Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Thousandth 468 chapters storm is coming\r

The two young men were riding tall horses, ready to go with simple luggage. The place where the Juggernaut lived in seclusion does not seem to be close.

Seeing the strange thief had come, their expressions were different.

"Someone brings a horse to the strange thief," said Dugu. "This place is quite far away from the place where Senior Juggernaut lived in seclusion. It's not easy to walk, so I still have to go on horseback."

"Thank you very much, then." Liu Adou was also polite, riding on the horse, and the three set off.

The news of the trio’s departure was immediately notified to Xiongba by the spies of the World Club. From the live broadcast of Wen Chouchou, Xiongba knew the whereabouts of the group that night and dispatched Shenfengtang Nie Feng and Feiyuntang Bu Jingyun to hunt down. Weird thief.

The flying pigeon biography of this world is so easy to use, intelligence can be sent to all parts of the country in a day.

In other words, before reaching the Juggernaut's residence, they will meet the forces of the World Society, which is a bit interesting.

"Weird thief, we don't know your name yet, wouldn't you just call it the dreadful thief?" Mingyue asked suddenly on the way.

"My name is Liu Adou."

Puff, there was naturally another ridicule: "Is it his real name? How could anyone have the same name as Ah Dou who can't afford it." Mingyue still didn't believe it.

"There is an Adou who can't support it, isn't it allowed to have an Adou who can afford it?" Liu Adou smiled and said, "If I don't change my name, I can't change my surname. That's Liu Adou."

It seems to be her real name, Mingyue thought to herself: "Then you are so good at martial arts, why do you steal things?"

"The martial artist is only going to steal things, because you all have nothing to do with me, I like to see you crazy."

Hearing such an answer, Mingyue was stunned. It was the first time he met such a free and easy person, and he didn't care about other people's gazes. When she was at home, her grandma had to talk about their Ming family's responsibilities eight hundred times every day. It was obvious that she only wanted to help the people of Wushuang City, not the Dugu family, but grandma had to reiterate those things she didn't want to do, Mingyue Live very tired.

"Cheating the world and stealing your name!" But Du Guming was very upset with Liu Adou.

Liu Adou directly ignored him: "Miss Mingyue, I think you seem to be mediocre martial arts, don't your Ming family have any family inheritance of martial arts?" Martial arts in this world is mainly based on family traditions, and there are not many teachers who really teach martial arts to disciples. There is almost no such martial art.

It is difficult to learn martial arts, and even the court cannot recruit a few masters. Aristocratic families disdain to send their younger generations to the king's city. Generally, the inside masters are people from small and medium families, or some outside disciples of the martial arts, and their martial arts are average. Fortunately, the resources in this world are basically controlled by the localities, and no one is idle to overthrow the emperor. The masters live on one-third of an acre of land, and occasionally think about being the leader of the martial arts, and it is enough to plan other sects.

Liu Adou was not in a hurry, he had to wait for Jingyun and Nie Feng to come, so he was simply traveling the whole way. Duguming and Mingyue are both young people, and they are quickly distracted by the scenery and seeing and hearing along the way. Usually they are tired of watching Wushuang City, but now when they are in the vast world, no one can control them and immediately become lively.

Liu Adou discovered that Du Guming was actually not very bad, but his temper was too ugly. As for Mingyue, she is a very cheerful girl, and she also likes to buy small things.

On this day, when they came to a lively restaurant, they heard someone telling a book, and everyone was seated before they listened to the latest story of the "Guaranteed Thieves and Thieves of the World".

Sure enough, the news of the martial arts world spread at an astonishing speed, and there were even stories. The storyteller said, even the parties involved were surprised. Because the details are almost the same, Liu Adouxin said that the storyteller was also on the scene?

But when the speaker said, "Three points return to vitality, seven points depend on hard work", everyone laughed.

Mingyue looked at Liu Adou incredulously: "Hey, do you really talk to Xiongba like this? He is the leader of the World Association, and martial arts is so powerful, you are not afraid of him chasing you down?" "And why are you talking so interesting? , I think Xiongba must have been mad by you back then."

"It's enjoyable, it should be the same for the old thief of the tyrant." The world has always looked at Wushuang City. As the young city owner of Wushuang City, he is naturally happy to see the tyrant eaten by the tyrant. He suddenly found that Liu Adou is not very annoying.

Liu Adou hadn’t spoken yet, and the storyteller continued, saying, ‘Three points return to vitality, seven points depend on hard work, and ninety points depend on face. I blame the jade-faced white dragon, a hundred times more handsome than your tyrant old thief...’

Someone squirted out tea, more than one. A piece of Liu Adou's joke is enough for them to have fun for several months, it's so funny.

"A storyteller, you didn't make it, did you? The strange thief really said that?"

"Definitely, the son-in-law of the son of my uncle's aunt next door is a deputy head of the Tianxiahui. These are what he said personally. If I cheat, I will strike the sky." The storyteller wanted everyone to believe his story. The truthfulness of the truth, do not hesitate to make a poisonous oath.

Mingyue's stomach hurts. He sees that Liu Adou's appearance is indeed Yushu Lingfeng, a handsome character, but he didn't expect Liu Adou to be so shameless, he claimed to be more handsome than the tyrant. It is estimated that the tyrant swallowed Liu Adou. Heart has it all.

"No way, I'm so angry, how can it be so funny?" Mingyue is getting more and more unable to see through the strange thief, what kind of person is he?

Dugu Ming couldn't help laughing too, patted the table and laughed.

"The storyteller, if you want to say that, this strange thief is indeed a wonderful person. Although he has stolen a lot of things, I also support him in terms of his attitude towards the hegemon."

"That's right, it is estimated that the only person in the world is the guilty thief who has the courage to play such a bully, it's fun!"

It was two martial artists who were equipped with swords. Obviously, they had suffered from the loss of the World Society, so they could only find comfort here.

It seems that Xiongba is really unpopular.

Just when everyone was enjoying themselves, two tall and straight men walked in from the door, one cold and cool, and the restaurant immediately became quiet.

Because of the extraordinary craftsmanship, light footsteps, and unique shapes, they are obviously not ordinary people. People with eyesight immediately recognized that these two men are the two apprentices of Xiongba, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng.

"No, it's them, let's go!" Du Guming recognized the two and left immediately. But it was too late. The two promising young people had already seen Liu Adou's table and walked straight over.

Seeing that Dugu Ming couldn't escape, he calmed down. He is the Young City Lord of Wushuang City. He doesn't believe that the people of Tiandihui dared to move him: "I thought it was a jackal, tiger and leopard, but it turned out to be two dogs under Xiong He." I don't know who was so scared before.

This person's words were too ugly, Liu Adou was speechless.

Bu Jingyun looked at Du Guming coldly as if he was already Deadman, but Nie Feng smiled and was not angry: "It turns out that the young master of Wushuang City has also been with the strange thief. You were also stolen by the strange thief, did you? "

Hmph, Du Guming knew that it was not a good thing for him to be with the strange thief, so he stopped talking.

"You are looking for me, it seems that Xiongba is really angry, but if only you two, isn't he afraid that you will come back and forth?" Liu Adou smiled slightly: "You go back and tell your master, I will visit His, when I am happy."..

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