Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-four chapters are poisoned\r

There is no danger, and Duanlang is secretly proud, it seems that the strange thief is nothing more than that. He took two pieces of old clothes for Broken Lang, and Mingyue gave him to Fu Bo. If there is anything Fu Bo will teach him.

Duanlang reported his real name directly. His father Duanshuai is well-known. He has been in the world for ten years. No one outside of the world knows him, so he is not afraid to be exposed.

However, Liu Adou knew this repetitive person. The young man Duanlang was also a power greedy man. He wanted to rejuvenate his family's power, but he was a bit like Murongfu. He used all means for his goal, and even friends could betray him. However, who Duanlang works for now needs to be investigated.

"Danlang, after washing, I am a talented person." Fubo saw that Duanlang was a spirited young man and loved it in his heart.

"Uncle Fu, I would like to ask you to take care of me in the future. If you have anything you need me to do, just speak up. I can do anything. I'm not afraid of getting tired."

Hearing what Duan Lang said, Fu Bo was even happier: "I want to get it, I can be considered lazy with this old bone."

"Fu Bo, don't say that, heavy work should have been done by young people like me." To make everyone trust him, Duan Lang must act honestly: "By the way, Fu Bo, we usually have to take care of several old ladies. , If I meet, I can't be rude."

"Yes, there are not many people in Jianmen. It is strange to say that the head is the young man you met before, Liu Adou. He has three disciples. The master sister Mingyue and the younger sister Youruo take in you, and there is also a second senior brother. It's the famous sword saint and the current city lord of our Wushuang City." Speaking of these Fu Bo's expressions, he was full of inability to see through, and he shook his head as he spoke, as if he was saying something like a fairy tale: "That's right. There is another person to take care of here, that is Miss Mingyue’s grandmother. The old man has a bad temper. You have to be careful."


"Yes, she is Miss Mingyue's only relative, and we can't make her angry."

"I see." Duan Langxin said that the population is simple: "Then, here are the people who are here, Fu Bo and me?"

"Well, there was no one. But later, Master Juggernaut dismissed the servants of Dugu Mansion and returned to the hometown. I didn't want to go back, so I transferred me here." "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise there will be a lot of work. I really can't do it anymore." Fu Bo is in his sixties and retired in modern times, not to mention that God blessed him to be able to work in this era.

That's great. It seems that he will be able to poison him soon. Duan Lang knows that he and Fu Bo must be responsible for everyone's meals. Can they be poisoned at any time?

In this way, Duanlang stayed and started Jiading's career. There is not much to do, because everyone except Youruo takes care of themselves. The most troublesome job every day is fetching water. It is necessary to fetch water from the only well in the house to the various yards, but it is much easier than the work of the National Association.

And as Duan Lang thought, he and Fu Bo were indeed responsible for the meals in the mansion.

However, after staying for a few days, Duanlang finally discovered the power of the sword gate, that is, they actually knew how to fly the sword. That's right, but the real sword is flying in the sky, not that the sword is sliding and rubbing on the ground.

This further strengthened Broken Wave's heart to injure Jianmen, because he wanted to get the secrets of Jianmen. However, the Juggernaut is indeed powerful, and Duan Lang once saw the Juggernaut standing in the courtyard, motionless but full of sword energy. The Juggernaut was practicing the sword, a sword in his heart, sword aura even cut off all the surrounding weeds, it was extremely powerful.

Duanlang didn't dare to move any step in front of the sword master. Fortunately, the sword master didn't hurt Duanlang's heart.

Finally starting to act, Duan Lang now understands why Dugu side would come up with such a despicable means of drugging. It is true that the people of Jianmen are masters, and a Juggernaut alone may be able to kill everyone around Dugu side. It's just that Broken Wave is still strange, why would such a powerful Sword Saint be the disciple of Kai Pi with peace of mind? Could it be that the blame thief is even more powerful? It shouldn't be, isn't it a thief? Is it because the strange thief has stolen a lot of cheats, so the Juggernaut wants those cheats, so he loses his identity? It's not right, what cheats would the Juggernaut want if he was so powerful?

Anyway, Duanlang couldn't figure out how the Sword Saint apprentices. The thief didn't show up very much, and Duanlang didn't feel that Liu Adou was great.

On this day, when he went out to buy food, Duanlang and the connector brought poison and agreed to do it tonight.

I was very nervous about hiding the medicine in my body. Fortunately, there was no danger. In the evening, Tang Lang put the medicine in the dishes.

Breaking the bones and breaking the tendons, just a little bit can make the elephant collapse, and the broken waves put a big bag, enough to control all the people in the house.

Duan Lang had thought about it, and when his medicine poured everyone in Jianmen, he had to go to the strange thief room to steal all the treasures and hide them before he went to notify the people outside to come in.

"Danlang, why is your face so white?" Fubo felt that Duanlang was a little strange.

This is the first time Duanlang has done a bad thing, and he is still a little nervous, because Dugu said that he wants to kill the swordsman: "It's okay, it may be choking." Duanlang told himself to be calm and he would succeed.

Prepare the food, bring it up, go back to the kitchen, Duanlang sits silently, waiting for the onset of the drug. The medicinal power of Xiaogu Duanjin Powder came on immediately, but Duanlang was still nervous.

About a cup of tea, I heard the sound of broken porcelain outside, and broke the wave with joy, and immediately rushed out with Uncle Fu to the main house. Sure enough, everyone had fallen to the ground, and the Juggernaut was still keeping it. The posture of Yun Gong was obviously poisoned.

"What's the matter with you?" Forber was startled, and then only felt a pain in the back of his head, and his eyes were black and he passed out.

Uncle Fu was stunned last, and Duanlang smiled triumphantly: "What sword gate, what sword master, did not fall into the hands of my Duanlang." Then he looked at the two fairies with a pity in his heart, but he was How can a man who does big things indulge in female sex? Find the secret book first, and Duan Lang immediately ran towards Liu Adou's house.

When Broken Wave left, Liu Adou opened his eyes and said in his heart that he would let you those who are plotting to know how powerful the strange thief is. I have to see how many people will come later?

Liu Adou put a copy of "The Treasure of Sunflower" in his room, and kept it in the secret area, whether you want to break the waves or not. The secret grid is made to be both concealed and obvious, that is, the flaw is relatively large, and it belongs to the kind of place that can be found after a little thought. Designed specifically for broken waves.

The Juggernaut also opened his eyes: "I think this person is weird, and I really guessed that he was plotting wrongdoing. Master, why don't you let me kill him?"

"Because there is someone behind him." "Continue to pretend to be dizzy, we have to follow the vine."

Sure enough, the master was great, and the Sword Saint immediately continued to close his eyes. ..

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