Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1342: Task penalty

Last night, Qi Wang had a long conversation with her, and Shunjian used her profound knowledge to help her answer many doubts—although Qi Feifei was a little curious as to why her business father suddenly became proficient in psychology, but This is not important.

Qi Wang said that one person can be manipulated by another, in fact, it has nothing to do with his IQ level, but with his emotional quotient and endurance.

"Some people have a high ability to withstand pressure. Other people's depreciation and suppression will only make them stronger and stronger. He will not doubt himself because of this, but firmly believe in himself , And use depreciation and suppression as motivation to make yourself better and better."

"Some people have strong self-confidence and high emotional intelligence. If they are suppressed and belittled for no reason, they can distinguish whether the other party is good intentions or malicious. Once they find that the other party has such signs, You will be able to sever ties with the other party right away."

"There is another kind of people who seem to be powerful, but they are actually fragile and sensitive in their hearts. They are easily influenced by others, especially when other people approach them in the name of love, and then malicious Wrap it up, these people will easily swallow the poison wrapped in candy."

For example, Xu Xiaowen, she is actually a very smart girl. She can reach the first grade in school. Such a girl will not have a low IQ, but why is she still being pinched by Xu Wenqing? Want to round and flatten in the palm of your hand?

In fact, the bottom line is that she is not as strong and strong as she has shown, especially when Xu Wenqing did not show offensiveness when approaching her, but after Xu Xiaowen gave Xu Wenqing trust, He just started to suppress and attack to control her.

There are many people in this world who will not guard against those close to them. They can easily distinguish the malice of others, but it is difficult for them to distinguish the malice from those close to them. And they are often the easiest to be hurt by those close to them.

"Fei Fei, emotional and fragile people can easily become the target of scum, and they are good at grasping the weakness of these prey and turning them into their own pockets. "

Qi Wang also said a sentence, Qi Feifei remembered it very clearly, and at this time she told Xu Xiaowen this sentence.

"To deceive the good and fear the evil is the root of human inferiority. In fact, your subconscious knows that the person who controls you is evil, so you dare not resist the person who controls you, but dare to deal with Those who are really good to you are like your parents."

In fact, Qi Feifei, who was dazzled by love, is the same. Why is she angry with Qi Wang, and why does she use such cruel and ruthless language to attack Qi Wang? In the final analysis, it is because she herself knows one thing very well, because she knows that Qi Wang loves her, and those who love her, no matter what she does wrong, will not hurt her.

Of course, the emotionally dominant Qi Feifei made a mistake. Although Qi Wang loved her and loved her, he was really not the kind of letting her do whatever he wanted. Divided into two, let the rational type gain the upper hand, and suppressed the emotional personality with pitfalls.

Qi Fei Fei sighed secretly for a long time, but when she looked sideways, she found that Xu Xiaowen was already in tears, and the makeup on her face was soaked that she cried. Qi Fei jumped and said hurriedly. "Hey hey, don't cry, you, can't we speak well? If you do it like this, it seems like I'm bullying you. I didn't bully you."

Really, a victim who has been calculated by others still cries. She, the perpetrator, is crying. It really makes people wonder what to say, and she wants to cry. NS?

Xu Xiaowen took the tissue that Qi Feifei handed over, wiped away the tears from his face indiscriminately, and said dullly, "I am really stupid, you are right, I only dare to hurt People who love me…"

' I don't want her to have a good life...

She is simply unworthy.

Roughly guessed what Xu Xiaowen was thinking, Qi Feifei curled his lips and said: "Okay, don't cry there, tell me if Xu Wenqing is a scumbag. Other people? According to your opinion, what will he do to me next."

The two of them got together to think about how to bring Xu Wenqing’s scumbag to justice. They didn’t lick each other's wounds here, and continue to say that these meaningless things have no meaning. , It would be better to make a plan and think about what to do later.

Xu Xiaowen nodded, she looked at Qi Feifei with some envy, and whispered: "If I had a dad as powerful as you, it would be fine. I would not have been deceived by him for so long... "

Qi Feifei directly cut off her words: "Okay, you don’t need to be like a powerful dad like me. If I were you, I would have been when he raped me. He was sent to prison, where is there such a thing now?"

Xu Xiaowen: "..."

I can’t keep thinking about it anymore, the more I think about it, the more I feel that she is extremely stupid, and she is totally blamed for her own mistakes until now.

Xu Xiaowen sniffed and told Qi Feifei everything he knew.

In fact, people like Xu Wenqing will never settle down. After tasting the sweetness, he will continue to do this kind of things. Qi Feifei is not what he is staring at after he has Xu Xiaowen. First woman.

"I remember when he was in college, the contact with me faded for a while, and I went to his school, only to know that he had a girlfriend at school."

Qi Fei Fei raised his eyebrows: "Can women still look at him?"

Xu Xiaowen gave Qi Feifei a weird look: "Didn't you see him before?"

Qi Fei Fei: "..."

There is no way to erase the black history in this life.

In fact, Xu Wenqing is not handsome, but gentle and considerate men are still very marketable. He is too good at disguising, and the women he looks at are basically the same kind. These women are easily confused by his gentleness, and then fall into his trap.

"There are many pictures of girls on his computer, which one does not wear clothes."

Qi Fei Fei: "..."

Just looking at the photos, Xu Wenqing's achievements are impressive. Xu Xiaowen once abused herself and counted the women in the photos, and Lin Lin totaled more than fifty in total.

At that time Xu Xiaowen also proposed to break up, Xu Wenqing also agreed, but not long after that, Xu Wenqing approached Xu Xiaowen again, and he told Xu Xiaowen to play with those women himself. The person he loves the most is still her.

Xu Xiaowen didn't want to agree, but Xu Wenqing used those words to brainwash Xu Xiaowen, so she had to succumb to him.

Qi Feifei tutted her tongue: "You are jumping repeatedly in the fire pit."

Obviously there were countless opportunities to escape the fire pit, but in the end he fell into the fire pit.

"When he was in college, did he have so many girlfriends? Didn't he warn him because of his bad style? More than 50 women, on average, this is one a month. "

Xu Xiaowen shook his head and said: "After he said that it wasn't a girlfriend, it was just something, so forget it after playing."

In fact, the only person Xu Wenqing had officially cheated on was Qi Feifei, except for a girl in college.

Not a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Qi Feifei noticed something was wrong, she pinched her eyebrows, and suddenly asked: "Can you send me those photos?"

Xu Xiaowen shook his head and said: "No, he treasures his computer and won’t let me touch it. That time it was because he went to the bath and forgot to turn off the computer, so I saw those Photo."

After that, Xu Wenqing put a lot of locks on his computer and strictly prohibited Xu Xiaowen from touching his computer. Xu Xiaowen did not dare to violate Xu Wenqing's words, so he could only obediently agree to it.

Don't show Xu Xiaowen?

Qi Feifei always felt that there was something she had overlooked, but when she thought about it carefully, she couldn't grasp the fleeting inspiration. She scratched her hair. He glanced at Xu Xiaowen, then glanced at her again.

Xu Xiaowen was numb with Qi Feifei's eyes, and couldn't help but said: "Fei Fei, are you always watching what I do? Is there something to say directly?"

"This is what you said, so I will ask directly."

Qi Feifei took a deep breath and directly asked the question she wanted to ask: "What about you? Have you been photographed?"


Xu Xiaowen just wanted to say no, but she only said a word, but her face slowly changed...Is there really no?

The sensible Qi Feifei was not disturbed by too many feelings. His IQ immediately occupied the high ground. The whole person was much smarter than before. She recalled what Xu Xiaowen told her about her love experience with Xu Xiaowen. Qi Feifei asked again: "Did you really have a relationship with him because you were drunk? I remember you said that you didn't drink much alcohol."

The memory of that year has become chaotic, but Xu Xiaowen clearly remembers that in order not to hurt his brain, he basically would not be contaminated with alcohol. That year, he went to Xu Wenqing’s house. I didn't drink much, and I only drank half a glass of beer. How could I become so drunk that I didn't even know that I was given it by someone...?

There are some things that can't stand deep thinking, and the more you think about it, the truth is cruel. Xu Xiaowen's face turned blue and white, and it took a long time to find his voice.

"He prescribed medicine to me."

If it were not for medicine, you would not lose consciousness at all, it would be a carefully calculated conspiracy.

"And you said you only had one time, but you didn't seem to be pregnant at the right time, are you sure you really only have one time?"

In Xu Xiaowen's memory, they had only been once, but if she was drugged every time afterwards, this would be able to explain it.

Xu Xiaowen remembers that she had met Xu Wenqing many times after that, and every time she would be very sleepy, she had to sleep for a while to feel comfortable, and then she would feel a lot of discomfort on her body , But because the clothes were neatly dressed, she didn't think much about it.

In the past, Xu Xiaowen didn’t know anything, and naturally didn’t understand what caused her discomfort, but now in retrospect, every time she feels uncomfortable, it’s clearly the effects that came afterwards. .

She originally thought that at least one or two places in her and Xu Wenqing’s past were clean, but now thinking about it, everything turned out to be dirty and the feelings that began with calculations were false at the beginning Yes, why does she think there is a real existence in these falsehoods?

Xu Xiaowen was so disgusted, he retched on the sidelines.

Qi Feifei's heart is heavy, although these things are not what she has experienced, but thinking of Xu Xiaowen's ruined life, her heart is very uncomfortable, and she pats gently Holding Xu Xiaowen's back, comforting her silently.

"This is how things are, Dad, I always feel something is wrong with Xu Wenqing, especially after knowing that there are so many photos, I feel even more wrong. In short, everything is so strange, can you Help me think about what I have overlooked?"

Going back this evening, Qi Feifei told Qi Wang what she had investigated today. She felt that Qi Wang’s IQ was much higher than her own. What she didn’t know, Qi Liou can definitely help her find the answer.

After listening to Qi Feifei’s remarks, Qi Wang’s face sank, he suddenly asked: "You said, in the half month of your relationship, he bought you A lot of things, and how many big-name bags were given to you?"

Qi Feifei didn't know why Qi Wang would ask her this, but he nodded obediently and said, "Yes, I gave me a lot of things."

"Show me all the things he gave you."

Qi Feifei obediently returned to the room and took out all the things Xu Wenqing had given her.

She didn't think it was when she received gifts before, but now when putting these things together, Qi Feifei realized that she really received a lot of things from Xu Wenqing.

"The combined price of these things should not be cheap, at least 200,000 yuan. Xu Xiaowen shouldn't know that he gave you such expensive things, right?"

Qi Feifei nodded, the love-brained woman still knows taboo in some respects. Sometimes she would not tell Xu Xiaowen when she received a gift, usually when she gave flowers and cakes and lunches. Xu Xiaowen could see that Xu Wenqing had never given her these big things in the office, and they were basically given to her in private.

"Xu Wenqing should have deliberately avoided Xu Xiaowen, he did not want Xu Xiaowen to know his financial situation."

Qi Feifei said blankly: "I remember Xu Xiaowen told me that after Xu Wenqing graduated, he said that he was going to take a postgraduate entrance examination, and he hadn’t worked for a long time. She had always been raising him. ."

Qi Wang's face showed a bit of pity. He pointed to Xu Wenqing’s gift to Qi Feifei, and said confidently: "He concealed his financial status from Xu Xiaowen. It may be that he does not want Xu Xiaowen to take advantage of him. There is another possibility that his money is not coming from the right way and he does not want Xu Xiaowen to know."

Qi Feifei's brain started to revolve at a high speed. After linking the conditions she knew now, Qi Feifei guessed a terrible truth.

"Is Xu Wenqing..."

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