Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-five chapters of the unicorn arm appear\r

Bu Jingyun took Kong Ci's body and left. Although Liu Adou had said that they should come to him, it was clear that Bu Jingyun and the others did not listen.

However, because Qin Shuang gave the Bing Soul to Kong Ci, he didn't have to go to the Xiawang Mansion to grab the family heirloom. So Bu Jingyun went straight to the Hou Mausoleum that was being built.

Occupying the queen’s tomb, laying down the stone of the world, and his lover died, Bu Jingyun decided to take revenge now, and wait for the killing of the male tyrant before returning to reunite with Kong Ci. He will never be separated.

Bu Jingyun had already practiced the twelfth sword with the spirit of the sword, so he thought that he should have been able to fight against Xiongba.

However, Bu Jingyun still thinks too highly of himself, Xiongba is also a martial arts wizard. He learned Tianshuangquan, Paiyun palm, and Fengshen leg from the master, and combined three martial arts into one to create three points of vitality. Wugong is not a little bit better than Bu Jingyun.

Bu Jingyun and Xiongba fought hard, without any chance of winning.

Even if Bu Jingyun had practiced the Twelve Sword, with the sword imperial qi, it would be difficult for him to fight with the three-pointed vitality of the hero.

"Bu Jingyun, I didn't expect that I didn't blame you for killing my righteous daughter. Instead, you came to kill me." Xiongba is actually even more strange how Bu Jingyun entered the first floor of the world without being discovered by anyone: "You Do you want to attack me while I am practicing in retreat?"

"Xiong Ba, do you remember that you ordered the Tuhuo family to be full ten years ago?" Bu Jingyun did not attack him, but stood stupidly in front of the Xiong Ba. He dismissed the attack and thought that he could defeat the Xiong Ba in a fair manner.

"Huo Family?" Xiong Ba still has some reflections: "Are you the remnant of Huo Family?"

"Huo Butian, the master of the Huo family, is my adoptive father." Bu Jingyun only felt relieved. From today on, he no longer has to recognize the thief as his father. From now on, he will be able to admit his identity generously: "Today I will do my righteousness. Father takes revenge."

"Thousands of people want to kill me, but none of them succeeded, and neither can you." Xiongba laughed and said, "Let me give you the last minute, but don't say that the master doesn't give you face."

With the sword out, Bu Jingyun was only holding a mortal sword, and he worked hard to control the sword twelve times.

Immature, Xiongba showed a disdainful expression, Bu Jingyun obviously hadn't practiced swords for a long time, even if he was talented, he didn't master the essence of swordsmanship.

Xiongba only responded with a grasping hand, and even beat Bu Jingyun to no avail.

"Yun'er, you too underestimate the old man." Xiongba slapped Bu Jingyun on the back, spitting out blood for three liters, and flying out: "Although your swordsmanship is exquisite, you are eager to take revenge. Did not practice well." He jumped forward and grabbed Bu Jingyun's arm.

The powerful force prevented Bu Jingyun from moving. Seeing that Xiongba was already lucky enough to give him a fatal blow, Bu Jingyun had no choice but to find a way to get out. I can’t die here, leaving the green hills without worrying about firewood, learning the gecko’s tail, Bu Jingyun decisively used a sword to cut off his left arm, and tried his best to move out of the palm of the cloud to force the dominance. Retreat to escape.

Only two minutes after the two played against each other, Xiongba crushed Bu Jingyun with absolute strength, and let Bu Jingyun realize that these apprentices were not Xiongba's opponents at all.

Xiongba fiercely threw Bu Jingyun's arm on the ground: "Wen Chou Chou, please thoroughly search the entrances of the various hills of the World Society. I must find Bu Jingyun!" With his strong internal strength, he shook the first building in the world.

So today, Liu Adou saw a bloody picture from Wen Chouchou's live broadcast, with a severed hand. Bu Jingyun still broke his arm and escaped. Xiongba issued a killing order and officially sent Qin Shuang Nie Feng to chase and kill Bu Jingyun.

The great male friend Kylin Arm is finally about to show up, and Liu Adou will naturally not miss it. Bu Jingyun, who escaped from the secret road, fell into the river and drifted all the way down the river, and met Yu Yue, Yu Chuchu and his daughter who made a living collecting medicine and selling medicine.

Thirty years ago, Yu Yue was an ordinary swordsmith, crafting weapons for unknown martial artists and young people who had great illusions about martial arts. Until one day Huo Qilin broke into the city to kill and kill, the crowd fled because they could not bear the high temperature of Huo Qilin. Yu Yue stood by the fire because he was hitting iron, so he was relatively high temperature resistant. At that time, he was young and energetic. Although he didn't break into the martial arts, but he heard a lot of wonderful stories about martial arts heroes hoeing the strong and helping the weak, so the blood surged and rushed out with a semi-finished sword that was being built.

However, Huo Qilin was not easy to deal with. Nan Lin's sword head and Bei Yin Han Dao weren't Huo Qilin's opponents, let alone a young man who wrought iron. However, Yu Yue is not a rash man. He knew he underestimated the enemy as soon as he met him. Fortunately, he observed a wound on Huo Qilin’s chest, and knew that it was Huo Qilin’s weakness, so he smashed his anger and strove out his sword with a passion. Stabbed the old wound of Huo Qilin.

Qilin blood sprayed out from the wound, which would be completely scalded on Yue's left arm, and the unicorn flees away. A month later, Yu Yue, who was already ready to be a disabled person, was surprised to find that his left arm was reborn, the coke skin fell off, revealing new white skin, and his left arm was so strong that Yu Yue became a master. .

But being a master means trouble. During a trip away from home, Yu's parents-in-law died tragically, and his sister was kidnapped by a lustful county magistrate and finally committed suicide in insult. This changed Yu Yue's life all of a sudden. He madly killed the county magistrate’s family, killing more than a hundred people in the county magistrate’s family, and finally almost killed the county magistrate’s six-year-old daughter. The girl's desperate expression awakened Yu Yue. He knew that he had committed an irreparable mistake.

After that time, Yu Yueyin left his hometown under his name and traveled everywhere. It has been more than ten years since he has been married and had a daughter in the village where he is now settled, but his conscience has been suffering.

But now Yu Yue feels like it’s time to lay down the burden and face his sins calmly. His unicorn arm has an urge to leave him. I am afraid it has found his true master. The young man who is seriously injured in front of him is probably The person selected by the unicorn arm.


"Father, what's the matter?" Yu Chuchu has always lived in the village. She is a complete village girl, but she is young and healthy, with good features, and she is also a beautiful girl if she is dressed up. At the moment I saw Bu Jingyun, a handsome, tall, handsome, super cold-looking guy with a completely different feeling from farmers. His eyes couldn't be separated from Bu Jingyun's face. He was completely idiot.

"You go into the mountains and invite Mr. Sai Huatuo over."

"Father, is he going to die?" Yu Chuchu was startled, why suddenly he asked Grandpa Sai Huatuo to go out? Doesn't that mean that this handsome guy is dead?

"Go and bring him here." Yu Yue solemnly ordered, and Yu Chuchu hurriedly went out to find Sai Huatuo for this arm-changing operation, which is not very scientific even in modern times.

Yu Yue only felt that Huan Roar's fluctuations seemed to be coming from the unicorn arm, and it seemed that he couldn't wait to step on Jingyun's body. ..

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