Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-nine chapters\r

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun would not let Liu Adou go: "Master has an order, if you dare to resist the killing, just take down your first level." Bu Jingyun said coldly.

Oops, Jingyun is really cold at this step. I feel air-conditioned across a few tables. I guess he doesn't need to buy air-conditioning.

"The two of you have a good tone. Neither of your masters caught the strange thief. How can you?" Du Guming is now completely on Liu Adou's side, and the enemy's enemy is a friend.

This kid seems to hope that he will embarrass the world, but Liu Adou will not be a fighter in Wushuang City: "Shut up, your mission is to take me to see the swordsman." Then Liu Adou looked towards Fengyun. : "I changed my mind. You two have only one choice now, which is to follow me too!"

"..." The strange thief was really domineering.

"This time you can't get rid of the strange thief. The outside is full of our people. You should go back with us and return to Master to avoid the blood." Nie Feng spoke a lot of politeness.

Centaur? Duguming and Mingyue's expressions changed drastically, because they all heard a lot of footsteps and horseshoes suddenly appearing outside the restaurant. At least there were hundreds of people and horses. The restaurant was surrounded by groups and couldn't escape.

"Catch it with your hands, Weird thief!" Bu Jingyun pressed hard.

I didn't expect to encounter this kind of unlucky thing after eating a meal, but I could see the strange thief who saw the legendary dragon without seeing the end. The diners hiding in the corner couldn't help but wonder what the thief looked like.

Young, this is the first reflection. I never thought that the thief turned out to be a young boy, so I am afraid that even Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng can't beat him?

The people outside the hotel roared, adding to the atmosphere of killing. Everyone thinks that the strange thief is going to be unlucky this time, definitely they are even more unlucky, the sword has no eyes, if they do it later, will they hurt themselves? So the diners shivered and hid in the corner, only hoping that the people of the world can ignore them.

Liu Adou did not speak, and walked directly outside the store.

Bu Jingyun Niefeng thought that Liu Adou had given up resistance, so he followed Liu Adou out of the shop. The outside of the shop is indeed heavy with swords and swords, and the fierce thugs are all waiting to do their jobs. This time, catching the thief of the show gang leader, how can they get a lot of awards.

"Are there two hundred and thirty-two people? You really underestimate me."


Weird thief is so arrogant? Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng both thought that Liu Adou was crazy. There were more than two hundred people, and even their master might not be able to retreat in front of two hundred swordsmen.

"Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, the two of you will have the last chance to do a trip that just walks away, or a trip that I force you to do."

Bu Jingyun was upset, he was already very arrogant, but he didn't expect the strange thief to be more arrogant than himself. Facing the disciples of the two hundred world society, he would not change his face. He was either strong or arrogant.

"It seems that you won't agree to go with me." You can tell from the contemptuous expressions of the two that they are wondering if they can escape.

"It's not that we are going with you, but you are going with us." Bu Jingyun drank: "We have two hundred people, but you are only one."

Although Mingyue wanted to help, she was stopped by Dugu Ming. This kid Liu Adou wanted to train, but now it's forgotten. The sinister arena will only see people's hearts in a long time.

"Then speak with strength, are your manpower adequately prepared?" Liu Adou shouted, a sharp sword appeared in his hand.

? ? Obviously, I didn't see the monster thief with a sharp edge. Why did he suddenly have a sword? Then they lost the overall picture of Liu Adou. It was obviously the wolves that surrounded the lamb, but now it was Liu Adou's tiger who went down the mountain and rushed into the wolves.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) Liu Adou's right-handed swordsmanship, left-handed fingering, and destructive weapons and acupuncture points were correct. In the dazzling state, the two hundred swordsmen had been half-solved by Liu Adou.

"Not good." Nie Feng saw that the strange thief was so tricky, remembering the task, he quickly picked up the wind and legs, the first form of "catching the wind and catching the shadow" approached Liu Adou in the blink of an eye: "Everyone, get away, I will deal with him. "

Bu Jingyun was unmoved, just observing outside. At the moment, his relationship with Nie Feng was limited to his brothers, not too close, so he hoped that Nie Feng would go up and try the tricks of the strange thief.

In the wind, the grass was strong, kicking towards Liu Adou's shoulder, strong enough to kick the tree off.

Fengshen's legs were still a bit of a look, and the attack was unexpected, but it was still too slow for Liu Adou. After the attack, Liu Adou stepped on the leg raised by Nie Feng, and then pushed out a palm to beat Nie Feng back.

It can be determined that the strange thief is quick and likes to be late, so his own cloud palm can use virtual reality to break Liu Adou's late starter.

Seeing Bu Jingyun jumped into the circle, Nie Feng shouted: "Brother Yun, be careful, this person is not under me for martial arts."

Here comes, Liu Adou heard this sentence, it seems that his combat effectiveness is quite a few Nie Feng.

Paiyun's palm is unpredictable, and Bu Jingyun has experienced many battles, switching between sturdy palm power and nothingness, and the misty clouds made Liu Adou's preemptive strike completely useless.

However, Liu Adou was just a test of Fengyun's strength. It can be said that he is basically quasi-first-class, and there is still a distance from first-class.

Bu Jingyun was stabbed by a hidden weapon before, but this time he was about to take revenge, so he called on Liu Adou's vitals. It can be seen that Bu Jingyun At the moment is still a middle and second-year young man. He doesn't care about anyone except revenge. He kills when he says kill. At the moment, he can be said to be a complete revenge machine.

"It's really not affectionate. Anyway, I also rescued your cousin and cousin." Liu Adou said Bu Jingyun was too grateful.

Hearing this, Bu Jingyun's face changed and his steps were blocked. Liu Adou smiled and kicked Bu Jingyun away: "You lose."

"Protect Hall Master Feng and Hall Master Yun." There are a hundred swordsmen who are about to swarm up.

"Haha!" Liu Adou has defeated the protagonist, and there is no time to waste time with me: "Come here if you are not afraid of death."

In the golden light masterpiece, a golden wall appeared behind Liu Adou, and countless swords revealed their sharp handles from the ripples of the void.

Liu Adou was actually imitating Jin Shining's move, "The Treasure of the King". The shocking change shocked the miscellaneous soldiers, but they were fearless without knowing it. Naturally, the first credit can only win through hard work.

"Kill!" The sword and axe killer came over.

Shaking his head, sure enough, there is someone who is not afraid of death. Liu Adou pointed forward. More than a hundred weapons, like guided missiles, knocked down all the various soldiers and achieved the achievement of one enemy and one hundred.

Sure enough, hands-on is indispensable in the martial arts world, but this kind of thing is quite interesting, and occasionally playing with cold weapons is still fresh. ..

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