Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand and forty-seven chapters of the car of dawn\r

How powerful are the weapons built with biological organs in "Monster Hunter"? Ordinary people may not be able to imagine that in the game, that is, on the cat, these weapons will match the monsters, and the hunters will still be abused by the monsters, because these monsters are the descendants of the fighter machines built using genetic technology, and all the organs are It is the most extreme existence in the biological world.

So how effective will their weapons be modern? Long Aotian hadn't thought about it before, but now he knows that his character in the game is a little Superman. With game equipment, he can be a hero on earth.

Standing on the modern battlefield, displaying the magnificent Fighting Ability, Long Aotian became the protagonist, with spears without shadows and flames without front. The silver and red are turning into dragons with teeth and claws, firmly holding the entire chasing troops.

The mech infantry also took their weapons and followed their captain to effectively harvest the biped robot. Two-legged robots are also a kind of monsters. Long Aotian asked them to form a team in twos and threes. First, the two-legged robots were unbalanced, and then they attacked the gaps in the mecha with their weapons. Although those weapons are not as powerful as Meow Star’s biological weapons, they are still purely physical weapons. It is no problem for a few mecha infantry to kill a biped robot.

The soldiers who evacuated from the burning city looked behind them with lingering fear, where their hero was a man who was a man and a man, and how many two-legged robots fell under his feet. I saw Long Aotian suddenly from left to right, his body shapeless, he spears and kicks for a while, his movements are wide open and close, and the thunder is violent, making them fascinated by the sight.

Using the spear, Long Aotian's attack plane reached the maximum range, and he could take down an enemy every time he shot, and his own dexterity was so fast that the enemy could not keep up with his rhythm at all.

Think about how fast the monsters on the cat are. Although they are big, they get angry. They can sweep hundreds of square meters in a blink of an eye. Even the giant trees in the sky can be easily pushed down by the monsters. If these range attacks are not avoided, the hunter will have to pounce. Street. Moreover, the attacks from some monsters are not less dense than bullets, so as a hunter, you have to avoid these attacks.

So in the eyes of Long Aotian, who was wearing a piece of top-quality equipment, this bipedal robot with a strange shape hung on two cannon barrels was just a slow-moving crustacean monster.

Ya Erlin was also worried about Long Aotian, but now they can't stay, they should immediately prepare and rush to Mount Everest.

In fact, Mount Everest is the main battlefield. The Zenith Stars not only invested a large number of troops, but also planned the anti-unification front to launch attacks from within.

Fortunately, the internal rebellion was quickly suppressed, but the two thousand biped robots still put Everest under tremendous pressure. You must know that the Zenith Stars did not use so much force to capture the Ocean Star. This time they were determined to win. Everest.

However, the Zenith Starman is not without problems, that is, the VF-1, a shapeshifting fighter that is more flexible than a biped robot. Coupled with the new armor-piercing projectile researched by Kidd, which can break the armor of biped robots, five VF-1s actually resisted the army of biped robots relying on the terrain.

It was only for a while, because the ammunition was limited, and the two-legged robot had already rushed down the mountain and attacked the entrance, because the ammunition was limited, and the fortress of Everest was about to fall.

The inside of the fortress was in a mess, and the forces of the anti-unification front killed many people. Kidd and Aisha walked in the corridor and walked around the corpse to see the fierce fighting outside. Kidd asked Aisha, "Are you ready?"

"Do you really want to sing?" Aisha still felt pressured.

"I even gave you the new song. I definitely want to sing. Don't worry, the whole Ocean Star will hear your singing. Be a singer who ends the war with singing and brings hope." Kidd clapped his hands slightly, as if The setting before the performance reached everyone’s ears in an instant, and even reached the space fleet via radio waves.

Aisha can rap, if you don't sing it, you won't have a better life in the future, and this song is also suitable to sing for peace, because the song is full of sadness on the battlefield.

Melodious music spread throughout the battlefield. Although the war continues, the music is louder than the explosion. The sound of the guitar is heartbroken.

Aisha speaks slowly, ethereal voice, excellent singing tune, a story, a song, slowly flowing out.

"Lying on my stomach under the shade of the trees dancing with the wind and weeping, looking at the stranger myself, playing the guitar for the dead, and the meteors falling because of those who do not return..."

Parting in the war, no one can change, all sacrifices in exchange for more grief. Everything that is good has been destroyed by war. This "Car of Dawn" is a song that praises peace and denounces war.

The train leaving at dawn has sent away countless lives, but the singer is praying that the wheels will not stop, because she is still hoping that the returnees will take this train back. Those who survived the war, carefully guard the hope, The wheels turn, the war will eventually leave, and the return may not be anymore, but the train at dawn will still come back, because the train not only goes to war, but also breaks through the war. In the scorched earth, young shoots will grow, and young shoots will grow. Orange petals, just like the dawn when you left, the train wheels turn and turn, and one day it will not go to the platform named war again.

The train here no longer specifically refers to a certain train in the second half of the song, but refers to history and destiny. To explain in Kidd’s words, it is the chariot of destiny. When you turn to war, you must turn back to peace.

Everyone heard this song, and the soldiers of the Zenith Stars shed tears, because they heard the translated version. Aisha’s voice was transmitted to everyone’s communicator via radio waves, and the Zenith Stars heard it naturally. It is a translated version.

Yarlin wiped her tears. She remembered her father. She watched him get on the train to the battlefield. In the end, his father never came back. This song was written for her. The experience was so similar that she couldn't help it. Cried. Now she is sitting on a troop carrier, coming back from a battlefield and rushing to a new battlefield, isn't it just the chariot of fate that turns around indefinitely? Yarlin couldn't help asking what would happen to her destiny in the end?

The song is still going on. Aisha has gone through a lot and can grasp the essence of all songs, so this "Car of Dawn" was sung by her euphemistically, and also very sensational. It was the tears of the listener and the sadness of the listener.

Before you know it, everyone stopped fighting. What's the point? What are you calling for? Why are they fighting, and why are they here?

Kidd knew that the sound of singing was very harmful to the celestial stars, but he did not expect that it would also be powerful on the stars of the ocean. A single song sang the two sides to a truce? Kidd looked at Aisha in surprise and found that she was also surprised, she just sang a song.

"Don't stop, keep singing!" Kidd decided to broadcast live, and the white light ring turned into a projector to project Aisha's singing voice into the night sky, which was taller than Mount Everest.

"Keep on singing."

Aisha saw that her singing seemed to be really effective, and she didn't care about the embarrassment. She sang with all her heart, and it was better than before. The artillery finally stopped completely. Everyone looked at the sky and the singing goddess. Revel in it. ..

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