appeared.

[I know the address. I will wait for you at Ximen. After the movie is over, I will come to the Ximen parking lot. I will pick you up. 】

The original good mood disappeared after seeing this news. Qi Feifei pouted a little unhappily, and kept poking his fingers on the screen.

Really, why do you have to come out to ruin the atmosphere?

Qi Fei Fei wanted to ignore the message, but thinking of the face of her father, Qi Fei Fei finally chose to reply to this message.

【I see. 】

At this time, Xu Wenqing came back with popcorn and a drink. Seeing that Qi Feifei's face seemed not very good, Xu Wenqing's eyes flashed and asked.

To her boyfriend, Qi Feifei had nothing to hide, and she explained the source of her irritability.

"It’s all my dad, I’m so old, and he takes care of me like a kid. I just posted a circle of friends, and he said he would come to pick me up after the movie... "

Who didn’t want to be greasy and crooked with her boyfriend when she was just falling in love, but her father was like the old hen who guarded the chicks, wishing to hide her strictly under the wings, although She knew that Qi Wang was for her good, and that her father loved her, but Qi Feifei still felt suffocated.

She is 22 years old, and she has passed the legal marriage age, let alone falling in love, there is no problem in getting married directly now, why does her father treat her like a little girl ?

Seeing that Qi Feifei became more and more irritable, Xu Wenqing gently calmed her emotions.

"Fei Fei, you can’t think so. Your father is doing this for your own good. He treats you like this because he cares about you. If your father doesn’t love you, how can he treat you like this? "

Qi Feifei is still unhappy: "But I am 22 years old, not a little girl, this kind of care is really too much."

And she doesn’t need this kind of care. She wants freedom. She can watch movies with her boyfriend and eat supper at night. The two are tired of being together, even if she just sits and wastes time. willing.

"Okay, okay, I can actually understand your dad. If I had your beautiful and lovely daughter, I would also want to hide her from others. Please be considerate How is your father?"

Or say that Xu Wenqing will comfort people? He accurately grasped Qi Feifei's thoughts, and after a while, he coaxed Qi Feifei with a smile.

"You can talk when you have a long mouth. Okay, let's not talk about this kind of disappointment. The movie is about to begin, let's go in."


Qi Feifei took the drink that Xu Wenqing was carrying, and the two of them walked to the cinema side by side with their empty hands.

[Just you can talk when you have a long mouth. Okay, let’s not talk about this kind of disappointment. The movie is about to begin, let’s go in. 】

[OK. 】

In the study, the recording is now over. Qi Wang turned off the phone, leaned back, and leaned his back on the soft seat.

The last link he sent to Qi Feifei just now contained a Trojan horse program made by Qi Wang. After Qi Feifei clicked on it, the virus was silently implanted in Qi Feifei’s mobile phone. After that, the phone recording was turned on quietly in the background, recording all the conversations between Qi Feifei and Xu Wenqing.

It has to be said that Xu Wenqing's method is indeed very clever. A little girl who is not deeply involved in the world and has no love experience is really easy to be trapped by him.

He seems to say all good things, and there is nothing uncomfortable in the words, but this is his high-end, using words to influence Qi Fei subtly .

knows himself, but pretends not to know him, and calmly brushes his favorability, what is he conspiring for such a person?

Qi Wang's fingers tapped gently on the armrest of the chair, and the percussion of percussion reverberated in the room, forming a strange sonata.

After a while, the percussion stopped, Qi Wang opened his eyes, checked the time, got up and left the study.

He doesn't know what Xu Wenqing is going to do for the time being, but from his methods and his inexplicable physiological reaction after knowing his name, Qi Wang felt that that person would not be a good person. The top priority should be to protect the safety of Qi Fei Fei. As for other things, it is not too late to think about it later.

Qi Wang waited at Ximen for a long time. After the movie ended, about half an hour later, Qi Feifei was late because Qi Wang's car was parked in a conspicuous position. On the road, Qi Feifei saw his car at a glance, but the little girl was daunting and didn't want to get into her father's car so soon.

She wants to be with Xu Wenqing, obviously the two have so much to say, and she has been deliberately spending time with Xu Wenqing, but Xu Wenqing Soon she began to urge her to find Qi Wang.

Compared with Xu Wenqing, who is gentle and considerate, Qi Wang’s actions are really disappointing.

Qi Feifei was very upset in her heart. In just a few minutes of the journey, she spent 20 minutes in her life, almost coming here step by step.

Qi Wang was sitting in the car, and did not intend to get out of the car to pick her up, nor did she urge Qi Feifei, but waited quietly for the other party.

No matter how she slapped her, 30 minutes is the limit for such a short distance. Qi Fei Fei stomped her feet outside the door, seemingly very upset that Qi Fei didn’t come down to coax her and gave her half of the weather. Later, seeing that Qi Wang did not mean to come down, Qi Feifei pulled the car door and sat on it.

She chose to sit in the back seat, slammed the door, and refused to communicate with Qi Wang. After getting in the car, she began to bow her head and play with her phone, her fingers popping. Tap slaps on the phone screen, it looks like he's sending a message.

Qi Wang saw her like this in the rearview mirror, his eyes flickered slightly, but he still didn't say anything, and started the car directly and went home.

It is eleven o'clock in the evening, and there is no traffic jam on the road. It took 30 minutes before the car drove into the community.

As soon as he stopped the car, Qi Feifei opened the door and ran off. She deliberately increased the speed, and almost ran all the way towards the elevator, which happened to stop at the negative floor. She entered the elevator without interruption and closed the elevator door without interruption.

Qi Feifei was very upset, and she could not lose her temper at Qi Wang, so she expressed her dissatisfaction in her own way.

She is already an adult and can be responsible for all her actions. It is wrong for Qi Wang to control her in this way.

Qi Feifei understands that it is not easy for an old widower to lead his life, and it is normal for a single-parent family father to consider his daughter more favorably.

Just like Xu Wenqing told her, parents can easily put too much affection on their children, because they have paid too much affection, so it is similar to the sunk cost effect. If the other party pays, he needs to be a child and give equal rewards.

"Even if children don’t need so much affection at all, parents give them wishful thinking, unilaterally giving their children feelings they don’t need, but they demand the children with the feelings they give We give back to our parents, which in itself is a kind of moral kidnapping. It is only because of the identity of the parents that they have been painted with a good name called fatherly love and motherly love."

The movie they watched today was about a girl who was influenced by her native family and how she was redeemed by her lover. Xu Wenqing said these words completely with emotion, expressing his interest in the movie. However, Qi Feifei felt that the things he said were similar to his current situation.

Isn't what Qi Wang now gives her the fatherly love she doesn't need? Qi Feifei felt suffocated by the intimate and wishful thinking given to her. She felt that if she continued to be in the same space with Qi Wang, she would definitely be forced to quarrel with him by the other party.

If that time is really reached, I am afraid it will hurt the relationship between father and daughter, so Qi Feifei has been silent to avoid Qi Wang and avoid the disputes they will inevitably have.

Qi Wang did not feel much, as if being avoided by her daughter like a snake and scorpion was an ordinary thing, even the strange emotions that would come up from time to time before. It didn't come out once, as if it was used to this kind of treatment.

No, it’s not accustomed to this kind of treatment. If you really want to say it, it seems to be numb.

Qi Wang did not get out of the car. He looked at the dimly-lit garage and recalled many things before.

Before falling in love, Qi Feifei had always been normal. Although there were occasional tantrums, it was never like this.

Qi Wang no longer feels Qi Fei Fei’s respect for herself, even if he is not Qi Fei Fei’s father, but just an ordinary driver who came to pick her up, what she did just now is also Extremely uneducated.

The power of language can really be so powerful that it affects another person subtly, and then turns her into what he wants her to be?

A person’s personality does not change overnight. It is not an easy task to erase the original personality, but also to change her person quietly when the other party is not aware of it.

But it seems that it’s not impossible. Qi Wang has read the information. Some powerful psychologists can change another person under hypnosis and make him become ignorant. It's not like myself at all.


Thinking of this word, Qi Wang suddenly had a lot of strange knowledge in his mind, but he didn't wait for him to catch it, and the knowledge disappeared again.

Qi Wang's eyes suddenly became sharp.

He has never been in a psychology-related industry, and he has no interest in that industry. He only occasionally saw some psychological terms on the Internet, but he never understood it deeply.

But the content that flashed in his mind just now was not something in his own memory, he was very sure of this.

Under what circumstances would he have content that he didn't know appeared in his mind?

Qi missed the conjecture he had made before, and became more sure about one thing.

In this case, it's easy to handle.

Qi Wang did not stay in the car more, and soon turned the car down and walked straight to the elevator.

In fact, Qi Feifei regretted it after she calmed down after returning home, but she couldn't look down to ask Qi Wang to apologize.

The author has something to say: First, thank you for voting for me or irrigating nutrient solution during 2021-10-3023:11:46~2021-10-3122:34:01. Little angel~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 53 bottles; messy is also a beautiful 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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