Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and sixty chapters\r

Regardless of quantity or quality, Saint Seiya is better than Apocalypse, but the opponent has a time bomb Phoenix. If the Phoenix force is not well controlled, then the entire Egypt may be destroyed.

Xiao Nan's battle against Magneto is very fierce. Both of them use throwing things as their fighting skills. Unfortunately, Xiao Nan's paper is something that Magneto can't control, which makes him very embarrassed. The two fought for three hundred rounds, and steel bars were erected around them, and white paper was dotted.

Steel and white paper formed a weird garden, which made the ruins alive.

But they couldn't stay on the same line forever, Xiao Nan and Magneto launched killer moves at the same time. Magneto drove hundreds of millions of tons of iron sand to press towards Xiaonan, crushing her into meat sauce and bone residue.

Faced with such a powerful attack, Xiao Nan burned all of his small universe, condensing his own small universe into a piece of paper, and then the paper folded automatically and turned into a white paper rose: "Man-eating rose!"

When Magneto saw the opponent using only a paper rose against the wave of billions of tons of iron sand, he couldn't help but laughed: "Arrogance is the original sin, and my Ability is your unstoppable advance."

Xiao Nan was only concentrating and holding his breath, burning the small universe to the extreme, and the rose rushed into the iron sand. At the moment the iron sand was already covering Xiao Nan's head, and it was about to fall. That terrible attack that only relied on gravity could smash the ground out of a hole.

Man is absolutely irresistible, Magneto is triumphant, in his opinion the enemy's attack has been wiped out in the ocean of iron sand.

Boom, the majestic iron sand that covered the sky fell, losing Xiao Nan's figure.

Won, watching the iron sand keep falling, Magneto's heart is determined, it can be regarded as defeating a golden man.

The audience saw that the entire screen was full of iron sand, and the terrifying aura was felt across the screen. They all thought that the golden armor man who was swallowed by iron sand was dead.

Hearing the rumbling and harsh sound from the speakers, everyone's palms were sweating.

The host has completely lost his voice. They are nearby, and they only feel the ground shaking. As the iron sand falls, it seems that the ground under their feet is also tilting in the direction where the iron sand falls.

"I don't know if the golden armor warrior who was swallowed by iron sand is still alive? Let's pray for her." The golden armor warriors are fighting for them, and they should do it.

Magneto turned around, the real man didn't look back at the explosion. However, when he lifted his leg to go, he only felt a pain in his back. A white paper rose pierced the vest, sealing the acupuncture points of Magneto's body, and he could not go anymore.

Then Xiao Nan suddenly appeared behind Magneto, everyone felt incredible, wasn't it swallowed?

The substitute technique is nothing more than a piece of steel bar being swallowed. In modern times, the stake substitute has also changed. Xiao Nan, who possesses magical power, is still stronger than Magneto of single power.

Phoenix was quickly suppressed against Shige and Neji, but her appearance was not so normal, so that the Hyuga family frowned and did not dare to go forward.

The small universe feels that there is a powerful force in Phoenix that is not inferior to the small universe, and it may break out at any time.

"Brother, she doesn't seem to be right." Hua Huo looked at Phoenix weirdly, and the other party kept convulsing, seeming to be sick.

"Don't come close." Neji could feel the power in Phoenix trying to come out, and he was already breaking free from Phoenix's shackles.

In the brain of the Hulk, Apocalypse became a giant and was fighting Uchiha Itachi. The powerful Apocalypse had to let Uchiha Itachi use Susana in the illusion. The two giants showed their powerful strength. You come and I compete. strength.

But the commotion of Phoenix force caused fluctuations in the illusion that Apocalypse and Uchiha Itachi were in, and finally broke, and both of them came out of the Hulk's head. And the Hulk collapsed and fell to the ground, losing combat effectiveness.

"What kind of power is this?" Apocalypse felt that the power in Phoenix's body was stronger than him, which made him rush to fear: "How can there be such a power in the world?"

Phoenix force belongs to the other powers of Level Universe. It belongs to the Ability body formed in the early universe. It has been wandering in the universe. Later, it has experienced a lot when it came to Earth. Now a part of Phoenix force is in Phoenix's body and has been suppressed by Phoenix. Because Phoenix is ​​also afraid of the powerful force in her body, because she can't understand Phoenix force, thinking that Phoenix force is a force that will destroy the world.

But now the controlled Phoenix can no longer hide Phoenix force, and this force will finally meet time again.

"So strong?!" Even the small universe felt the danger, Kidd whispered slightly, as expected, he couldn't underestimate the top power of any world. Phoenix force is already one of the most important forces in the No. 1 Earth universe.

Phoenix's eyes glowed, flame wings appeared out of thin air behind him, and then he launched an attack on everything around him.


All the objects within 300 meters were melted, and the things 300 meters away were severely impacted.

The saints struggled to stabilize their minds, and Apocalypse showed fear in his eyes. There was no power in his cognition that could rival the Phoenix force. He watched slowly rising, gradually Awakening Phoenix, and Apocalypse, a false god who was bullying and afraid of hardship, actually controlled it. Kneeling down without restraint.

Only absolute power can control everything, and Apocalypse is also weak.

The Saints also dared not move forward.

"I don't know what happened? Anyway, something terrible happened just now, as if it was bombed by a missile. Did you see it? It was red molten iron, and a lot of metal was melted." "I feel very dangerous, so we It's going to retreat." The host felt bad when seeing the sudden change of the battle.

The Phoenix force is still improving, Kidd frowned, but this is also a test.

After waiting for a few minutes, the Phoenix force finally completely Awakening, a hundred-meter huge amounts of fire phoenix is ​​fully displayed in the sky, and anything touched by the phoenix flame will immediately melt.

Apocalypse is no exception. The antique villain who has been arrogant for three days shuddered to survive under the Phoenix fire, but Phoenix force did not sympathize with pity, so Apocalypse was ruthlessly eliminated by Phoenix force.

The flame first melted Apocalypse's alloy armor made by Mutant three thousand years ago, then burned his blue skin, finally muscles and skeleton, until Apocalypse was completely evaporated, leaving only a scorch mark on the ground.

Apocalypse was knocked out by Phoenix force without even screaming.

Now Phoenix force looks at the saints. The Phoenix force that has just awakened obviously has no concept of good and evil, but simply shows its power, and Phoenix force is synonymous with destruction. After defeating the Saint Seiya, Phoenix force will continue to destroy other parts of the earth.

"God, it's a phoenix. Is this the mythical battlefield coming to the world?" the host yelled as he ran.

The audience was dumbfounded, which was completely incomprehensible. Every shot on the screen was too magnificent and too shocking. From the beginning of Magneto's impact on the metals on the surface of the world, to the moment the fire phoenix came to the world, everything that happened seemed to be the only part of the myth.

What will happen in the end? The audience can't imagine it anymore. ..

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