Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1332: Task penalty

Qi Feifei stayed in her room, she heard the sound of the security door opening and closing outside, her nerves tense, and she quickly walked to the door, wanting to open the door. But when his hand was on the doorknob, Qi Feifei hesitated again.

Why should she apologize?

Qi Feifei thinks this is ridiculous. She doesn’t think she has done anything wrong. The reason why she was so indifferent just now is to avoid quarrels. She had already imagined it, and she didn't need to feel guilty about it.

She remembered Xu Wenqing's words again.

"Fei Fei, although I think there is nothing wrong with your father caring about you, but I think that sometimes you should also have a good talk with your uncle. After all, you are already an adult, overprotective It’s not a good thing for you. You can’t live under his wings all your life. Sooner or later you will have to live by yourself. If you can’t face the wind and rain alone, then you will never be a real one. Adults."

Xu Wenqing’s words are vivid in my ears. The original action of opening the door to go out stopped. Qi Feifei slowly retracted her hand. In order to prevent her from continuing to think about it, she simply took it. Wash the clothes in the bathroom.

Forget it, everything has been done anyway, and there is no point in regretting it now, so let’s wait until tomorrow.

On the other side, after Qi Wang entered the door, he subconsciously looked at the door of Qi Fei Fei’s room. When she saw the closed door, Qi Wang knew that Qi Fei was at this time. Thinking of something, his daughter was unwilling to talk to him, and Qi Wang would not rush to find her. He looked away from Qi Feifei's door, and walked quickly toward the study.

In this age when the Internet is developed, a lot of knowledge can be found on the Internet. You only need to pay some money to see the genuine content.

Qi Wang found a lot of content related to psychology and looked at it at a glance.

The fifty-two-year-old Qi Wang was supposed to have memory loss and his learning ability was not as good as before, but Qi Wang found that his memory was even better than when he was young—at least When he was young, he had absolutely no such ability to remember him.

At first, Qi Wang hadn’t noticed it, but when he watched too much, he found that he naturally connected the content he saw with the content he just saw, and then he I found myself capable of this bug level.


Obviously it is a very exciting ability, but I don’t know why, but Qi Wang is very indifferent, as if possessing such ability is a normal thing, as if he should be like this. of.

Why does he have such ability? Qi Wang thought for a while, and finally attributed all this to the memory he had lost for some reason.

Now Qi Wang can basically determine one thing. He has lost a memory for some mysterious reason that cannot be explained so far, and that memory makes him appear some strange A sense of division.

Qi Wang knows his name, knows his life experience, knows that Qi Fei Fei is his daughter, and knows that he has a deep affection for Qi Fei Fei, the only daughter.

However, it is strange that Qi Wang knows all this, but when facing Qi Feifei, the daughter he should have loved very much, Qi Wang will have a particularly strange feeling.

He was very calm when facing Qi Feifei, even so calm as not to face his own daughter, but the depressed emotion deep in his heart made Qi Wang feel deep. Love Qi Feifei, and in order to protect this daughter, even willing to do some illegal things.

Is it illegal...

Qi Wang feels that he is not that kind of person. Even if he does receive some unfair treatment, he will seek legal means to help him. He thinks that even if he loves another person, he will not do it for the other person. kill.

Now he feels like two people, one is the company boss, and the other is him who uses his current body.

Qi Wang tapped his fingers on the table lightly. He remembered the psychology content he had just seen, and remembered one thing once said in a book.

People may forget something for various reasons, but their subconscious still hides things they don’t know. Their memory is only lost, but not disappeared. If If it can stimulate the subconscious mind, it is possible to think of the lost memories.

Qi Wang is very sure that there is a problem with his current memory, and this also affects his normal life. The disordered memory will make him make wrong judgments, which will cause some uncontrollable things to happen. He must avoid this happening.

It shouldn’t be difficult to use hypnosis to stimulate the subconscious and then retrieve the lost memories.

Qi Wang is a very decisive person. After he thinks about this, he will act immediately, and this time is no exception.

He found out the tools he needed, then set up the phone with a stand, then turned on the camera mode, and then began to record officially.

I was a rookie before, but when I started, he looked like an old bird. Qi Wang successfully used the methods he learned to start a textbook-like hypnosis.

The results of hypnosis are obvious. Qi Wang was successfully hypnotized and evoked his subconscious mind.

If according to the normal routine, the current Qi Wang can rely on the subconscious to retrieve his own memory, but as a punishment task, will he retrieve his own memory so easily?

The answer is obvious.

The success of hypnosis does not mean that you can get a desired result. A slight accident will cause the result to be biased.

Midnight arrived, the phone alarm rang, Qi Wang awakened from being hypnotized, he rubbed his swollen forehead, obviously did not do anything, but he seemed to experience After a fierce battle, the whole person was very tired.

At this time, Qi Wang had a feeling that he was really older, no more than he felt when he was young. He sighed for a long time, and waited until he recovered a little before putting it aside. The phone for the video was picked up.

After playing back the video just now, Qi Wang found that he was hypnotized only saying a few meaningless syllables, and fell into a deep sleep, without making any sound afterwards.

After seeing this video, Qi Wang was not angry. He raised his eyebrows, as if verifying the guess in his heart, and said with a smile: "It really is like this what."

After saying such a sentence without beginning and ending, Qi Wang put away the phone and did not continue to watch the video. Then he washed normally, changed clothes and returned to the room, and then He just lay on the bed, it seemed that he was ready to go to bed.

System: "..."

So what did this person just say?

This is Qiwang's world of punishment. This is the first time he has entered the world of punishment after the system followed Qiwang.

In fact, the system has long discovered that Qi Wang has exploited the loopholes in their rules. It is clearly to let him use his love to influence those scumbags, so that they can go back on the right path and start a new one. Socially useful people.

But Qi Wang has never done that. He has drilled the loopholes in the rules-as long as those scumbags regret what they have done, even if the transformation is successful.

Before, Qi Wang has been going smoothly and has never overturned the car. In addition, the worlds he has entered are much faster to repair than other taskers, and they get a lot of points, so The system also closed one eye.

However, you often walk by the river, how can you not wet your shoes?

In the previous world, Qi Wang’s character objects were Yang Qiuhe and Bai Qianmiao. He still continued his past style, and wanted to make the couple regret, he also completed himself. Task.

However, for the first time, Qi Wang made a misconception about his control of human nature. When Bai Qianmiao died, he did not have any regrets.

In fact, when you know that the mission of Qi Wang has failed and you are going to be thrown into the world of punishment, there should be no desires and no emotions in the system, and even a feeling of schadenfreude.

Qi Wang entered the world of punishment, and his punishment was to lose all his own memories, leaving only the memory of the original owner, so that he thought he was the native original owner of this world.

However, having lost his own memory and the memories after the original owner, Qi Wang still has to complete the task he should have completed in this world.

If the mission fails, Qi Wang will not die, nor will he be forced to stay in this world, he will continue the mission, but he has experienced the mission before and saved a lot of points. There are two points to be put under the system.

God knows that the system has many points that are greedy, and obviously many taskers are used to buying various items with points to facilitate them to complete their tasks. The points they earn and the points they consume are basically They are all equal, only Qi Wang is a special case.

His points have accumulated to a terrible point, but he rarely activates the system mall and uses points to buy things in it. It is clear that these points have nothing to do with the purchase of goods in the mall. Any use, but Qi Wang has never been willing to squander one.

However, even if you are a miser, the difficulty of the punishment task is recognized. After losing the memory, it is equivalent to cutting off all his assistance. The system does not believe that under such circumstances Successful completion of the task.

But even though I think so, the system feels a little guilty at the thought of the sentence that I said without beginning and ending just now.

This kind of guilty conscience came too suddenly, the system was a little stunned, and then the inexplicable thoughts were suppressed.

This time, it will definitely lose. It is enough to believe this.

The long night passed quickly. Although Qi Feifei kept telling herself that there was nothing wrong with what she did, she treated Qi Wang so much to avoid quarrels and hurt feelings. But there was a voice deep in her heart that kept retorting her. Qi Feifei was playing a tug-of-war in her brain that night, and she didn't sleep well at all. After the morning alarm rang, Qi Feifei dragged her top-heavy body to get up. After washing up, he floated out of the room like a ghost, preparing to cook breakfast for the two of them.

When opening the refrigerator, Qi Feifei suddenly saw a lot of small cakes in the refrigerator, but when she saw the logo on the box, Qi Feifei's originally dizzy brain suddenly woke up, she Looking at the cakes with wide eyes, I couldn't react for a long time.

She remembered that she didn't go to Xu Wenqing's bakery to buy cakes yesterday. Where did these things come from?

At this moment, all kinds of things appeared in Qi Fei Fei’s mind, and inexplicable anger rose from the bottom of my heart. If it were not for a bit of reason, Qi Fei had already I rushed to Qi Wang's room and asked for clarity.

Xu Wenqing once said that their bakery is a high-end route, and there is no franchise store. There is only one bakery in the entire Aoki City.

The desserts sold in their bakery have a higher taste than other stores, so although the prices are more expensive, Qi Feifei still likes to buy cakes in the store.

She and Xu Wenqing met in a cake shop. The other party is a clerk in a cake shop. Although they are not very handsome, as a voice control, Xu Wenqing’s voice is very good. Sensibility, so she didn't know each other for long, and quickly developed into boyfriend and girlfriend friends.

After becoming a boyfriend and girlfriend, Qi Feifei still goes to the bakery to buy cakes. Xu Wenqing is a clerk and has an internal discount card. Every time she buys it in the past, it will be cheaper, but because she took care of Xu Wen Qing's mood, Qi Feifei will not buy too much every time.

Now these cakes are about to fill half of the refrigerator, which is not what she bought back.

Could it be that I went to Xu Wenqing's shop to find him?

In such a moment, Qi Feifei felt the strong sense of suffocation.

If Qi Miao really sneaked to Xu Wenqing's work place to find him, I would never talk to Qi Miao in the future.

He is too much!

Just as Qi Feifei’s anger became more and more vigorous, Qi Feifei took some cakes and ran to the dining table angrily, and then put the cakes on the dining table, his eyes fired. Looking at Qi Wang, he asked loudly: "Did you go to my boyfriend's shop? Why did you do this? Why do you have to intervene in my life, my life, I am your daughter. But I am also an independent person, why do you control me like this!"

Qi Feifei has been unable to restrain his emotions, completely exploded, and aggressively questioned her regrets.

Qi Wang sat down in his seat, then looked up at the angry Qi Feifei, and asked in a flat tone: "In your boyfriend's shop? What are you talking about? "

Qi Feifei said angrily: "You are still quibbling here. These cakes are sold in my boyfriend's shop. The logos on them are the same. Don’t say you don’t know about this. I will not believe this botched lie!"

Looking at Qi Feifei who was furious, Qi Wang suddenly laughed, but although he was smiling, his eyes became very cold, and there was no father or daughter in his eyes when he looked at Qi Feifei. Deserving of love.

"Qi Feifei, you treated me like air last night, and treat me with the same attitude today. Do you think what you did is right? What about your upbringing? Where is my respect?"

"Not to mention what the truth of the matter is, you still have no way of concluding it, even if I actually go to your boyfriend’s shop, what about it? You, as a daughter, are not sure I was convicted if I made a mistake, and treated me like a criminal, without even calling me from my father."

Qi Wang's voice went cold, and his eyes were full of coldness when he looked at the other party.

"I am your father, and I am not your enemy. I want to ask you, what unforgivable things have I done, and want you to treat me like a prisoner?"

Qi Fei Fei originally thought that she had the upper hand, but when Qi Wang asked such a geological question, Qi Fei Fei’s courage and anger fell inch by inch, her face turned pale and she looked towards I was lost, my usual amiable face, and my mouth was shaking for a long time, but I couldn't say a word.

Qi Wang was still looking at Qi Feifei and said every word.

"Qi Fei Fei, you disappoint me very much, just for a man who hasn't been dating for long, you treat your dad like this, do you think you are doing it right?"

The author has something to say: Second, thank you for voting for me or irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-10-3122:34:01~2021-10-3123:52:29 Little angel~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Xiaoman;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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