Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 1 406 Conditions\r

Caiyue Subaru looked at this strange man. He probably knew that this strangely-dressed man was definitely an accomplice of the thief. He had seen him in the alley before, and he must have pointed Satila the wrong way.

Kidd turned on the phone and quickly pressed the button in the boy's surprised eyes. This skillful action made the boy very guilty. Although he is confident that this is the only mobile phone in Otherworld, he is still afraid.

Poor boy, there are only parents' calls in his cell phone, and text messages are all advertisements.

"Can you use it, don't break it," Subaru said carefully.

Kidd closed the flip phone and returned it to the boy: "What are you going to change?"

"Filout's stolen badge." The boy breathed a sigh of relief. He thought Kidd hadn't seen the clue, but Kidd had turned over his phone inside and out. Kidd also determined that this boy is not a person from Earth One and Home Earth, because neither Earth has this mobile phone system.

Filute took out a File size badge with a fingernail, and inlaid a rice grain File size ruby ​​in the middle of the gold pattern on the black background.

"This badge is not valuable." Kidd saw at a glance that this thing had no value except for identity: "This piece of rice jewelry probably doesn't have a gold coin."

"Then let's exchange." Great, we can finally exchange.

"No!" But Kidd refused: "Is there anything else that hasn't happened?" This sentence seems to be a question.

Everyone didn’t know what it meant, but Filute said, “My employer hasn’t come yet, and I didn’t want to steal this thing. It was someone else who paid me to steal it.”

Oops, can't make extra branches: "As long as the money is not the same, I know that the other party will definitely not be able to give out 20 holy gold coins, and my meteor is worth at least 20 holy gold coins."

"..." Everyone looked at the boy weirdly, how did he know this?

"Are you the party related to the item?" Only the party can know the details.

But Kidd knew that this young man was really the key to the time reset. He retained the memory before the time reset, but what were the conditions for the time reset?

The teenager came to exchange items at this time, and even used a mobile phone like Otherworld's big killer, but it has been unsuccessful. Obviously, there is some resistance blocking this transaction. Is it Filute’s employer?

It is necessary to meet with the employer. Although a strong energy can be felt from the teenager, Liu Adou still does not know the conditions for the time reset, whether it is controlled by the teenager or uncontrollable. As long as the teenager fails to meet certain conditions, he will Automatic reset, or something.

"Little girl, when will your appointment arrive?"

"Before the sun goes down, it is estimated that it will be here soon." Filut said: "That meteor is really worth twenty holy gold coins?"

"I don't see that you are still very greedy for money. Did you know that the most taboo thing to be a thief is to be greedy for money?" Kidd prepared to teach the other party a bit of stealing experience: "Although the thief is a thief, he is also an artist. When a thief is deceived by money With both eyes, he is not far away from the end of his career, so as a thief, you should never just look at money. The most important thing is your own bottom line. The so-called stealing is also the truth." "As for its worthlessness." , It depends on whether you can find a suitable buyer. If the buyer really likes to pay more, it is inevitable. If no one likes it, then you won’t be able to buy twenty holy gold coins.”

"Wow, it's so cool." This is the first time Filout has seen such a fresh and refined thief.

Lord Roma felt that Kidd was right. He was too greedy for money and could cause trouble.

"As for the current value of this meteor, the value is still guaranteed, this can be assured." Kidd flipped his phone and said.

The boy was shocked: "When?!" He didn't even see Kidd leaving his seat. When did he steal the phone? "Come back, this is my thing." I need to use it to exchange badges.

"When you just had a fierce inner struggle and decided to go and stay." Kidd saw that this young man obviously knew what would happen later, so he was uneasy. I'm afraid what happens later is definitely not a good thing.

Throw the phone to the teenager: "This is a den of thieves. If you are distracted, your belongings will be stolen."

"Kid, it's amazing, I didn't even see when you started it." This senior is so amazing, he is simply a role model for himself: "You teach me?"

"Actually, there is nothing special. Without him, practice makes perfect. Practice more hand skills." She said that she was holding a delicate and flaming red rose with her white gloves, her wrists shook again, and two, three appeared, and finally appeared. A handful.

Subaru was stunned when he saw Kidd bluffing the natives. Isn't it magic tricks in his heart, and he will too. He can only do simple pick-up magic tricks, not so complicated at all.

Happy applause, it is as powerful as the legend, it is wonderful.

"It's so lively, don't you tell me that these people are my competitors." Onee-san in a black gauze low-cut narrow skirt appeared enchantingly at the door.

"My employer is here," Filut said.

Killer, Kidd was confirmed at the first sight of Onee-san, with at least three murder weapons hidden in his body. And Owen's eyes sharpened, he felt the evil spirit of the other party teasing the holy light in his body, witch!

Onee-san also frowned, swept over and stopped a little gaze on Irving and Kidd, it seemed that something went wrong, and I hope there will be no problems with the transaction.

"Now that you both want badges, this little brother has released a'Meteor', what about your bid, the employer?"

Onee-san frowned, sure enough, but only if a teenager is a competitor can still discuss: "The highest price I offer is twenty holy gold coins."

The girl was taken aback, and she was really the same as what the little brother said.

Subaru is now stiff and he doesn't dare to move at all. Although he hasn't figured out what happened to him, the pain of being killed by Onee-san will still appear in his mind and affect his stomach. He is afraid of Onee-san. He would draw his sword at any time, but in order to leave a good influence in front of the beautiful girl, he had to do something.

"My meteor is more valuable. Both Kidd and Lord Roma said that they can buy more than twenty holy gold coins." The boy became strong.

"You seem to be afraid of me?" Onee-san smelled the fear in the teenager.

"No." Although it was negative, the expression had already betrayed him.

Kidd told Owen not to act rashly and watch the changes, but he also felt that Onee-san had been guarding them. And the expression of the boy tells Kidd boy and Onee-san what absolutely happened in the last reincarnation. Depending on the extent of the teenager's fear, it may be a matter of life and death.

So what are the conditions for resetting? Presumably in this tavern, such a confrontation had happened before, and then there would be factors that caused the time to reset.

"It's getting late. We don't have a place to live yet, so let's not disturb. We will come to visit you when we settle down. Filute, Lord Roma, we are leaving." Kidd believes that their presence will affect the stimulation of conditions. , Just evacuate first.

After saying that they will visit, Kidd and Owenxin quickly moved away, but Kidd's induction has not left, it is almost the tavern's every move.

Fight, then die, die as thoroughly as last time, and then time reset.

Kidd was still in the position before teleporting, and he saw that Luna was eating a snack, but unlike before, Kidd had mastered the conditions for resetting the time. Is the boy's death? It's really cruel. No wonder the boy was so afraid that he had been killed several times. ..

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