Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-four chapters Wen Chou Chou's daily life\r

In Wen Chou Chou's daily life, the sky hasn't dawned, and as soon as the five watch days arrive, Wen Chou Chou has already started to wash himself with water. Although he is the head of the National Association, there are no servants to take care of him.

What he has to do is go to the pantry to supervise and make breakfast, which is to be prepared for the tyrant and he must be careful. With the bright lights of the lanterns in the corridor, you can see that the handymen have already started their day's preparations, diving, diving, and cleaning. Everyone didn't say anything, doing their own things quietly.

Even Wen Chou Chou, who has always liked nagging, didn't talk much, and went straight to the kitchen. The people in the kitchen were preparing to start a fire, and the staple food was porridge. Others are choosing and washing vegetables. The temperature is obviously not high, but they are still sweating profusely, and no one is lazy.

Wen Chouchou also nodded in satisfaction, and then went to the small stove that prepared food for the helper: "Lao Zhou, the helper said yesterday that he wanted to eat beef, did you prepare it?"

"I'm ready. I ran around ten villages, but I met a lame scalper, and I have bought all of it." The cook said, "I guarantee that the helper can eat beef at noon today."

"I'll be able to do things well, I'll report it to the helper."

"Thank you Director."

Wen Chou Chou also knows how to control people: "Well, do it well. By the way, Sister File Size also has to prepare."

"Yes, I prepared the exact same recipe as the helper." The chef said.

Because Xiongba was afraid that his daughter would become his own weakness and threatened by others, he imprisoned his daughter on a small island in the middle of the lake. Just behind the first floor of the world, there is a huge amounts of mountain lake with a small island inside.

"If the lady is happy to eat, I will also tell the helper." Wen Chouchou shook his fan, the kitchen was hot, and the temperature began to rise.

The big and small stoves have already started to light up, and the sky is just shining outside. Wen Chouchou puts breakfast in the food box, and he has to deliver food to Sister File size, which is also one of his daily jobs.

On the dim and damp mountain path, letting the dew wet the clothes, Wen Chou Chou dared all the way. His sister File Size has a bad temper, and she will suffer if she is unhappy.

There is a flat boat by the lake. If you can row a boat, you can go to the island in the lake in ten minutes. There is already a maid on the dock to meet him.

"General Manager Wen."

"Ding Ning, is Sister File Size awake?" Wen Chou asked, passing the lunch box.

"No, Sister File Size is still sleeping." "It's so fragrant, what did Mr. Wen eat today?" Ding Ning asked.

"You girl is so ridiculous, take good care of Sister File Size." In front of the maid, Wen Chou Chou still has the majesty of the supervisor: "Remember, give the food to Sister File Size, don't talk to Sister File Size too much."

"The helper is really true. Sister File Size is his daughter." Ding Ning felt that Sister File Size was pitiful.

"The helper has his own plan. We are just lay people. If we don't want to die, we will listen to the helper's words, you know?"

"Yes, Ding Ning knows."

There is only one flat boat to and from Huxin Island, and it will not stay on Huxin Island.

Wen Chouchou returned from rowing and asked Xiongba to get up, prepare washing utensils, and wait for Xiongba to eat breakfast, but it was less than six o'clock.

People in ancient times got up very early.

Xiongba went directly to the study, and Wen Chouchou burned incense and studied ink for him. He asked Xiongba to review the documents that Wen Chouchou stayed up all night to review.

Xiongba knows the habit of being ugly and ugly, so he first picked up the important documents, looked at the tiger's eyes, and raised his hand. Wen Chou Chou put the pen filled with ink in Xiongba's hand and finished it in one go.

Xiongba reviewed, put down the file, and continued to read the next one.

One hour's office, basically dealt with all the things that needed to be dealt with, Xiongba asked Wen Chou Chou about the situation of the world meeting, and Wen Chou Chou answered one by one.

Xiongba nodded with satisfaction, and signaled Wen Chouchou to store the documents he had reviewed, and send them back if they should be sent back.

Wen Chouchou asked the messenger, and the world will be bigger because they have a huge intelligence agency. In addition to the carrier pigeons, there are also a huge messenger team of hundreds of people. The messengers of the World Association decide the priority of the letter according to the color of the flag on their back, orange is the slowest, red is the second, purple is urgent, and black is urgent.

The black flag is the highest level of intelligence in the world.

It took time to distribute the documents to the ministries and take them to places. And there was a handyman in the middle who found the director, saying that some handyman had a fight because of a quarrel.

Wen Chou Chou also has to deal with it. Although the world will be strict, the disciples on the mountain are mostly healthy young people, and martial arts practitioners always like to do it. It really fights, and only people at the level of Wen Chou Chou can get away.

Wen Chouchou punished those who fought, each with a fine of 50 taels, and asked the accountant to record it until next month.

Then it was noon, and I went to Huxin Island to deliver lunch again, and waited for Xiongba to have lunch. In the afternoon, Wen Chou Chou followed Xiong Ba for a walk in the world, and along the way, Chou Chou told Xiong Ba what new and fun things would happen in the world, and by the way reported the results of his handling of the fighting incident in the morning.

Xiongba also just nodded. These things are trivial things, but the world will be his, and he needs to know any trivial matter, so it is better for Wen Chouchou to take the initiative to say it than to be found out by Xiongba later. Along the way, Xiongba also said something to Wen Chouchou, mainly dissatisfaction with the current situation, because Wushuang City, Baijian Villa and other places are not willing to surrender, especially Wushuang City.

Wen Chou Chou knows that this is just a male bully telling himself casually. If he really said his thoughts, it would be a bad thing, he would be considered by the gang leader as a substitute, so he just flattered him: he helped the lords martial arts and martial arts, and they didn’t dare to fight the gang leader all the time. There are Tianshuang, Feiyun, and the three halls of the gods, and the three hall masters are all young masters. Why worry about the uncertainty of the world?

Xiongba laughed, showing that Wen Chou Chou said it right.

After taking a walk, Xiongba said that he would take a rest. Wen Chou Chou can be regarded as having some time of his own, but his time will not be wasted. He will walk everywhere in the world. Like the class teacher who likes to peek at the back door, see if the handyman is lazy or gossiping.

When Xiongba is almost awake, Wen Chouchou will wait outside Xiongba's gate, listening at any time.

If nothing is wrong, Xiongba will read books or practice martial arts, and occasionally practice calligraphy, so Wen Chou Chou can have a little time of his own. If something happens, Wen Chou Chou will deal with it.

Until the evening, I waited for dinner with the helper and sister File size, Wen Chou Chou was about to start his own work. After dinner, the male tyrant who read a book for a while went back to bed, and Wen Chou Chou was about to start conducting research on the various intelligence gathered this evening. Sorting, sometimes I need to be busy until midnight, at least 10:11.

After finishing the classification work, Wen Chouchou has to go to the handyman's house and slave house to take a look to prevent accidents. Then he can go back to his room to take a bath and rest.

This was Wen Chou Chou's busy day, and Liu Adou, Mingyue and Juggernaut all saw it in their eyes, and they had some understanding of the operation of the Tianxiahui. ..

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