Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Thousandth 430 chapters quarrel\r

Seeing that Subaru was beaten, the knights applauded loudly.

Kidxin said that Subaru Nayuki had offended the knighthood not lightly. Emilia didn't know if it would be affected, more or less.

"It seems that my practice is still useful, at least I am more resistant to beating." Kidd triumphantly explained the effect of the training to the envoys of the surrounding empires.

Kidd is the benefactor of the empire, leading them to defeat the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, so they nodded whatever Kidd said. Although they keep complaining in their hearts, aren't they just being beaten as sandbags? Poor boy.

Julius also found that Subaru Nayuki was very strong. Although it was a wooden sword, most people would have fainted if they were beaten to this level, but Subaru Nayuki was still awake, although his head had become a pig's head: "Arrogant And rude, if you weren't a guest of Emilia, I would have killed you with a single sword, now you apologize." Julius vented a bit and felt better.

"Opportunity!" Sheltered, centering on Subaru Nayuki, a puff of black smoke erupted, enclosing the entire arena.

Too young, but the opponent is a genuine active knight. If this problem of vision cannot be overcome, how to be a deputy commander? Kidd shook his head greatly for this naive behavior of the teenager, and the sneak attack would not succeed.

"This is the opportunity you've been waiting for?" Julius didn't want to complain: "In addition to being arrogant and rude, you are also very ignorant. You don't know anything about knights!"

Swinging the sword and booming, the black smoke was also cut at both ends by the wooden sword. This is Julius' true strength: "Your despicableness has opened my eyes. Now I don't need your apology anymore, I will not have it. I spare no effort to defeat you."

Rushing through the black smoke, the wooden sword fell heavily on Subaru Caiyue, heavier than before, and dense like a drizzle. This time it was not a single move, but a set of moves all hit Subaru Caiyue. He flew out and fainted directly.

Julius was cruel this time, and in the end he only left a sigh of relief for the Pleiades.

Kidd doesn't help the juvenile. It's good to let the juvenile suffer.

However, Amelia would be treated with magic. Among the people present, only Amelia was angrily and anxious, looking at the appearance of the Pleiades rags, worried. However, the Pleiades Caiyue is completely asking for trouble in this way, and it is the Pleiades that Qi Caiyue is overwhelming.

No, it’s because she’s not good. Emilia suddenly thought that she had been letting Subaru Caiyue rely on, so that made the young man lose the courage and self-motivated he should have. I care about her too much, so I sink. Seeing the miserable appearance of the Pleiades, Emilia decided to leave the boy and let him learn to be self-sufficient, at least not to be decadent because of herself.

Amelia’s ally, Kuerxiu’s family, took Amelia and her group to the nearby manor to recover from her injuries. Nayue’s Pleiades’s injuries were like this, and it took at least two days. Magic healed Subaru’s injuries, but he still had it. Internal injuries, continuous slaps in the face hurt Subaru's magic door, and it takes time to repair.

Emilia decided to use the time of Subaru's cultivation to let Subaru learn to be self-reliant.

In Kidd's words, the Pleiades Cai Yue is a lucky person who can meet a good person who is so tolerant of him. Nayuki Subaru caused such a big trouble to Emilia, and she didn't know how to restore the hostility of the knight class, but Emilia saved Nayuki Subaru despite the previous suspicion.

It was Emilia's political opponents who saw that she had found such a pig teammate, secretly happy.

"Why?" Emilia didn't understand why the Pleiades Cai Yue had done this, it was beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding.

The Pleiades Caiyue woke up, the serious injury had been cured, but the many bruises on her face could not disappear immediately: "Amelia-chan, I am for you."

? Emilia didn't understand: "But I want you to stay in the hotel and don't follow me. Is this also for me?"

Nayue Subaru was startled. He felt that he was separated from Amelia, but he really did it for Amelia: "I want to help you, and I want you to be a king."

… Even the nobles who supported the candidates did not dare to say it so confidently, but Subaru Nayuki confidently announced her plan. This made Emilia feel that Subaru Nayuki was too much: "This is true. Is it for me? Then why don't you listen to me and have a knight showdown with Julius Knight? Do you know that I am worried? Is it for me to make me worry?"

"No, Emilia, I want to let you know that I can help you." After all, it's for myself.

"Before you recover, you can stay here." Emilia knew that she would fight any more, so she didn't want to say anything more.

Can't you be with Emilia? Didn't I get dumped? Caiyue Subaru roared like a discarded puppy: "No, let me help you, take me, I can help you. You need me, because you can't do anything without me!" That's right! At first, I helped Emilia to find the badge together. Later, I knew the killer's intelligence again and again after he died. Then I have been helping Emilia in the manor and helping her to be happy. Isn't Emilia very happy when she is with herself? That's right, only when you are there, can Emilia be happy to get things done, and Pleiades Caiyue's tears and nose run down: "Yes, you owe me."

Obviously, I beg others to bring myself, but these words are hard to hear to the extreme. Sure enough, this young man has no emotional intelligence at all, and he can't even pretend to be pitiful.

Emilia was stunned. She never thought that she was such a useless person in the heart of Subaru Caiyue. She was injured: "It is so decided, Subaru, I will give you back what I owe you."

In fact, in the eyes of bystanders, Caiyue Subaru is at best a brave beggar. There is nothing. If Emilya hadn't kept Caiyue Subaru for food and drink, Caiyue Subaru would have starved to death in the corner of the capital. NS.

Emilia's repayment has been far more than Caiyue Subaru's help.

Emilia left and returned to Mezas Manor overnight. She was very angry, but because of this, she also started to work hard now. The ceremonies for the selection of kings are all over, and the next time Emilia will find a way to gain more support. By the way, forget Caiyue Subaru.

Kidd heard from Rem that Amelia and Subaru Nayuki had a quarrel. After listening to that, Kidd had only one idea. It's time to be alone.

"Then what is Caiyue Subaru doing now?"

Rem said: "He pesters Master Sword Demon to practice swords every day, but he just wants to vent. Anyway, I don't see where he is practicing."

"It's probably very painful in his heart, but his character is really annoying." Kidd didn't want to care about him. Didn't Cai Yuezhu know that there is a word called'introspection'? Having made so many mistakes, without looking for their own reasons, this kid has a big problem. ..

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