Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1403: Death Reincarnation\r

"Uncle, let's buy some fruit."

"Your kid is greedy, right." Owen Kanxin stopped in front of the fruit stand and couldn't help laughing.

"Guests, what do you need to buy?" The other party must be very rich riding a tall lizard: "The fruit in this shop is the freshest and most delicious in the entire capital. You don't suffer a loss if you buy it."

The two mounts: "It looks pretty good." Owen looked at the fruit: "You can pick whatever you want, kid."


Owen took the opportunity to ask the owner of the fruit shop Lufa: "Is there a better weapon shop nearby."

The owner of the fruit shop looked at Owen and found that Owen is a martial artist, and his muscles should be well-proportioned: "There are many better weapons shops, but I recommend the best one. Turn right from here and go straight through three intersections. You will find the'Red Dragon Weapon Shop' under the city wall. It is the best weapon shop in the entire capital."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, this is also a service to customers."

Xin picked some fruits and paid for it. Just when he was about to turn around, he collided with the person behind him, and everything fell on the ground.

"sorry Sorry."

"..." Owen was taken aback by an incomprehensible voice. He didn't notice anyone behind him just now? Impossible, his body has almost recovered now, and it shouldn't be possible to find someone behind him. Moreover, this man is dressed in weird clothes, with short black hair and black eyes. Owen frowned, but earthlings shouldn't be here at all.

"Uncle is gone." Xin picked up the fruit and didn't want to say anything to him.

"Oh." Irving didn't feel right, so he didn't go far when he saw the boy behind him really talking to the previous fruit shop owner.

Obviously he couldn't understand the other person just now. Why did the owner of the fruit shop understand? It must be investigated, this is the paladin's instinct.

Owen turned around. Sure enough, now he understood what the black-haired boy said, and saw the plastic bag in the boy's hand. He was even more suspicious that he might be an earthling. Could there be other ways for earthlings to come to the New World? ?

If that's the case, maybe you can contact the government of the earth through that boy back to the earth, and then let the earth government tell about the Queen of the Empire ship. Owen knows that the earth people have tools to transmit voices for thousands of miles. They originally had them on the ship, but it was sinking.

Irving didn't act rashly, but he found something wrong. The boy was completely ignorant, apparently completely ignorant of the status quo. The questions he asked the owner of the fruit shop were even more idiots than Irving asked. In other words, this young man is very likely to fall into the New World, and he did not travel through it voluntarily at all.

The boy couldn't help himself. Owen was about to leave. He was not ready to contact this boy for the time being. Now he had to buy weapons first. The weapon he wanted was not a normal weapon, but a warhammer used by the Paladin.

The best weapon shop actually said that it would take a month to make a good weapon according to Owen's requirements, so you can only buy a swordsman first.

"This is your weapon."

Xin didn't expect Owen to buy weapons for him: "Thank you, uncle, this is the best gift I have received in 14 years."

"Equipped with a long sword, you will be a man in the future, and I will train you to become a real warrior from today."

"Yes, I will definitely work hard." Xin drew out the long sword and smiled: "Then uncle, what shall we do next?"

"Definitely is to find a place to live." After Owen booked Warhammer, he didn't have much money, so he could only find a cheap place. "Look for a place to live today, and start looking for work tomorrow. We are going to start to be self-reliant."

"I know, I will work hard." Xin also knows their difficult situation now.

Without money, there is no place to live, but Owen and Xin still found cheap housing where they can pay the rent, which is in the poorest civilian area in the capital.

"Look, it's all available. Just move in. You don't even need to prepare the quilt." "The price is also the lowest in the whole king. I swear you will never find anything better or cheaper than mine." Housing now."

"I'm very satisfied." It was so settled.

"Uncle, let's go around." Since you want to live frequently, you should have enough knowledge of the surrounding situation.

"Also, at least you have to know where to buy vegetables, this will be home in the future."

The people in the slums do not seem to be friendly, and there is no place to buy things, shopping must go to the commercial street. There are many unkind people in the slums, as well as people who are engaged in shady professions, thieves, prostitutes, a mixture of fish and fish, and even many wanted criminals. Owen has also discovered that crimes are breeding in this place, but there is no way he has no money now. Rent a better place.

"Uncle, it's the weird person I saw before." Xin saw the weird boy before, with the plastic bag still in her hand: "He has a beautiful sister by his side."

"Elves?" The beautiful silver-haired elves said, "I didn't expect that there will be elves in the New World."

"Uncle, are they going to steal something, sneaky?" Xin said weirdly, the first two people were too weird, they were sneaking in the slums.

"Stealing things? I believe that there are thieves in the slums, but I don't believe that someone will come to the slums to steal things, and the things are almost the same." Owen still has some insights. Looking at the silver-haired elves’ clothes, they are rich people, so she should be lost. The owner of things, as for this earth boy?

Owen frowned. This boy should have just arrived, and it was really unlucky to be involved in the incident. However, there does not seem to be any tension on the expression on the boy's face. Is this earth boy also a strange man with special skills? Otherwise, he is a very nervous guy, who is not afraid of crossing at all.

"Uncle, let's follow along and have a look."

Owen nodded, followed, and came to an old Warehouse.

With the smell of blood, Owen's brows deepened, and he drew his sword out of his waist: "Xin, you go back first."

The earth boy advanced in, and the smell of blood became stronger. Irving felt bad. The killer was still in the Warehouse. Seeing that the elf girl would also enter the door, "No." Irving said quickly, but the killer inside couldn't bear it anymore. , The dogleg knife flew out from the crack in the door and thrust it straight into the back of the elf girl who was startled by Owen.

"Invincible!" Irving was shocked, the murderer in the Warehouse was unheard of brutality, and it was absolutely unforgivable to hide in a place to hunt the door-to-door target.


"..." Owen frowned when he saw a weird boy sitting on the ground, and he didn't say anything when he hit someone. It was rude, but why is this boy dressed up so strangely? Earthling?

"Uncle, let's go." Xin picked up the fruit and shouted.

? ? Owen felt a subtle sense of contradiction.

And in a corner of the border town of Lugonica, Kidd appeared from the void, and looked at Luna who was eating snacks in the distance and smiled: "It's really an interesting continent. The time on the entire continent has been reset. It's morning?" "Luna, I'm leaving, something interesting happened."

The blond elf wiped away the residue from the corner of his mouth and trot back to Kidd: "Master, what is interesting?"

"Just go and see." Kidd smiled without saying a word. ..

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