Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1402 Habits\r

The boss of the slave owner was talking about the price, and Owen knew that if he didn't do anything, he would really be separated from Xin. As a compatriot of the empire, Owen must fulfill the responsibility of the silver hand. This is the dignity of being a knight.

I muttered in my heart, Holy Light, give me strength. Although I am hungry, it seems that the internal organs have been digested, but now only the Holy Light can let him guard his companions. Isn't the power of the Holy Light only for this time?

After exhausting his last strength, even his sanity disappeared, Owen silently set Xin an invincible, so that no one could move him.

And Owen fainted after exhausting his last strength.

The smell of food, have you ascended to heaven? There were different scents fighting in Owen's nostrils, and in the end, the scent was the strongest, suppressing all other scents. My lips are a bit hot, and a rush of hot soup is sent into my mouth and into my throat.

Energy, energy is coming.

However, Owen did not wake up, his body has completely disobeyed his will, and he can only make plans after his body receives nourishment and recovers.

After three days, there will be food in his stomach every day, and Owen finally wakes up. The last light has drew too much energy from him, but he will recover.

And because the traffickers couldn't take away Xin who was protected by Invincible, the farmer spent a little money to buy Xin too. Xin knew that Uncle Owen spent precious light in order to protect him. He also knew that only he could protect Uncle Owen when Owen fainted, so he worked very hard. Fortunately, he worked in the kitchen in the fleet. Yes, although the culinary skills are generally not as good as the master, he can do everything in the kitchen. He couldn't speak the language, and Xin used his actions to tell the farmer that he would work, he could handle the ingredients and cook, so the farmer sent him to the kitchen.

In the past few days, Xin worked very hard, which made the farmer very happy, but he did not spend money in vain, but the big man has not recovered, which made him very upset. He spent money to buy labor to work.

In this low-productivity society, people are one of the tools of production and a vital force. Even in the 21st century, rural people who are backward on the earth are still the best labor force. Therefore, some children cannot get the right to go to school and can only stay at home and work as labor force.

After Owen recovered, he was ordered to work immediately by the farmer. While working while recovering his vocal cords, he learned how to communicate. There was no need to think about writing, but at least he had to learn the language.

Although Owen and Xin hope the empire can rescue them, it took them half a year to cross the sea from the empire to the new world. Even if the empire will send people to rescue them, they will have to wait a long time, even several years, even forever.

All Owen can do is to survive and to persevere with hope.

The farmer nodded again and again, his money was not in vain, and the two slaves worked very hard. Sure enough, the decision to buy the slave was correct: "If this goes on, we will have a big harvest this fall."

"They are indeed good slaves, and they are also very smart. They can understand us in just a few days, and they will probably be able to speak our words soon."

"It's really inconvenient for language barriers, but it will get better soon."

good? It was still too optimistic. Just a few days later, the farm buildings burned, and Owen and Xin ran out of the Warehouse in shock, and saw a dozen robbers riding weird creatures cut down the farmer’s husband and wife. Brain.

"Uncle, it's a robber." Xin was frightened.

Owen was angry. Although the farmer only treated them as slaves, he never treated them badly. How could he bear to see them die: "Holy Light!"

Xin couldn't look directly at the light.

The robber who was snatching also found Owen's light, "There are still people, kill them."

"Oh!" He raised his weapon high and rushed towards Owen.

Although he has no sharp weapons in his hand, but his heart is full of holy light, Owen will not be afraid, the heavenly punishment robber: "Block." He directly hit the robber's mount with his shoulder.

The two-meter-high two-legged lizard was knocked away by Owen. Owen did not lose his way and continued to charge. The power of the block would counterattack the enemy with all the power, and the robber flew to the ground and fainted.

The bandit leader didn't expect that there would be another master: "Stop hurting my subordinates, and take my life."

Watching the bandit leader lift the giant axe and hack it down, Owen didn't avoid it: "The hammer of judgment."

The out-of-control lizard was slid to the ground by the crooked robber.

Kill, Owen didn't want to let go of the robbers at all. As a Paladin, he must punish the evil, and cutting off the heads of evil enemies is a sacred cause.

Owen has now recovered 60 to 70% of his strength. A few robbers are nothing at all. After defeating the robbers, Owen and Xin buried the farmer and his wife. They rode on the robber's mounts and headed to the city. He and Xin are also considered to have the capital to survive.

Deciding to live in the New World, Owen did not forget his responsibilities. He wanted to continue to collect intelligence for the empire, at least to know the information of the New World.

The Paladin's loyalty will allow Owen to continue his efforts, even if there are only two people left in the entire fleet.

The royal capital of the Kingdom of Lugonica, Owen and Xin spent ten days finally asking about the way. They also know that this is the easternmost country in the New World. The country named Lugonica has more than 300,000 permanent residents. The population and more floating population can be said to be a big city.

However, compared to the capital city where the empire has exceeded one million, Owen and Xin both felt that the kingdoms of the New World Kingdom were a bit petty. Their motherland is a powerful empire that unifies the mainland and possesses countless miracles. They simply look down on this city, but it is also a city in the New World, so it must be investigated.

"Uncle, there are so many animals in the New World." As soon as I entered the city, I saw cat heads, kobolds, and lizard heads. Although there are subhumans in the empire, there is no such exaggerated appearance at all. This is simply alien.

There are also the Yalong type that pulls carts, with great strength and fast action.

"Although the city is not big, it is still quite lively." Xin said while riding a purple raptor.

"It's not bad. It's also the center of a country. If you don't even have this scale, you are not qualified to cooperate with our powerful empire." His tone was full of disdain for Lugnica.

The empire is a powerful country built by conquering countless countries across the continent for a hundred years, and under the leadership of the queen, the empire is developing peacefully as never before, no longer relying on the other side for expansion and war. But through learning, the empire's national strength has surpassed all the time a hundred years ago, so Owen is proud of being a member of the empire, and even more glorious as a member of the silver hand that guards the empire. ..

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