Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and ten chapters\r

"That's not good, Sword Saint." Kidd didn't expect that this person would already be a Sword Saint at a young age, it was too exaggerated.

"I'm very sorry, but I will never let her learn any stealing skills from you." Sword Saint said to Kidd solemnly.

"Oh? Are you underestimating my skills?" While talking, Kidd already had one more thing in his hand, the golden sword hub and the sword grid, and the heavy sword body. You don't need to get out of the sheath to know that this is a handle. An excellent sword that can be processed at the current level of processing.

when? The Juggernaut didn't even know when his sword left from his waist. This thief is definitely not an ordinary person, but a truly powerful thief. He fixed his eyes on Kidd, "What are you going to do?"

"It's just to show my skills." Kidd turned the sheath long sword in his hand three times and stood on the ground: "If this girl's identity is special, I won't stop it, but if she wakes up, it will still If you want me to practice stealing skills, ask her to come to me. I will not leave the royal capital recently. Our residence is in the city."

The Juggernaut took a deep look at Kidd and retracted the sword: "I remember it." He turned and left.

"Luna, we are gone, too."

"Wait, at least you have to tell me where did you drop my badge?!"

"What's your name?" Kidd was curious, the girl was a little bit interesting.

"Emilia." The silver-haired girl finally said her real name.

"Then who is this young man?" Kidd asked: "It seems that he is more nervous about the badge than you. Although the badge was indeed stolen from you, I am not sure that the badge belongs to you. Yours, because there is no mark on the badge, I suspect that the badge originally belonged to this young man and you stole it from him."

I was about to vomit blood. When did Emilia have been so slandered, she was so angry that she almost cried.

At this time, the boy will stand up and stand up to the girl: "The reason why I want to get the badge back is because I want to return the property to the original owner. I prove that this badge really belongs to Emilia." In fact, the boy is happy now. , I finally know the girl's real name, and one step closer can be called Roar Amelia sauce.

Kidd shook his head: "Your testimony can't prove anything, I need a stronger proof."

I was so angry that tears rolled in the girl's eyes, and she was almost crying: "The badge is really mine. Please tell me where you left it. I must find it back."

"You bastard, haven't you seen Emilia crying? You stinky thief, don't pull it like this. You are obviously a thief, and you suspect that the owner is coming. What qualifications do you have?!" The boy frantically said. .

Is this the reincarnation of Long Aotian? So hanging? Kidd has been observing the Pleiades of Nayue for a period of time. This boy seems to be particularly concerned about the girl, because it is the spring season?

However, gentle ladies and gentlemen are so charming and understandable.

"Juvenile, you should care about your own hand. It has been completely fractured, and your abdomen has been injured? Although the wound is not fatal, don't you feel it?"

"Huh?" Looking down, blood was splashing, and the knife was so fast that I thought it was all evaded. I didn't expect it to be recruited. I didn't feel it at all. It was so hot and painful when Kidd mentioned it.

Excessive blood loss, pour!

"Are you okay?" The girl didn't know the boy's name yet, and immediately summoned Mana between heaven and earth to treat the boy.

Is this the energy on the New World? Actually, it is similar to the magical energy of the Empire, but the name is different. It's wrong. It seems that the energy of the New World is more active and even has its own consciousness, although it is not obvious.

"Master, what shall we do?" Luna said weirdly.

"Go and wake up the boss here." Lord Rom was beaten up by the killer before. If Luna hadn't arrived in time, it is estimated that the intestine hunter would kill him again.

"Oh, my head hurts." Lord Roma struggled to sit up, his two-meter burly body is already quite impressive: "I'm not dead?"

"Almost died, but your luck is good."

"Where's Filute?" Lord Roma looked left and right, but he didn't find the person he cared most about.

"She was taken away by the Juggernaut, and nothing will happen." "Sorry for breaking your house."

"It's okay, you are also trying to save us. If this broken house is broken, let's break it." Lord Rom was a little uneasy. He seemed to be worried about Filut being taken away by the Juggernaut.

"Then, can you help us prepare some food, a little more, and prepare for six people, I will take it out." Kidd said, took out a piece of gold: "This is a deposit."

"Okay, I'll prepare it right away." Regardless of Ye Feng's hole, Lord Roma immediately went to prepare food.

The speed of preparing food is faster than the speed of the girl's treatment, but while waiting for the food, two twin maids who drove the dragon cart found Emilia and treated Emilia with respect.

Maid outfit? Kidd saw a red-haired and blue-haired twin maid, who was about fourteen or five years old, guarding her surroundings blankly, and she didn't approve of Emilia's rescue of strangers.

Kidd was about to leave with food, but saw the twin maid stopped Kidd: "Sister, Master Emilia said that this person knows the whereabouts of the badge and is a very important person."

"Sister, absolutely can't let him go."

"Sister, I know, don't relax."

Seeing that the two maids actually stopped Kidd, Luna was about to freak out immediately: "What are you going to do?"

"He stole the most important thing from Emilia-sama."

"It turns out that the most important thing for your adults is that the badge is not chastity." Kidd laughed weirdly.

"This person is evil, but you can just harass your sister, don't get close to Rem."

"Don't harass Ram, Rem is your most suitable target."

… These two maids are a little bit interesting and feel a little off the line: "If you want a badge, just tell me where you live. I will visit you tomorrow." "It's so dark today, and I still have a companion here. Wait for me, so I can’t wait any longer, or they will die because of starvation."

"Starve to death, don't, Rem hates starving."

"Rahm also hates it. We live in Mezas Manor, in the owner's territory. We must come tomorrow."

"Sister, what if he doesn't come?"

"Our master will find him personally." said the red-haired Ram.

"Okay, I remember." Kidd left the badge to learn more about this crossing boy. Now the boy is very likely to be moved to Mezas Manor, then he must also find an excuse to see it. Time is heavy. The reasons for the placement have not been investigated, so we cannot relax. ..

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