Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand and forty-eight chapters leave\r

In the sky, the queen was singing and the battlefield was silent. Both sides raised their heads and chose to listen to the song, forgetting to fight.

"Very awesome." Kidd gave Aisha a thumbs up.

However, this situation is annoying to the general of the Zenith Star. He is yelling, but all communications are blocked by singing. Now everyone is listening to the song and has no time to deal with the problem.

Standing on the ruins of the city, Long Aotian led his team to overlook Mount Everest, and he could see the shadow of the Snow Queen. This must be Kidd’s handwriting again. That Kidd always makes these weird and gorgeous things. matter. But why would the Ice Queen be with Kidd? Long Aotian didn't think about it, he didn't understand the superhero.

But the singing really had an effect on the Zenith Stars. After hearing the singing, they all put down their weapons. Long Aotian thought to himself, could this be the weakness of the enemy?

"Then Kidd, what are you going to do?" Long Aotian couldn't help asking.

Kidd didn’t want to do anything. He just wanted to prove that the Zenith Stars can be conquered by singing. Now that it has been proved, the next step is to go to the Zenith Stars fleet to hold a concert, and then let the Zenith Stars go back and forth. .

A war ended because of the singing, and the Zenith Stars followed the owner of the singing back to the universe. The unified government finally won a victory that was not considered a victory, won the industrial city, and began to regroup.

The singing also alarmed the survivors in the sea star hiding. They knew that there were still people fighting with the enemy, and they came to the industrial city to take refuge. For a time, a large number of people flowed in. Everyone was enthusiastic about the production of weapons. They now need to build. More VF-1s. In previous battles, the VF-1 demonstrated the superiority of the shapeshifting body. It can move with high mobility like an airplane, and can provide ground support like a tank, and it can also serve as a firepower like a turret. This design is perfect, the more the better.

"If you are ready, we will leave Ocean Star." Kidd found Long Aotian and said.

"So soon?" Long Aotian had only experienced a victory. He didn't expect to leave so soon. He just fell in love with this planet. Here he became famous, and the sisters gave him a hug. He could still show his strength in the bloody battle. .

"It's not fast, the basic problems are solved." Kidd said: "The enemy's weakness has been found. The Ocean Stars already have enough weapons, and they have also captured the alien spacecraft. Now they have begun to explode in technology, even if the sky If the Topstar launches an offensive, they will not be powerless to fight back. We have done everything we can do."

Long Aotian now knows why Kidd didn’t use Super Ability in the first place. It’s better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish. If Kidd really solves the enemy three times, then wait until Kidd and the others leave. After returning, they still have no Ability to resist. But now through Kidd's guidance, they knew that the Zenith Stars had no resistance to beautiful music, and the VF-1 fighters had begun to form combat effectiveness. Indeed, Kidd has done everything he can, and they have no reason to stay here.

"Can you give me some time?"

"Three days." Kidd gave Long Aotian three days: "I will pick you up and He Lianyan in three days."

Aisha’s concert at the Zenith Stars caused a sensation, so that the low-level soldiers launched a coup in order to be able to hear Aisha’s music in the future, and imprisoned the brutal commander. They took control of the fleet and reformulated immigration. phalanx. At the same time, Kidd also provided genetic medicine. If the Zenith Stars are willing to become human File size, Ocean Star has agreed to receive them.

The unified government is not a fool. Although they have suffered great losses, as long as the commander of the Zenith Star Fleet has been dealt with, it can be considered as an explanation. The important thing is that the Ocean Stars can get the Zenith Stars' spacecraft and technology, so why not do it.

The universe is so big and there are other aliens. If he doesn't seize the opportunity for development this time, God knows when he will have the opportunity to leapfrog development. Therefore, the top management of the unified government agreed to accept the smaller Zenith Stars.

Then the unified government began to publicize that the actions of the Zenith Stars were deceived by their stupid and cruel commanders. Ordinary soldiers are also victims. Now through beautiful music, they have repented and are willing to reform and become a new person for the ocean. Contributed to star reconstruction work.

Kidd can't control how much conspiracy and dissatisfaction there are. He hasn't solved the Mutant matter on Earth One, so how can he control whether the two races on the ocean star will fight again.

Aisha worked a little harder. As an ambassador, she took the Zenith Stars and the VF-1 team to perform on the Ocean Star. On the one hand, it was to show the force of the unified government, and on the other hand, to change the Ocean Stars’ impression of the Zenith Stars. More or less effective.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Kidd saw two women and a child behind Long Aotian.

"Are you going to take them back to Earth?" Kidd looked at Long Aotian.

"They are all my women, and little Bieber is even my younger brother, okay?" Okay, it's only 20 days after leaving the earth, and the harem and the younger brother have increased their staff.

"Yes, what can't be." Kidd smiled: "But they are on the earth, and you have the full authority to take care of them, and you will be responsible if something goes wrong."

"No problem." Long Aotian's panic for three days finally calmed down. In three days, he managed to settle He Lianyan, and persuaded Yarlin to abandon everything and follow him. If Kidd disagrees, he will be big. The desire to sleep together is about to come to nothing.

"Then let's go." Kidd looked at Aisha who was surrounded by the zenith stars again: "Let your fans wait. One day, no matter where in the universe, you will hear your singing."

Aisha thought Kidd's words were a bit bluff.

The people who unified the government in the distance also looked curiously here, not only their hero warrior Long Aotian, but also their singer Aisha. They didn't know why celebrities appeared here.

"We come from the star gate and we leave from the star gate. As for all of you on the ocean star, whether it is the ocean star people who unified the government, or the zenith star people who are left behind, if you still need help, open the stars. Door, send out the signal, and I Kidd will come back." Give two peace of mind, in fact, this peace was brought about too quickly, Kidd was afraid they would not cherish it.

Now there are many people who hate Zenith Stars, and Little Bieber is, if he hadn't left with Long Aotian, he would probably become an activist. The Zenith Stars contributed their weapons and gave up their size. Now they are a flock of sheep. If the Ocean Stars really slaughter the Zenith Stars with one blow, the Zenith Stars will become a weaker party. But Kidd's words gave the Zenith Stars a guarantee. If the Zenith Stars are in danger, as long as they open the Star Gate, Kidd will come back to help, so that the radicals can be safe.

Definitely, if the radicals can really do it, Kidd will be too late when he arrives. Being invaded, persecuted, and hating the Zenith Stars can be understood, because the Ocean Stars are the victims after all, but for the universe, it can be said that the cooperation with the Zenith Stars is a helpless but correct choice. The Zenith Stars who have been baptized by music have changed very much. Great, I hope they can use their efforts in exchange for the approval of the Ocean Stars.

Kidd solved some troubles, left some troubles, waved his sleeves and took everyone back to Earth. ..

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