Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1405: Helping the peers\r

In broad daylight, the boy called the Roar girl a witch, and the girl only felt that the eyes around her looked like a knife. So the gaze towards the teenager became more unfriendly.

The boy’s heart was also hurt. He obviously had such a happy cooperation with the girl, but now the girl pretended not to know herself. Why on earth?

Opportunity, the girl thief hiding in the shadow quickly shot, rushed over and stole the important props from the silver-haired girl's pocket.

The girl who learned that the badge had been stolen glared at the teenager: "Is this your purpose? Create opportunities for your companions?" The girl was almost crying. If she lost the badge, she would lose her qualification as a successor to the king.

There was no time to waste time with the boy, and the girl turned around to chase the thief.

"Satilla?!" What the hell is going on? Why doesn't the beautiful girl remember herself? What is it for me to suffer so much? What is it for me to travel through? It's all for her. Pull your legs to catch up.

"We will catch up too." Irving worried that something would happen to the earth boy.

This is an alley, and there are four people in the alley.

"Hand over all the valuable things from you." They are really dedicated three bastards, and they won't even change their lines.

"Get out, get out." The thief quickly stepped on the wall and jumped over the heads of the four, when one of the four suddenly stretched out his hand.

Filute fell from the wall: "Let go of me." Her ankle was caught in the process of moving.

"You can't hide from the chasing soldiers like this, hiding under my cloak."

"..." Filout was taken aback, but when he heard the footsteps behind, he knew that the people behind had caught up. The speed was so fast that he couldn't think about it, and he immediately hid in the man's cloak.

The three gangsters looked at everything stupidly, and watched the girl disappear into the man's white cloak: "Are you a magician?"

"No, it's just a strange thief." He said that his hands were invisible, and he didn't give the gangsters time to react at all.


"Don't run away yet." Kidd smiled slightly, scared the little bastard and turned around and ran, covering the key parts, and ran away regardless of the embarrassment.

And the silver-haired girl who was chasing behind finally came over: "Excuse me, have you seen a blonde girl who moves quickly."

"She went to the front." Kidd said calmly.

"Thank you." The silver-haired girl bowed to Kidd and thanked him before chasing her.

"I don't forget the etiquette at this time, she is a good girl." After the words were finished, a black-haired teenager appeared on the other side of the alley.

Kidd raised his brow when he saw the plastic bag in the young man's hand. It seemed that he had found the key to resetting the time twice.

"Excuse me, have you seen a beautiful silver-haired girl?" The boy said nervously, panting.

"in front of."

"Thank you." The boy hurriedly ran after him.

Kidd shook his cloak at this time, and the girl inside fell off immediately: "Oh, it hurts."

"You can go now, the people who are chasing you are moving forward, you can go back the same way and find another way to leave."

"Why do you want to help me?" Filout was strange, wondering why the person who met for the first time helped her like this.

"Because I am also a thief." Kidd proudly announced his career.

So it turned out: "Thank you." Filout turned and ran, but was blocked at the entrance of the alley, and Owen came.

It's really an alley of fate. Kidd felt the light in Owen's body. He didn't expect to meet the survivors of the fleet here. It was too simple.

Filute was taken aback. He didn't expect someone to be hunting down. It's been three waves, uncle, do you want to work so hard, he's just an ordinary thief. But after she was grabbed by her wrist, Owen, who grabbed her, remained motionless, as if she had turned into a stone sculpture.

I saw it, it is the legend of the empire, the teacher of the empire queen, and the founder of the Hand of White Shadow. His statue was erected in the imperial capital, in the academy, in the church of the Hand of Silver, in all places where the citizens of the empire need guidance:" Lord Kidd?!" Owen was in tears. He didn't expect to see Kidd, his spiritual mentor in his lifetime.

"Are you a knight of the Silver Hand?"

Knight, Filout didn't believe it, but Owen didn't have the temperament of a knight at all, but he looked like an ordinary uncle.

"Yes!" Irving let go of the girl and saluted Kidd, "Owen, the captain of the third team of the Knights of the White Shadow, has seen Lord Kidd."

"Well, I already know the misfortune of your fleet, do you have any other survivors?"

Owen cried: "No, other people were either buried in the sea or tortured to death by people from the New World, leaving me and a young sailor as two survivors." Because the language of the empire was spoken, the girl didn't understand. , I only know that Kidd seems to be very powerful, and being a thief to be a knight saluting him is simply an idol, Star Eye.

"Where were you an hour ago?" Kidd Xin said that if the time was reset, he would have to find a way to find them.

"Sir, our timers have all been robbed, but it is estimated that it should be the fruit stand at the end of the street. We were delayed there for a while." "By the way, Xin is still there watching things now."

"Take it, let's find a place to sit down and talk, little girl, you are familiar with this place, take us to a place where we can chat."

Feilu nodded and brought a group of people to the Warehouse. This is the place where many people come back to sell the dirty, and it is also the bar opened by the old man.

"Master Kid, are you alone?"

"Luna came with me, but I let her stay out of the city." A time reset before, he and Luna were on their way, and they were far away from the town. Once the time was reset, Luna returned to the town. Here, Kidd decided to investigate the resetting of the time and then bring Luna out, otherwise it would be too troublesome to repeat it every time.

"It turns out that Lord Asgardian of the Wind has also come. It is our incompetence. Not only did we not bring news of the new world for the empire, but instead troubled Lord Kidd and Lord Asgardian of the Wind to come, I disappointed the empire."

"You can't blame you. We underestimated the sinisterness of the New World. We didn't expect that there would be such a powerful monster near the New World." Kidd comforted Owen.

It's the first time that Xin has approached the legendary character. It's a great honor. When it's over, I can't sleep anymore.

"Kid, aren't you a thief? Why do they respect you so much?" Filut couldn't understand: "And what are you talking about? Why do I only understand you? I don't understand what they say. ."

In fact, Irving and Xin didn't quite understand what Filout said, because the mainland also had accent problems.

"Because I am a very powerful thief." Kidd said, then looked at the time, it was almost time to reset.

"Filout." The boy pushed in.

Filute was taken aback: "I don't know you, why do you know my name?"

"It's not important, please exchange what you stole with me." The silver-haired girl was completely disgusted, so the boy thought that he could use this opportunity to have a good relationship with the beautiful girl, and by the way prove that he was not an accomplice of the thief, but he did not think about it. If it were not for the thief's accomplice, how would he explain the origin of the stolen goods in his hand?

"I use this'Meteor' that can hold time for you."

"……"meteor? The old man walked over to verify himself and nodded: "It is indeed a meteor."

"Meteor?" Kidd was speechless.

"By the way, this man is also a very powerful thief, and he must have seen countless rare treasures, Lord Roma, let him see it too." Filut said.

"Oh?" "You are from another country? I haven't seen you before." Lord Roma knew most of the thieves in the capital.

Kidd is basically certain that this traversing teenager is not a person on Earth One, nor is he a child from his hometown of Earth, because Kidd doesn’t think that people at the age of Subaru would not know Kaito Kidd, so he hopes to find out about him from his mobile phone. . ..

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