Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-one chapters aftermath\r

From the lens, I can feel that Cairo is very hot now, even hotter than before.

The host who occasionally enters the shaking camera is now sweating, already very hot, and now the temperature has doubled. Fortunately, they fled early. If they are close to the end of the fire phoenix, they will definitely die like those molten iron.

"It's too hot, John, are you okay?" The host was asking the cameraman, who was carrying heavy equipment.

"It's okay, but we have to leave soon." The audience can't see who is talking. It is probably the cameraman. The picture on the screen has begun to be distorted. shift. When I go out in summer, I can often see that the road in the distance seems to be wet. This is the phenomenon.

"Go away, the temperature is getting higher and higher."

The audience can only see a little bird far away. Although they are unhappy, they can't demand reporters either.

"Trouble." Apocalypse, the BOSS, fell without any effort at all, but the trouble caused did not end so easily. The Phoenix force that had lost control was watching the Saints.

There is no way: "Xiao Nan, Hagi Saun, you take Aisha as the center, and display the sigh of Athena!"

Sigh of Athena? The Saints were stunned and heard of this move for the first time.

"Just put the three small universes together to attack!" Kidd is also concise, and now he can't care so much: "Let Aisha's small universe dominate, there will be no problem."

"Miss Aisha." Saun Hagi is a veteran, knowing that time does not treat others.

Aisha and Xiaonan also acted decisively. Aisha had used Athena's sigh before, but at that time she was just a newcomer and she didn't expect to be the core soon, but she was confident: "Everyone, give me the little universe!"

Aisha squatted halfway in the center, Xiao Nan on the left, Hagi Zuoyun on the right, and the other saints protected the fainted person and returned to the sanctuary.

The three stood still, Gao Roar: "Sigh of Athena!"

The sound pierced the sky, and a powerful new force appeared before the world.

In the camera, only a firefly suddenly appeared in front of the bird, and then the two began to quarrel.

The forces of the three small universes attacked Phoenix force preemptively, and Phoenix force also counterattacked with full force. The two forces collided and then saw the saw.

Phoenix force sighed to Athena.

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well

The camera was blown by a hurricane, and the three people who were filming were blown out. The cameraman could only grab the equipment, and fell to the ground with a fierce pain.

"God, what's the matter?" The impact of ‘Gragla’ kept ringing, and it seemed that the camera was hit by a lot of debris.

"John, are you okay?" Although the host and camera assistant flew far, they were lightly dressed and the fall was not serious.

"It's okay, the equipment is still running."

The audience gave 10,000 likes to this group of dedicated reporters, and it was not easy to think about broadcasting at this time. However, after being infected by the reporter, everyone felt the depressive tension and unknown terribility of the scene.

The audience has given up thinking, and can only quietly watch the information sent on the screen, waiting for the final result.

The earth was devastated by two forces. Kidd's heart said that the Amazon rainforest should not be allowed to repeat the same mistakes, so he immediately used the original force to protect the earth to prevent the damage from spreading.

It's really awesome. Feeling the strength of the force being torn, Kidd is also speechless. Who knows that an old humble BOSS will turn out to be like this in the end.

Both Xiaonan and Saun Hagi can feel the power of the small universe and have a better understanding of Aisha's strength. Is this the eighth sense of the small universe?

Under Aisha's leadership, Athena's sigh blocked the Phoenix force, and began to suppress the force of Phoenix force with the power of opening up the universe, and sent it back to Phoenix's body.

Aisha's small universe is ice, and when facing the fiery Phoenix force, it is simply that the tips of the needles do not give in to each other.

If it can work, Aisha feels that she still has the advantage, so she can win.

Rumble, the sky and the earth are shaking, I have to say that this scene is too magnificent, there seems to be two glowing rays of light between the sky and the earth.

All the audience lost their voices, and when the scene was lively and the world was silent, the outcome was finally about to be known.

The sigh of Athena suppressed the violent and uncontrollable Phoenix force with superior power, consumed most of the Phoenix force, and finally successfully retracted the Phoenix force.

Both Xiaonan and Zuoyun were panting. It was really tiring to use the output of the small universe in this way, but the result was gratifying. They protected the world, although the surrounding cities had become purgatory.

The high temperature, the hot wind, the crimson molten iron, and the scorched desert, you can't see the appearance of the city at all, everything is destroyed.

Only the sanctuary of the sky witnessed all this in obscurity, listening to the scorched whispers.

"Is the battle over?" The reporters haven't recovered from the last violent aftermath. Now there is only sultry heat and a steady breeze blowing from behind. It seems that fresh air can't wait to fill the back of the battle. Out of the vacuum zone.

All the refugees looked at each other in the old city, and they were not sure if it was safe. But the home is no longer visible, so how safe is it?

God knows what will happen to them in the future.

It's over, after a few minutes, seeing the sanctuary slowly ascending to the sky and leaving, everyone is sure that everything is over, and the Saint Seiya is gone, then it must be over.

Looking at the messy battlefield after the battle, in addition to the distant spectators, the local residents of Cairo may not be happy that Roar will come out. Although justice defeated evil in the end, the price was high.

I am afraid that a lot of international support is needed to rebuild this city. Any country on Earth One must be unlucky preparations. Tokyo, Japan was first ravaged by predatory beasts and then invaded by the underwater city. Australia was lifted up and the entire country was almost shattered. There are even more unlucky cities in the United States. New York, Gotham City, Metropolis, and Star City have all been destroyed by invasions, and no one knows how many high-rise buildings have fallen.

I definitely can’t say that a single country is unlucky, because many villains aim for the whole world, but the conspiracy is limited to a single city. It's not that the superhero doesn't work hard, it's that the villain is too much.

This time it was the destruction of the entire city and the huge losses affecting half of Egypt. For Egypt, which was already in a mess, it may be completely bankrupt this time. I don't know how many refugees will become true refugees and flee to other countries, bringing crises to the world.

But these are the problems of the national government, Kidd is not in the mood to care, he wants to send Phoenix, Iron Man, Hulk, Magneto back.

"Jinhui will be fine." Professor X looked at Phoenix and said. The professor was a little haggard, but he was not injured. Looking at Magneto again, looking at the old friend, the professor felt sad that he could not help him.

"Professor, I will send you and Qin and Magneto back to the academy." Aisha walked over and said.

"Aisha, trouble you." The professor knew that Aisha was a Saint Seiya for a long time, so he was not surprised: "Your battle suit is very beautiful."

"Thank you." Aisha was about to wear a saint to go back to school, because she wanted to confess her identity as a saint to students and comrades. ..

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