Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1333: Task penalty

Qi Feifei's complexion slowly turned pale, her mouth trembled, and she wanted to say something, but when the words came to her lips, she didn't know how to say it.

She seems to have done something wrong, but yesterday she obviously only felt that she did not want to conflict with her father. How did everything become like this?

After a long time, Qi Feifei found her voice, and she opened her mouth to try to explain what she had done.

"Dad, I didn't mean it. I was just too panicked. Would you forgive me?"

Qi Feifei thought that this time was the same as every time in the past. As long as she apologized, her father would forgive her. Will forgive.

But this time, she was wrong.

Qi Wang shook his head slowly, the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he did not appear to be a father who was broken by his daughter, but like a wandering here. The same as bystanders outside the dispute.

"Do you think that as long as you apologize, I have to forgive you? Just because you are my daughter and were brought into this world by me and your mother, so you don’t care about it What kind of mistakes I made, no matter how you treat me, I will forgive you unreservedly, do you think so?"

Qi Wang's voice is very soft, and his tone sounds the same as usual, but he lacks the gentleness that he usually has when facing himself. His appearance made Qi Fei fall into great anxiety. In the middle, she took a step forward and tried to hold Qi Wang's hand, but was avoided by the other party. She watched as she grabbed an empty hand, and her eyes widened suddenly.


Qi Feifei yelled helplessly. She looked at Qi Wang with a blank face. There was more and more anxiety in her eyes, and her heart was filled with various thoughts and tears. But he couldn't control it and rolled down his cheeks.

As long as she cries, Dad will do everything possible to coax her, whether it is when she is young or when she is an adult, Qi Feifei’s tears are always a weapon, many At that time, their father and daughter had a dispute. As long as she shed tears, her father had no choice but to compromise with her.

After discovering something beyond her control, Qi Feifei subconsciously responded by crying. In her subconscious, she knew what she would make things look like after crying, so it almost became instinct. When encountering things that cannot be solved, she wants to use crying to achieve her goals.

But it’s a pity that this time the ever-unfavorable methods in the past have been tragically crushed, and Qi Wang just sat there, looking at her calmly, the expression on his face from beginning to end. There was no change, it was like looking at a stranger.


Qi Feifei choked up and looked at his father who had become completely different from usual. For a while, he didn't know what to do.

Obviously, father was not like this before, why did he suddenly become like this? It was just because of her questions that my father was angry, so he didn't want to talk to her anymore. It was obviously just an ordinary thing. Why should I be angry with her?

She did something wrong, but didn't she admit it too? Why do you have to treat her like this?

At this time, Qi Feifei suddenly remembered what Xu Wenqing said to him last night.

"In fact, never feel that the love of your parents is selfless,'there are all parents in the world','all parents love their children unconditionally', you have heard such words Right? Do you think these words make sense?"

"But is parental love really unconditional? No matter what you look like, whether you are clever or stupid, as long as you are their child, they will love unreservedly You, dedicated to you."

"But if this is the case, why did they ask you to study when you were a child, and ask you to learn those things you don’t like, and they are stingy with complimenting you, and they will Reprimanding you, and after you have done something a little out of the ordinary, they will tell you again that you have let them down."

"Don’t you think that you are like a puppet in the hands of your parents? What they want is not a child at all, but a puppet who listens to them completely. They are using a name To domesticate you for the things of fatherly love and motherly love, disguise their desire for control as a sacred and great thing like fatherly love and motherly love. If you live within their limits, then they will love you and give you all kinds of things. Things, but when you rebelliously want to jump out of the framework they give you, they will hit you without hesitation, hurt you, and then they will give you those things again until you become what they want. emotion."

"Fei Fei, although this is a bit extreme, I think many parents treat their children as if they are tame animals."

"They don't love their children at all, all they need is a puppet who obeys their orders."

When Xu Wenqing told herself this way, Qi Feifei also refuted Xu Wenqing. She told the other party that her parents loved her sincerely, and it was not like what he said. In that way, what kind of hypocrisy.

At this moment, looking at his father who turned his face and did not recognize anyone, Qi Feifei suddenly remembered what Xu Wenqing had said to herself. It turns out that the clown has always been herself, and she thought she loved herself deeply. Father, he was just pretending, he just wanted to control himself and let himself obey him. When he rebelled, the other party would show a hideous appearance.

After thinking of this, when Qi Feifei looked at her indifferently, she finally couldn't help but burst out completely. Her tears flowed more fiercely, and her mouth Shouted sternly.

"You are not my dad at all, you just treat me as a good manipulating puppet, I don't care about you anymore!"

After screaming at Qi Wang, Qi Feifei ran towards the gate. At this moment, her mind was completely messed up, she Now there is no way to think carefully, she doesn't care about anything else, she just wants to escape from here, escape from this man who wants to control her life, she wants to run away and never see him for the rest of her life.

However, when Qi Fei Fei ran to the gate, Qi Wang's voice came from behind her again.

"Did I say anything about you? You can't stand it just by stating the facts. Then when you accused me and questioned me, why didn't you think I would feel uncomfortable? Is it because I don’t cry like you do, so you don’t think everything matters?"

"I won't stop you from leaving, but since you put on the appearance that you want to cut off relations with me, then let me see your determination."

"Have you packed your clothes? Did you bring your ID? Did you take your wallet? Have you thought about where to go after you leave? Or are you just taking the opportunity to go crazy at me, and then run out to find Personally tell your grievances, wait for that person to accuse me severely, condemn me, after whipping me, wait for your mood to recover, and then return to this home, pretending that nothing has happened, Continue to live here."

Qi Wang suddenly sneered, and at the same time, his voice suddenly became ethereal, as if it were coming from another dimension.

"But I’m sorry, this time I don’t want to indulge you anymore. Since you think my father is unqualified, you think I controlled you and imprisoned you, then you leave, anyway You are 22 years old, you are an adult, you can take responsibility for what you do, you go, I won't care about you anymore, and live the free life you want."

After Qi Wang’s words were said, Qi Feifei was struck by lightning. She was struck by lightning. She stood stiff by the door with her hands on the door. On the handle, as long as you gently twist the doorknob, you can escape from this place that makes her feel suffocated, but I don’t know why, her body seems to not listen to her words at all, she froze there, maintaining With a posture of opening the door, it was like a ridiculous joke.

She thought her father would say something more, but what she didn't expect is that after Qi Wang said that, he never spoke again, and Qi Fei, who stood stiff at the door, listened. When she reached the sound of dragging the chair behind her, she heard the sound of people walking, and then she heard the sound of knives and forks colliding and drinking milk.

After turning her into a joke, the person who caused all this is eating breakfast calmly. She didn't even ask herself if she wanted something to eat.

Qi Fei Fei is very angry, a steady stream of anger is pouring from the bottom of my heart, these angers make Qi Fei Fei lose her mind, she wants to quarrel, wants to make trouble, wants to question Qi Wang to the end Want to do something.

He is not like his father at all. If he were her father, he would definitely not treat her like that.

The raging anger injected endless power into Qi Feifei’s body. The body that had been frozen there was finally restored to freedom. She turned around abruptly and strode to the dining table, watching While Qi Wang was eating breakfast slowly there, Qi Feifei couldn't help but ask loudly: "Why are you doing this to me? Am I not your daughter? How can you still feel comfortable eating after our quarrel? Next breakfast."

Qi Wang swallowed the milk in his mouth, then raised his head, looked calmly at the furious Qi Feifei, and slowly said, "Otherwise?"

Without waiting for Qi Feifei to speak, Qi Wang went on to say: "You feel that what I have done has touched your interests. Perhaps now you have automatically stood on the opposite side of me. You believe in another person’s words even more, and treat me as your enemy, wanting to fight me in order to defend the person you believe in."

"Although I am your father, but I am also a person, I will also feel heartache, and I will also feel cold. You have been asking me and your mother to be equal For you, you have always put yourself in the same position as mine. Why do you want me to compromise with you on the grounds that I am your father at this time?"

Qi Wang pointed to the faint dark circles under his eyes, and slowly said, "I'm fifty-two years old, and I can't afford to toss when I'm over half a hundred years old. Whatever you want Well, starting from today, I won't care about you anymore."

Qi Wang's words are like a bucket of cold water pouring her head towards Qi Feifei, all the words she originally wanted to say are stuck in her throat at this time, and she can't speak at all. Now, she stared at the man sitting opposite, feeling that he had become extremely strange at this time, and under his familiar face was like a strange soul.

Does he really care about himself?

One morning, Qi Feifei’s emotions fluctuated wildly, and now it has become chaotic. She stubbornly looks at Qi Wang, her mouth is closed, obviously she feels that she has said many, many things. , But only three words fell into her ears.


Qi Wang looked at Qi Feifei quietly. There were two deep whirlpools in those black eyes. Staring at these eyes made it easy for him to fall into it.

Qi Feifei is no exception, her expression slowly became trance, her eyes were staring at Qi Wang, but the expression on her face slowly began to freeze.

This is the second time he hypnotized him after hypnotizing himself last night. It was his daughter Qi Feifei who hypnotized him. Obviously it was a field he had never touched before, but he was very skilled in doing it. , As if it had been done countless times before.

Most of the time, Qi Wang doesn't want to act on another person's consciousness. Her own thinking and will force another person to change her thoughts and behaviors.

But Qi Feifei is different. Intuition tells Qi Wang that the existence of this girl is very important, not only because she is her own daughter, but there is another layer that Qi Wang has forgotten, but But the most important reason.

Qi Fei Fei was late. When she entered the company, half an hour had passed for working hours. The fat-eared office director looked at Qi Fei Fei coldly, with a look like She was going to be too late, but Qi Feifei passed him without squinting and returned to her position.

The director did not expect that Qi Feifei, who was so late today, would dare to be so arrogant. Did she really think that cheap and low wages were her amulet, with a salary that was a thousand lower than the market price, She can really walk sideways in the company.

"Qi Feifei, what do you think of the company? Do you have a little bit of organization and discipline, do you know if you are late today? You..."

Today Qi Feifei’s mood is very bad, but the office director is like a crow, chattering endlessly in her ears, which makes Qi Feifei’s temper more and more irritable. She slammed the table, got up from her seat, and looked down at the fat office director who seemed to be a short winter melon.

"Director Cai, I'm late today. You just deduct 50 yuan from me according to the regulations. Why keep talking here? You are wasting my working time."

Director: "!!!"

It was obvious that she was late, but she was so horribly late, as if it were a reasonable thing for her to be late, the director was about to be irritated by Qi Feifei's smile.

"Qi Feifei, are you not afraid that I will fire you? For a free and unruly employee like you, I have every reason to fire you."

Qi Fei Fei refused to give in: "Then you will fire me, fire me just in time to go home, but I can still find a job if I leave you here, if you pay me such a salary Low-cost employees, I don’t know if I can find the next one with such a small salary like me."

The bottom line of the two of them is completely different, so Qi Feifei is not afraid of each other at all. After hitting him, Qi Feifei sat down again, and after turning on the computer, he began to crackle and tap the keyboard.

The office director’s face turned blue and white. At such a moment, he really wanted to expel this woman regardless, but before he wanted to say the expulsion, his reason was finally occupied. After gaining the upper hand, he gave Qi Feifei a fierce look before he turned and strode away.

Also let her be arrogant for a while, as long as he can find an employee who is cheaper than Qi Feifei, then he will immediately let the woman go.

Qi Feifei tapped the keyboard cracklingly, and the light of Lan Yingying's computer was reflected on her beautiful face, making her a little more indifferent than a thousand miles away. meaning.

Xu Xiaowen glanced at her friend secretly. Seeing that her mood seemed to be wrong, Xu Xiaowen didn't dare to move in, but she thought about it and edited a message and posted it.

【Fei Fei, what happened, how do you feel that you are in a bad mood today? 】

After this message was sent, Xu Xiaowen's actions still did not stop. After editing another message and sending it out, she put her phone aside.

It took a long time for Qi Feifei to take out her mobile phone. When she saw the message from Xu Xiaowen, her brow wrinkled and she quickly edited a message and posted it. go back.

[It’s nothing, just came out this morning and had a fight with my dad. The two of us had a very unpleasant quarrel, so I was late today. 】

The author has something to say: First, thank you for voting for me or irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-10-3123:52:29~2021-11-0122:37:05 Little angel~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 90 bottles of bear; 30 bottles of instant; 1 bottle of arte;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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