Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1343: Task penalty

That kind of speculation was too terrifying, Qi Feifei couldn’t believe it was true, so she only said half of her words, so she closed her mouth, and then looked at Qi Lan in fear, hoping Recklessness can deny her guess.

However, Qi Wang just looked at her, but did not say anything. Qi Feifei’s face became paler and paler, and the sweat dripped from her forehead and her body shook. Huang slumped softly on the sofa, thinking that she had been in a relationship with Xu Wenqing. If it weren't for Qi Wang to help in time, she might have become like those people now.

"Dad, can a person really be so vicious?"

Qi Feifei still felt unbelievable. She trembled and looked at Qi Wang, hoping that Qi Wang could tell her that what she was thinking was not true.

"Is it important for him to be that kind of person? Do you have any expectations for such a scumbag? When a person is extremely bad, there is only worse, not the worst, you What I saw before was just the tip of the iceberg. The darkness hidden underneath is something you can never imagine."

Qi Wang reached out his hand and touched Qi Feifei's hair, and said softly: "I have protected you too well before, so I don't know enough about human nature."

The emotional personality pressed deep in my heart also heard the conversation between their father and daughter, but at this time she was full of slurries, and she didn't know what they were talking about. Something.

What happened to Xu Wenqing? Did something happen that she didn't know during the time she passed in a coma? Why did their words make her more and more confused?

Qi Wang's appearance was too calm, as if no matter what happened, it could not affect him, Qi Wang, as powerful as a lofty mountain, made Qi Feifei's flustered heart slowly calm down. Qi Feifei also felt a little funny when he thought that he was scared because of the previous speculations.

Yes, even if Xu Wenqing is a heinous scum, what about his father's strength is so strong, with his father, he will never be harmed.

"But if my guess is true, isn't Xu Xiaowen very dangerous?"

Thinking of the girl who was suffering from the same illness with her, and even more deeply affected than her, Qi Feifei showed a little intolerable expression, she looked at Qi Wang with anticipation, and asked softly. : "Dad, can we help Xu Xiaowen? She is a poor girl."

The little girl in front of you is too simple, even if she has realized the darkness of this world, even if her reason has completely prevailed, but for a little girl who has not experienced too much, Her thoughts are still too simple.

"Fei Fei, does Xu Xiaowen need our help? What does she want? Also, since you have guessed what Xu Wenqing is doing, do you want to relax Have you ever passed him? You know that it is impossible to let go of the perverted taste of the sweetness. On the contrary, it will become more and more severe. Perhaps more people will be hurt by him. Should he get out or bring him to justice?"

Qi Feifei frowned, hesitated for a while before whispering.

"Of course I want to bring him to justice, but I don't even know what to do."

Even if Qi Feifei is innocent, she understands one thing. Without evidence, she cannot convict Xu Wenqing based on what she and Xu Xiaowen said. If Xu Wenqing had nothing to do with Hu, the two of them would be afraid of his crazy revenge in the future.

I have Qi Wang guarding, there must be nothing, but Xu Xiaowen, she and Xu Wenqing have been involved for so many years, who knows if Xu Wenqing is holding anything fatal in his hands s things?

"Then what should we do? I looked at Xu Xiaowen, I should have wanted to retaliate against him, but Xu Wenqing has been guarding Xu Xiaowen, and she may not be able to find anything."

Qi Wang shook his head: "This is not necessarily. Xu Xiaowen who has regained his sanity should find something more useful. Let’s watch the changes first and see if she can find anything useful. Something comes."

It seems that this can only be done.

Looking at Qi Feifei who was frowning, Qi Wang suddenly asked if she had any plans. Qi Feifei's face changed slightly when she heard the words, "No, we still don’t have any clues, Dad. , Don't ask."

In fact, she has worked out a rough plan with Xu Xiaowen, but Qi Feifei is not sure whether the bullying will support it. She just wanted to say it on the impulse, but now she is not sure about knowing Xu. Will Wen Qing agree with what a scumbag?

Qi Feifei believes that if Qi Wang is willing to help, it should not be difficult to solve Xu Wenqing, but the problem now is that she and Xu Xiaowen both want to take revenge in person, and she also I want to see what kind of scumbag Xu Wenqing is with the personality that I hold in my heart.

Qi Feifei knows herself very well. She has a very persistent personality in some aspects. If she can't solve the knot by herself, no matter how much others tell her, she will not believe it.

The other personality is herself, and Qi Feifei believes that that personality is only a lot more persistent than her.

"No, don't worry, Dad, since you know who he is, I won't let him do anything to me, I will definitely protect myself."

Qi Meng took a deep look at Qi Fei Fei, but she held up her spirit and looked at Qi Wang. Qi Fei Fei had been protected by her father for too long and had never faced this herself. In the world, there is no problem solved by her own ability. This time she wants to solve it by her own strength, and she wants to grow herself through this matter.

"Dad, can you trust me?"

Qi Wang did not speak, the atmosphere in the room became heavier at some point. Qi Feifei felt that her lungs were aching when she breathed, but she was still firmly with Qi. He stared at each other stubbornly and refused to look away.

"You give me the phone numbers of Xu Wenqing and Xu Xiaowen. Don't worry, I will not do anything. I promise not to contact them privately."

Qi Feifei did not expect that Qi Wang suddenly jumped the topic to other things, although I don’t know why Qi Wang asked for the phone numbers of Xu Wenqing and Xu Xiaowen, but only the phone should be Can't do much, Qi Feifei handed the phone number of the two of them to Qi Wang.

"Go back and rest."

Qi Wang said something like this. Qi Feifei felt a little uneasy inexplicably. She glanced at Qi Wang suspiciously. Seeing him look like an okay person, Qi Feifei was still a little suspicious, and finally she still hugged him. He returned to the room with anxiety.

Lying on the bed in the room, Qi Feifei thought of Xu Wenqing, and felt a chill from the bottom of her heart. She could feel that the other personality sleeping in her body had already Woke up, she should have heard all the conversation between her and Qi Wang just now.

"It’s where it is now. After knowing what the scumbag did, don’t you have any thoughts about him?"

The emotional personality did not intend to communicate with her aloud. Qi Feifei also knew the stubbornness of that personality, but instead babbled what she had not said to Qi Wang just now.

"A man who extorted others through nude-photographs is too low, and he may come to us because he thinks we have money and wants to blackmail us a lot of money."

The more Qi Feifei thinks about it, the more reasonable she feels. Although she did not deliberately show off her wealth when she was in the company, the clothes she carried on her bag and the cosmetics she occasionally brought out were all extremely valuable. Yes, Xu Xiaowen, who is also a woman, should be able to see how valuable the things she uses are, and this has been confirmed by Xu Xiaowen earlier.

The couple regarded themselves as fat sheep, and they united to deceive.

Because of the behavior of my previous love brain, it is estimated that Xu Wenqing will be tricked into bed soon. At that time, I am afraid that the other party will take countless videos and photos, and then use this Threatened to blackmail her...

"Wen Qing is definitely not that kind of person. I still said that. You can’t easily convict him if you don’t see it with your own eyes. Everything before is said by Xu Xiaowen. Have you ever asked Wen Qing, how does he know what the story looks like in his mouth?"

The conversation between Qi Feifei and Qi Wang just now made the emotional personality cloud in the mist, and now I hear that the rational personality that controls the body slanders Xu Wenqing in front of him, the emotional personality is momentarily Fry the pan.

She still believes in her own judgment and feelings, she can feel it, knowing that Xu Wenqing loves herself, others are so good, she is gentle and considerate to herself, and takes good care of her Yes, and almost every word he said to himself can be said to his heart. How can such a man be what they say?

She doesn't believe them.

The intellectual personality who has control of the body: "..."

Forget it, tired, go to ruin.

She never knew that her love brain would be confused to this point. Thinking of the grief that she had been poisoned by her love brain before, Qi Feifei suddenly felt a deep pity in her heart. Intentionally.

Faced with such a situation, she didn't even teach her. Qi Wang is really a very good father.

The words are not too speculative, knowing what virtue is the other one, Qi Feifei did not try to convince the other party anymore, she closed her eyes and pressed the other party into the bottom of her heart again to confirm that she could not turn over After the waves came, Qi Feifei began to think about what to do next.

Now Xu Wenqing is afraid that he does not know that he has caught fire in his backyard. Xu Xiaowen told Qi Fei everything he has done. According to Xu Wenqing’s character, he should not give up his own big fish. , And because of the uncertainty, Xu Wenqing was afraid that there would be minor problems. It is estimated that he will start to attack himself in a while.

Qi Feifei and Xu Xiaowen’s plan has this link. She wants to use herself as a bait to lure the snake out of the hole and catch Xu Wenqing. When the time comes, he will receive the stolen goods and Xu Wenqing will definitely be subject to the law. Sanctions.

After thinking carefully, she confirmed that she hadn’t missed anything, and then she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

In the other room, Qi Wang did not rest. At this time, he was sitting in front of the computer with ten fingers tapping on the keyboard quickly, because the speed was too fast. His fingers quickly formed an afterimage, making it difficult to see what he had pressed.

The sound of popping keyboards reverberates in the room, and the light of Lan Yingying’s computer shines on Qi Wang’s cheeks, making him a little colder. Color, the flat glasses on the eyes reflected the content on the computer screen, lines of code constantly appeared and disappeared, and small windows popped out quickly.

This year is obviously fifty-two years old. According to common sense, after this age, physical function will begin to degenerate. No matter how you exercise, it will always be inferior to young people. Qi Wang often has a feeling of powerlessness. He himself can clearly feel the traces of time left on him.

But in the last few days, everything has changed. He feels as if he has come back to life again. The body functions are even better than when he was young, and he found that his brain seemed Become smarter than before—if he was replaced by the previous one, he would never remember the codes and pictures that kept flashing on the computer screen.

But now these codes and pictures flash very quickly, but Qi Wang still remembers them one by one, and puts all these pictures together in his own mind. He looked at the computer screen, and his mind began to analyze the images in detail. It was obviously a human brain, but the speed of processing this information was even catching up with the computer.

He can even separate his mind to think about whether something has happened to him that he doesn't know, otherwise, how could he become so powerful now?

Is he really sad?

This mobile phone number can do many things, especially in this age of advanced information. For the convenience of many people, a mobile phone number is often bound to many apps and websites.

The geese have left their voices, and the water has left traces. As long as people have entered the Internet, they will eventually leave traces. In the eyes of computer experts, they don’t have any secrets. What they did Traces can be found in everything.

But this kind of behavior is walking on the edge of illegality, so Qi Wang was clearly capable before, but he didn’t want to use this method to investigate Xu Wenqing, but just started from Qi Feifei’s dialogue. , Qi Wang noticed one thing.

Qi Feifei thought that Xu Wenqing used **** photos to obtain money from the girls through extortion, but Qi Wang did not think so.

Xu Wenqing’s external conditions are really not good, even if he can capture a person’s heart with his disguised gentleness, but it takes time, and just because of time, it also proves that Xu Wen Qing did not establish contact with these women through conventional means.

It is not a conventional means to establish contact, but also to obtain large amounts of money through secret channels. List all kinds of illegal means of collecting money, throw away those absolutely impossible, and the rest is hidden the truth.

What is it that allows a person to have many photos of young girls, and can use these photos to threaten their relationship and make huge profits from them?

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