Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and seventy chapters Sword Saint\r

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were tied up and dragged away by horses. The two hall masters of the Dangdang Tianxiahui were kidnapped by a thief. This is again beating Xiongba in the face. Isn't this saying that Xiongba can't teach apprentices?

But the fact is like this. The strange thief defeated the 232 soldiers in the world with an extremely strange move, and even defeated a hundred people when they raised their hands. This is what the people in the tavern saw. The martial arts for the strange thief The combat effectiveness has a brand new assessment. Because after this news came out, even the ‘catch the thieves’ meeting that was chasing the strange thief began to retreat. Although the baby is good, life is still important.

Liu Adou scared many owners without knowing that his own battle, he would feel very boring if he knew it.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng were helpless, but since they were arrested, they had no choice but to find a chance to get out. After hearing the conversation between the three of them immediately, they also knew that the strange thief was named Liu Adou, and now he was going to find the Sword Master of Wu Lin.

"Why are you arresting us?" Nie Feng asked, "Grasping us will only make your goals bigger and your journey slower."

"It would be better if the staff of the Tianxiahui could come to you. Anyway, isn't it just a fight in the martial arts? The more powerful the people come, the more interesting it is. It is best that your teacher and father come to me for trouble."

This person is so confident.

"Aren't you afraid of our master?" Bu Jingyun asked coldly.

Except for Liu Adou, everyone felt that the temperature had cooled down.

"Xiongba is a superb talent, but he is suspicious and has a fatal flaw."

"Fatal flaw?" Bu Jingyun immediately regained his spirits. His greatest wish was to kill the tyrant for revenge, but he had been suffering from not being an opponent of the tyrant. He did not expect Liu Adou to say that the tyrant has a fatal weakness. If he could master it, then He might be able to take revenge immediately.

"Yes, fatal weakness." In addition to Bu Jingyun, even Du Guming and Mingyue pricked their ears, listening to Liu Adou saying: "It seems that you are all curious, then I will tell you, the most fatal shortcoming of Domination... …"

Four pairs of ears stood up.

"... His fatal flaw is superstition."

superstitious? superstitious? ! Everyone suspected that they had heard it wrong. What kind of weakness is this? They thought that the tyrants would have a cover or had flaws in their moves, or some other earth-shattering secret. They didn't expect that the last thing that Liu A bicker would say was superstition? !

Superstition, that is, believing in ghosts and gods, and believing in destiny. I have no doubts about these illusory claims: Is Jin Lin a thing in the pool? Once the wind and cloud change the dragon; Nine Heavens Dragon's reign will change the sky, and the wind and cloud will swim in shallow water. Success is also the situation, failure is also the situation.

Because of superstition, there is a situation, because of superstition, it is necessary to dismantle the situation. Now that ten years have passed, Xiongba has begun to investigate the location of the mud bodhisattva. He wants to know his fate for the rest of his life.

"This is what a weakness." Bu Jingyun said that it's useless to know it, and it can't be used to defeat the tyrant.

"Superstition harms people, why don't you people understand?" Liu Adou said that these ancient people didn't know how superstitious people would kill themselves. Forget it, they will know later.

The sword lives on the bank of the Yangtze River, surrounded by steep mountains on three sides, and the river is rolling in front. It is estimated that in modern times, it is also a place where mobile phone signals are not full. However, after a journey over mountains and ridges, they still reached their destination.

Along the way, Liu Adou discovered that Mingyue had been glaring with Nie Feng. Obviously, Mingyue took care of Nie Feng and learned about Nie Feng's gentle and gentle attributes. Mingyue has lacked the care and respect of men since she was a child, and her favorability for Nie Feng has risen sharply.

It's just that Nie Feng is a hindsight. He can face his feelings squarely only when he is lost. I have to say that Nie Feng's slowness in feelings will always hurt himself and the person who loves him.

"Liu Adou, this is the Cao Lu of Senior Juggernaut." Duguming said triumphantly, inside is their super master of Dugu Family.

"If the mountain is not high, the name is immortal, the water is not deep, and the dragon is the spirit, and Si is a shabby room, but I am decent." "It is a hermit." Thatched roof, adobe walls, except for the'Sword Residence' plaque at the door. Besides, without any decoration, a person who can tolerate this kind of environment is definitely an expert.

Anyway, Liu Adou said that he could not accept such living conditions, but Liu Adou also knew that the sword saint in the house was an unwilling person, because in the environment around the house were hidden sword marks, and the vegetation was left. The wound was flattened by Jian Qi.

Ordinary people living here might start to cultivate themselves and grow vegetables for self-reliance, but the Juggernaut did not hone his body and mind but only practiced swordsmanship. It can be seen that he is too old to let go of fighting for fame and fortune.

"Senior Juggernaut, I am Ming'er." Du Guming had been here twice when he was a child, so he knew Juggernaut.

"The old man said, you can put the food behind the house, don't disturb me." The Sword Saint's voice was loud and full of breath.

"I am Dugu Ming, the son of Wushuang City Lord."

"The old man knows that the son of the lonely side, put the things he sent in the back of the house, and you can leave."

Liu Adou watched Duguming's hot face pressed against the Juggernaut's cold ass, and he was amused. This Duguming had the best temperament of the young and old.

But the Juggernaut is the Juggernaut, and his frame is really big.

Liu Adouxin said that he would use the sword to meet friends, "I heard that the sword sage Xi has twenty-two swords, so Liu Adou will specifically come to ask for advice."

"Get out!" How come you are also a swordsman, if a cat and a dog can come to challenge, isn't this going to be self-defeating? Therefore, Liu Adou had no name or surname, and he didn't want to say a word of nonsense to Liu Adou.

With this violent temper, Liu Adou had to meet him. But the Juggernaut didn't come out, and Liu Adou didn't go in. How would he meet?

It's hard for Liu Adou to see him drooping his eyebrows, standing straight among the mountains, it seems that there is an extra peak between the mountains. Obviously everyone knows that this is just Liu Adou, not a real mountain, but Liu Adou's momentum has surpassed the surrounding mountains, becoming the highest mountain in the mountain?

What exactly is Liu Adou doing after releasing so much momentum? Everyone was surprised, but they could only watch the changes.

Infinite sword system!

Since the two are separated by a wall, let's meet in the inherent barrier.

The scenery in front of everyone suddenly changed, the green mountains and green waters disappeared, replaced by the red sky and countless unowned swords, all kinds of swords were densely planted by their side, as if they had come to the world of swords.

Everyone stiffly did not dare to move, and even Roar became cautious in sucking.

The Juggernaut also saw all kinds of sword blades appearing around him, and he also saw that the person who had asked to see him was standing in front of him.

Even the Juggernaut was surprised, what kind of move was this? ! Can it condense the sword energy to form a sword mound, and even change the space? Is the person in front of him a sword god alive? ..

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