Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and eleven chapters sunk\r

"Master Kidd." After hurting his vocal cords, Owen's voice was not so good, but he didn't care: "We have found a place to live, not far away."

"This is food for you." Kidd handed the food bag to Owen.

"thank you very much."

In an ordinary two-story house, Owen and Xin live on the first floor, and Kidd and Luna live in the two rooms upstairs. There is a kitchen but no toilet or bathroom. Because this is a medieval background, most people do not have a flush toilet, and they use wooden barrels to drain every morning. Only the noble manor has a fixed gold and silver toilet with a simple structure, and has its own special sewer facilities, so there is no need to clean it every day.

The empire was like this before, but with the entry of people on earth, flush toilets have basically been popularized in big cities.

Fortunately, Owen and Xin will clean up, because the two of them are now servants, and they have to take care of Kidd and Anna's daily life.

The next day Owen and Xin got up early in the morning and swung their swords in the alley at the back door. This was a familiar routine.

Kidd also got up early, "Owen, do you want revenge?"

"Yes!" Irving categorically said, "But that sea monster is too strong, and it's still at sea. Even if the main force of the Silver Hand comes, I'm afraid it can't take the sea monster hiding in the deep sea." The sea monster hid in the sea, This is really helpless.

"Tell me carefully about the situation that day."

Everyone was very excited that day, because the land was just ahead, and the six months of hard trek had finally come to fruition, so everyone was very happy and everyone smiled. But the crisis broke out at this time.

The first was the right-wing Zhanlang, which was smashed into two pieces by the sea monster without any reaction. Then the sea monster attacked from the right wing towards the central flagship. On the Pioneer in front of the flagship, Owen didn't understand what was going on. The flagship was injured, a big hole was broken in the bottom of the ship, and sea water was poured into the airtight cabin.

Speaking of these things, Owen and Xin still have lingering fears.

"The commander immediately ordered the abandonment of the ship, but after crossing the fleet, the sea monster turned around and attacked the people on the rescue boat. It seemed as if the sun was shining on, it was very hot, and even the sea was boiling." Owen said: "I am where I am. The Pioneer also caught fire, the sails were ignited, and the stern turned directly into coke. At the moment our captain also ordered the ship to be abandoned. I remember very clearly that countless sailors jumped into the hot boat before they could get on the lifeboat. The sea water, the whole person is boiled." Tears came down as he said.

The boy did not flick lightly when he had tears, just because he did not reach the point of sadness, and everyone fell into the bottom of despair when they were happiest. More than 3,000 people, most of the companions who supported each other in the past six months were killed by sea monsters.

"Holy light and magic, as well as artillery, do not have much effect on the sea monster in the sea." Owen lowered his head and clenched his fists. The entire body of the sea monster will now appear in his dreams: "I The man who led a lifeboat was ready to regroup on the shore and fight against the giant beasts in the sea. Unexpectedly, there was an army from the New World on the beach. They attacked us for no reason." Irving still trembled now: "We Between the sea monsters and the army, it is impossible to advance or retreat, but the fleet has suffered heavy losses. Therefore, more and more lifeboats rushed to the beach under the high temperature, but everyone could not escape death." "The last twelve empires thought. The proud ship turned into ruins, and our survivors became prisoners and were tortured, decreasing day by day.” Owen drew out his entire body before retelling the original situation once again.

But Owen wanted revenge. He was also angry with the army of the New World, but he hated the sea monsters even more. If there were no sea monsters, the army of the New World would not be the opponent of the Hand of White Shadow at all.

"There will be a chance, but now we need to be patient." Kidd said: "You will teach Xin Guang to teach him to become a Paladin of the Silver Hand."

"Thank you, my lord, I will definitely work hard. I will avenge the uncles who took care of me after learning the Holy Light." Xin also has ambitions.

"Master, that sea monster is really powerful, and we don't have a foothold on the sea." Anna felt that if she wanted revenge, she still needed to find a way to lead the sea monster to the sea.

"There will be a way to do this. Now we will solve the stability problem of the New World first. Otherwise, it is estimated that the New World will not open the market for a long time." If the time reset happens all the time, the New World will be too insecure and unstable. The market is not in the interest of the planet.

Yesterday, I already knew the residence of the crossing young man, so Kidd unceremoniously took Anna to visit Rozval L Mezas. This lord is the strongest magician in the Lugonika Kingdom, and he is also a nobleman with a fief. Although most of his fief is mountain forest, there is only a small village with a population of more than 1,000, but he is also a nobleman.

Mezzas’s territory was a whole night’s drive from the king, but Kidd and Anna flew directly over, and after a while they reached the gate of a remote but very luxurious manor.

The iron door is locked tightly, and there is a simple wooden house on the inner side of the door, which is probably the guard.

Knock on the door, and a person walked out of the wooden house: "May I ask you what's the matter?" The concierge asked through the door.

"We are looking for Emilia."

"Please wait a moment, I'll report." The manor is so big, and the report takes a lot of time. It takes at least five or six minutes to go back and forth. It is worthy of being a big family.

But Kidd soon felt that the big family might not be as ostentatious as he had imagined, because it was Emilia who came with the doorman. It was only a little past seven o'clock, and she didn’t expect that the big family’s lady would have gotten up. He even ran to open the door in person.

"You are finally here." Although it was to open the door, there was not much welcome joy on Emilia's beautiful and handsome face, more disgust. If you don’t want to know from Kidd’s mouth where the badge is in the moat, she would never want to see Kidd again: "Now you can tell me where you lost my badge?"

"Is it right at the gate? I feel the wind is so strong that I can't open my mouth, so I might as well sit in the manor for a while and talk about it."

Watching Kidd guardedly, he is a thief with strong stealing skills. Would he steal things if he went in?

"Are you worried that I will steal something?" Kidd smiled: "Generally, I let you know in advance when I steal something, and even tell you when I will take it, since no notice has been sent. The letter will not touch the things in your manor."

"Then you still steal my badge."

"It was an exception yesterday, and please don't say that I stole something from you. This is just a live teaching performance. You are just the lucky one chosen by me. What happened yesterday is not a steal but a class."

Damn, this guy is really annoying, but there is no other way.

"Please come in!" gritted his teeth.

Kidd pretended not to see Emilia's attitude, went all the way into the manor, and saw the two maids from yesterday, gave a smile, and got two guarded eyes.

Kidd Xin said that he had become a bad person, and felt good. ..

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