Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and eighty-five chapters are calculated\r

Broken Lang found that there was a wall lamp on the wall in Liu Adou's room that was not right. He wondered if this kind of fixed object shouldn't be tilted. When he went up and broke it, a hidden grid suddenly opened on the wall.

I rummaged through the bookshelf and desk but couldn't find anything. It turned out to be hidden in the secret grid. There is only one cheat book "Sunflower Treasure". It's kind of interesting. Duanlang didn't take a close look at the secret book. He knocked on the top, bottom, left, and right of the secret compartment, making sure that there was no other space in the secret compartment, and closed the secret compartment and went out to set off the fireworks signal.

The people in ambush on the surrounding streets rushed out, smashed through the sword gate, and rushed into it.

"Guai thief, I will retrieve my Kunlun sect treasure today."

"And my treasure of Emei."


Anyway, many people rushed in, and they rushed to the main house without the need for someone to bring them. Seeing the people in one place, the owners didn’t know which of them was the thief: "Do you know who is the thief?"

At this time it was Dugu's turn to stand up and said: "The young man Liu Adou in the main seat is a strange thief, and the head of the swordsman."

No one believes that the thief is really so young, "Really?"

"Everyone, you can search here, and you will definitely find your lost item." said the Dugu party. He didn't lose anything anyway: "If you find your lost item, you will naturally know if he is a strange thief."

"The Lord of Dugu City is right, let's go find something." Martial arts people circulated around the garden.

It turned out to be the one from the lonely party and the thief-catching conference, Liu Adou said that this is a clear idea. Just when everyone was distracted, Liu Adou had already sat up and looked at these people with a playful look.

The Dugu party praised Breaking Waves, and they didn't look inside the house either.

"Father?!" Du Guming saw it, and saw that Liu Adou, who was unconscious just now, suddenly sat up like a corpse: "Father??!" He was about to cry.

"What's wrong with Ming'er?" Looking at Dugu Ming's ineffective appearance, Dugu's party was unhappy.

"Father?!" Duguming tremblingly raised his fingers to the room, and Dugu and Duanlang looked over.

hiss! Taking a breath of air, Liu Adou didn't know when to sit there and looked at the people with a smile on his face, looking weird.

"Who did I think it would be? It turned out to be the lonely party. You really worked hard to find all the owners. Do you want me to return the lost property?"

"Why are you a strange thief?" "The Bone Breaking and Tendon Breaking Powder is powerful, how can you wake up so soon?"

"Because of my strong internal strength, didn't your son tell you that I am a master who can subdue even a sword saint." "And for a master like me, poison is useless."

"Damn it." I underestimated the enemy, but now that the masters and masters of the various sects are there, I don't believe that we can kill the thief: "You are evil and steal the treasures of the town of the sect. Today is your doomsday for the thief. ."

"I stole their things. Is this why you even drugged your own uncle?" Liu Adou was referring to the Juggernaut: "Or you don't treat Juggernaut as a relative at all?"

Chee, Dugu party thought that he was a fake, but he has been pretending to be the city lord for almost 20 years. He has long been unable to let go of the position of the city master: "How can the proud sword master worship a thief as his teacher? This sword master is also a fake Yes, they are not from our lonely family." Reversed, anyway, these people must not be allowed to leave alive today.

Broken Wave's heart said that the Dugu party would even kill the Juggernaut for his rights, which was really cruel. However, the big man should be like this, this is the person who makes the big thing. In fact, Duan Lang really admires Xiong Ba, but he prefers to sit in the seat of Xiong Ba.

"Weird thief, I think you are bluffing, your poison must have not been completely solved, so I want to delay time." Dugu party tentatively.

"Who knows, maybe you can try it."

The thief woke up, and the owners who could not find the lost property in the yard came back to question: "Guai thief, where did you hide our things?"

"Say it quickly, you're welcome if you don't let us."

"Kunlun, Emei, Shushan, Kongtong, Huashan, Putuo..." Liu Adou reported their names one by one, "I didn't steal a lot from you, but it's a secret book you can't practice, a holy medicine that you can't eat. , You don’t need magic weapons, you just put these things on the shelf anyway, and if I take them away, you can still pretend that things are there."

"A strong word, even if we can't use it, those treasures are belonging to our sect. What right do you have to take away?!" A respected head stood up and argued with Liu Adou. "If the thief wants to suffer less, please Things are back."

Yes, yes, everyone holds swords, and obviously they will not give up until they achieve their goals.

Liu Adou was also very helpless: "Since you want to take it back so much, take it back." Liu Adou took out a reduced glass bottle from his pocket, enlarged it, and what he had stolen inside: "It's all there. Here, I keep them in different boxes according to each school, you can take them back."

The heads rushed up and took the box of their own school in their hands and examined it carefully. The big stone in their hearts could be regarded as falling.

"I got everything, can you go now?"

"No, don't be fooled by the strange thief, maybe he has copied your cheats." said the lone party, but he wanted to catch the power of these people to deal with the strange thief.

Everyone heard it, and immediately continued to stare at the thief.

"Don't be deceived by the Dugu party. He wants to murder his uncle, the sword saint, that's why he said that." Liu Adou saw through the Dugu party: "If you attack now, you will help the gang to abuse you, but you have to think clearly. ."

? ?

Everyone looked at Dugu, who looked ugly. It was unexpected for the thief to return the treasure so generously. Originally, he wanted to use the owner's anger to deal with the thief. Unexpectedly, the strange thief would return the lost property, which left the leaders with no reason to deal with the strange thief.

The strange thief also saw through his plan, and Dugu said that it was troublesome.

What's more troublesome is that the Juggernaut slowly stood up amidst everyone's surprised eyes, like a awakened Dragon, with long hair and long beard without wind. Even after three meters, the Juggernaut is very angry.

Seeing the Juggernaut stand up, Dugu's heart is completely cold. He has only one thought now. Is the poison really useless for the master?

"Dugu party, do you know the sin?!" Supreme majesty locked onto Dugu party, the sword sage's wrath pierced Dugu party's internal organs like a steel needle, preventing him from moving, and Roar had difficulty sucking.

When it's over, the Dugu party is self-inflicted, all in collapse, under the coercion of the sword master, only kneeling down and confessing guilt, guilty of conviction. When the people around looked at it, it seemed that this was really the Dugu party who wanted to kill someone with a knife, and they all said that it had nothing to do with me, they were just looking for the lost property. ..

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