Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Thousandth 475 chapters panacea\r

Like a dream, the sword residence is more than a thousand miles away from the world, and I can see the every move of the world through a piece of magical white cloth. It's weird and weird.

"Master, what magical power is this?" After returning to God, the Sword Saint asked.

"It's just a live broadcast."

That's it? The master was truly miraculous: "Before Master built a house empty-handed, it made me sigh. I lived more than seventy years. If I hadn't seen Master, how would I know that there is such a magical skill in the world? A house can be completed overnight."

"It's just a trick, Mingyue, come here too. Since you have defeated me as a teacher, then I have to teach you some real skills."

The eyes of Juggernaut and Mingyue are bright.

"What do you teach you? Do you want to learn the nature of the world and master the mathematics and physics of its application? Or do you want to learn the words of a military strategist that can be ten thousand enemies? Or do you want to learn the health-preserving techniques for longevity? Or do you want to practice martial arts? By your side, practicing martial arts and refining the body?"

I want to learn, but if the Juggernaut chooses it by himself, "Master, I want to learn the method of ascension, and I want to master magical powers like a master, so as to control all things in the world."

The heart is not small, but Liu Adou doesn't know how to cultivate immortality, but let him see if there is a spiritual cultivation method in the magic box.

Yes, there are not many, but the current Juggernaut can't learn it, because he is a swordsman specializing in swordsmanship, so he has to find the right method of cultivating the immortal mind. Looking for it again, it can be regarded as finding an internal strength that can be used to concentrate on the sword master, which can help him lay the foundation: "I will pass you a "Xuanzi Divine Art"." This is the first actor of the Thunderbolt. Mind method is the best way to lay the foundation. "Teach you the method of imperial sword again. It will be thousands of miles in a day, and a generation of sword fairy is just around the corner."

"Thank you, Master." The Sword Saint heard that he could learn the skill of swordsmanship at a rapid rate, and he was very good when he heard that he was definitely happy.

"Master, what shall I study? I am a senior sister and can't be worse than junior."

"Look at the face of your left thumb and the calluses on the middle finger of your index finger. You should be practicing bow and arrow."

"Master's insight is like a torch. In addition to swordsmanship, our Ming family does have the method of bow and arrow." "My family has inherited the phoenix dance arrow. There are arrows in the arrow. Once it is shot, the small arrow will enter the blood and spread throughout the body. With the use of phoenix dance arrows, my grandma has been training me to practice arrows."

"Your Ming family hasn't been lost." Sword Saint was originally Wushuang City Lord, and he naturally knew the Ming family's assassin, but he hadn't seen Ming family use it at that time, and always thought it was lost.

"Then I will teach you the internal skills of "Nine Heavens Gods", plus the bow and arrow art of capturing the moon with seven stars."

"Is it amazing?" Mingyue asked curiously.

"Definitely great, if you learn, you can shoot bows and arrows like the sky and the earth, you can cut the peaks and break the islands in no time."

"I want to learn."

Well, then start learning. In order to enable them to complete their cultivation as soon as possible, Liu Adou began to collect the rare treasures of this world, such as Qilin blood, blood Bodhi, and Longyuan Phoenix blood and so on to find some and store them.

Blood Bodhi is the fruit that grows after being dripped with Qilin blood. It is the safest to eat it and can grow gong, but if you eat more, it will be invalid. Only the first one can effectively increase gong. As for the unicorn blood, dragon yuan, and phoenix blood, these things cannot be eaten directly. Unicorn blood can make people crazy, and dragon yuan can turn people into fools. These are the side effects of increasing power. Phoenix blood can only make people lose their power. Longevity.

I don't know if this thing is useful to me. After Liu Adou got these things, he felt eager to try. To be honest, he has also eaten a lot of energy-containing foods on Gourmet Planet, but there is no big difference in his stomach.

Right now, the blood of the three sacred beasts in ancient Chinese legends, does my heart want to taste it? Just do it if you think about it. Longyuan and Phoenix blood are relatively small, so you can extract some and add other things and mix it. Qilin blood does not cost money, so Qilin blood is used as the main material.

Just be the three gods and beasts with blood prosperous.

The Juggernaut and Mingyue didn't know what Liu Adou was doing, they were just surprised that their master could find the miraculous fruit of Blood Bodhi. Even the Juggernaut had only heard of it. After eating their stomachs, their internal strength had grown astonishing, and the Juggernaut felt that he was renewing his life.

After the internal strength increased, the "Xuanzi Divine Art" and "Nine Heavens Divine Flower" they learned both entered the first stage, and the internal strength had undergone a qualitative change, becoming a liquid true energy.

The internal force became stronger, and the five senses were naturally accessible, so they felt that Liu Adou in the room was preparing something earth-shattering, and that inexplicable internal force could actually affect the liquid innocent energy in their bodies.

If they knew that Liu Adou was just making hairy blood, they would vomit three liters of blood to death, but the blood of the three gods is not a joke, but it has mixed up and has produced a violent chemical reaction. The blood of the beasts also contains the ancient times of the beasts. The sacred breath left behind.

Especially the breath of Long Yuan reminded Liu Adou of the last descendant of the dragon he had encountered on Great Sword Planet. The latent gene of that dragon was activated and transformed into a dragon, but he didn't have any sacred aura. But this dragon is different. It has been worshipped since ancient times, so the breath of Shenlong is not comparable to that of the new dragon.

The existence of phoenix blood allowed Long Yuan to integrate into the unicorn blood smoothly. As an integrating agent of the two, it neutralized the mania of unicorn blood by the way. In order to waste the ingredients, Liu Adou carefully monitors the mixing of the three materials.

Finally, after two bowls of Qilin blood were broken, he found a suitable formula and made a pot of blood from the beast. And these hairy blood flourishes were made by Liu Adou into dishes such as "Blood Tofu Stir-Fried Bodhi", "Beast Blood Fans" and "Tofu Duo".

Liu Adou took a bite and found that his physical fitness had actually improved by a small part. The three god beasts Mao Xuewang did not disappoint Liu Adou, and was full of power. It's just that if their apprentices eat it, they will probably burst into death. It seems that they can only drink soup.

Store the food in the gourmet storage box and store it for a long time.

Liu Adou held the 20,000 blood-red soup in front of his disciples: "Drink it, then exercise and meditate."

"What kind of soup is this?" Mingyue was a little scared, how could she be like her aunt.

"A good thing to strengthen your internal strength. The taste is okay, I have adjusted it."

"Oh." The smell was indeed okay. Mingyue Hengxin poured the soup into his stomach, only feeling that his stomach and dantian were burning hot, and then the internal organs were disturbed, and he threw the bowl away in pain.

"Sit in a fast cross to mobilize internal interest." Liu Adou quickly let Mingyue get lucky.

The same is true for the Sword Saint, all his limbs and a hundred skeletons seem to be penetrated, his eyes are shining, he dare not neglect, he believes that the master will not harm them. ..

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