Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and twenty-nine chapters on the face\r

This is a battle that will be recorded in the SAR and the history of the naval battle on Earth One. The battleship smashes the monsters of the deep sea.

The collision between modern technology and ancient mythology, the weapon hit the beast, half of the bombs, evaporated countless tons of seawater, almost all the seawater that envelops the sea monster was evaporated, and the final result was that the sea monster left half of its body. , Fleeing into the deep sea, I am afraid that Uropoulos will never want to come to the sea again in a short time. On this day, mankind declared the ownership of the sea.

It was not perfect for the first station of the Randa, because they did not completely leave the enemy behind, but was escaped into the deep sea by Uropoulos. The captain was not satisfied with the battle of cutting the grass and not removing the roots, but combined with this battle. In all cases, it's pretty good. First of all, the attack was launched in advance, so there was no designated battle plan at all, and the other was the lack of knowledge of the sea monster's intelligence. At the same time, the training of the sailors is not sufficient, and the battleships and the sailors have not yet adjusted well.

In summary, the result of this battle is still acceptable, at least not lost.

And the princes and nobles of the Lugonika Kingdom witnessed the whole process. The thrilling forty minutes has made them have no doubts about the strength of the empire, especially the intensive firepower coverage at the end. If they fall in the sky above the royal capital, I am afraid that they will not persist for a few minutes. Afterwards, the entire king's capital will become necessary.

When the Landa finally turned halfway around the sea monster's huge amounts of body, everyone was sweating and was about to collapse, even the knight could not avoid it.

Kidd waved his hand: "This is the process of conquering the sea monsters. Although the empire is far away, it can't be deceived. If your Kingdom of Lugnika does not have the determination to fight to death, the empire can easily capture you." This is a joke. Yes, because it’s really too far, it’s useless to attack: "But the empire is friendly." This is also false. The empire has been quieted after being beaten by the earth recently, "So I think you still accept my previous Propose, open a commercial port and open a concession."

There was a lot of discussion, once again, but it was no longer so enthusiastic. Obviously, the empire was not a state of etiquette, and it had a powerful force.

Joker looked at these tangled nobles with a playful face, knowing that it was difficult for them to make a choice. It's really interesting, the empire has such a technology. But Joker's face also knew that maybe things could not be so simple to decide.

"We need time." Again, the elders really can't make up their minds, but this time it is not to delay time, but to discuss it privately with the nobles.

"Give you seven days, only seven days, and I hope to get your reply after seven days."

Even for seven days, a good king's election meeting became a stage for the empire to inquire about crimes, and it was really disappointing. The meeting is over!

Caiyue Subaru has not left the palace yet, after being kicked out, he still wants to help Emilia. The knights who came out of the palace saw him. They had seen the shocking battleship battle against the sea monsters today. Coupled with the strength of the empire, the knights didn't want to bother with the Pleiades.

Nayuki Subaru is just an insignificant little person, the knights still have important things to do now, it is impossible to waste time and young people to settle accounts.

However, the look in the Pleiades Nayuki's eyes angered Julius, and he stopped. From the gaze of the Pleiades Nayuki, he saw hatred and contempt. He was obviously kicked out, but he still despised the knight like a victor. This made Julius angrily: "You, I propose a knight showdown to you. "

There was excitement in the eyes of the Pleiades Cai Yue. He seemed to see that he had knocked down the scene of the ‘rival of love’ who had kissed the back of Emilia’s hands on the ground, "I promise!"

...... The knights and nobles who came out one after another were stunned. Didn't this young man know that Julius was known as the master of the ‘best knight’? At the same time, Julius is also the deputy commander of the Knights of the Kingdom's Guards.

"Subaru?" Emilia didn't expect Subaru Caiyue to be so reckless. She knew that Subaru Caiyue was working hard recently, but she might not be Julius' opponent: "Stop it, you haven't practiced well."

What's the meaning? Doesn't even Emilia think she is the opponent of this blue hair? Nayuki Subaru’s pride was trampled on by the goddess. The more Amelia stopped, the more he would fight: "I am the exclusive knight of Amelia sauce, and I won’t lose." Raised his finger to Julius. "You can just let it go, no matter who you are, I will defeat you." I want Emilia to know who is the real strong.

Nagyue Subaru, it seems that I am the knight of Emilia, Anna complained inwardly.

"Young man, I admire your courage." Julius was also angry. This young man is too annoying, and he did not sin against him. The resentment and contempt in his eyes became more and more angry.

There is a knight's duel in the palace, and the two use wooden swords.

Relaxed, I am a dropout student who has been wielding a sword at home. If he is not good at others, would he still lose than the sword? Cai Yue Subaru is very confident.

However, with ‘pop’, his right cheek was aching fiercely, and Subaru was beaten in the face. This is a serious knight who has really experienced life and death and trained sword skills from an early age. The sword is like electricity, the body is invisible, and when it moves, it attacks the enemy. Retreat is well-founded. It is not something that the Pleiades who only learned to wield the sword can deal with.

"If it were a real sword, you would be dead." Julius said contemptuously: "Now you should know the gap between us. As long as you apologize to our knight, I will forgive you."

I was beaten in the face? Have you seen all Emilia? Caiyue Subaru only felt that her whole person was frozen, and she was beaten in the face in front of the goddess. This was a shame and a great humiliation, and she couldn't accept it at all. So he didn't hear Julius's kind words to persuade him at all, but charged with a sword and wanted to move back to the game.

"I don't know what I can do." Julius shot again, his arm swinging, and the wooden sword pierced from the left.

Pop, this time it was Subaru Caiyue's left cheek. The boy was hit hard by the wooden sword during the charge, and both faces were swollen.

Kidd shook his head again and again, he didn't remember anything about his teachings, this kid's feelings.

"Stop it." Emelia didn't see her friend injured. However, this is a holy knight showdown. It is a tradition. Now that it has started, it can only end when one party concedes defeat.

All of Emilia's worries were wasted. When Nayuki Subaru heard Emilia's voice, she would only be more ashamed and angry, and would not give up.

All kinds of fancy face slaps. Cai Yue Subaru is not an opponent at all.

Kidd couldn't help but said: "Young man, you can take off the load on your body, so maybe the knight will not just slap you in the face."

It didn't help to take off the load, and he continued to be beaten.

However, Nagyue Subaru gritted his teeth. He thought he still had a chance. Didn't he learn magic from Emilia? Although there is only one magic that cannot be controlled, it is also an opportunity. Boys are yin-attribute magic, so the magic to learn is to block the line of sight.

Nayuki Subaru gritted his teeth just waiting for an opportunity, blocking the opponent's line of sight, and then sneak attack. ..

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