Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The first thousand four hundred and ninety-six chapters surgery\r

Sai Hua Tuo is a rickety old man who is over seventy years old, but he has clear eyes and brisk steps. He is obviously very healthy.

"Grandpa Sai Huatuo, wait for me." Yu Chuchu, a country girl with a cardamom age, couldn't keep up with the old man's speed.

"Saving people is like fighting fire. If you are as slow as you, how many people will die." Although Sai Huatuo lived in seclusion, but it was because he was afraid of being coerced and assisted by others, but if he encountered villagers who needed help, he was extremely active. .

"Wait for me." Yu Chuchu and Sai Huatuo pulled farther and farther, and in the end they couldn't see the old man.

When Chu Chu came home panting for breath, Sai Huatuo and Yu Yue sat silently on the threshold of the door, and Sai Huatuo even smoked mouthfuls of cigarettes.

"Father, what's the matter? Did something happen to that person?"

"It's not the patient, but your father." Sai Huatuo said: "He wants to give the unicorn arm to the stranger inside, please persuade."

"Father? Are you really going to give him the unicorn arm?" Yu Chuchu was surprised. Although the handsome guy inside did break an arm, was his father's decision too hasty?

"I have decided that the unicorn arm has become more and more uncontrollable recently. After meeting that young man, the unicorn arm even wanted to get close to him. I think the arm has found its own owner. Sai Hua Tuo only has Only then can you have this kind of medical skills, make me perfect."

Sai Huatuo spit out a puff of white smoke: "I really don't know what you think. Others have unicorn arms and can wake up with a smile without sleeping. It's okay for you to try to get the arm out." "I can tell you, yours. The arm is sent, but it can't grow out anymore, you will have one arm left in the future."

"I know." Yu Yue had already realized his consciousness.

Sai Huatuo and Yu Yue have known each other for a long time. Knowing his temper, since he has decided, then there is no way to change: "Then you should prepare first. Changing arms requires surgery. I have to be prepared. Row."

"What do you want, say, I will prepare."

Medicine, hot water, fire, knives, silver needles, ice cubes, etc.

In a big battle, even Sai Hua Tuo dare not slacken his efforts to perform difficult operations in such a simple environment.

At noon the next day, Sai Hua Tuo was ready to move his knife: "This is Ma Fei San. After drinking it, I will seal your whole body acupuncture points, so that you can relax."

Seeing that the surface of the various utensils did not change, Yu Yue nodded, drank the hemp, and then bit a bundle of cloth.

Sai Hua Tuo didn't dare to be sloppy when applying the acupuncture. Yu Yue's naked upper body pierced more than 30 silver needles. During this time, the effect of Ma Fei San almost took place.

Sai Huatuo glanced at Yu Yue and found that his eyes were calm, and he said that he was not polite. He picked up a kitchen knife and dropped the knife. When he saw the red, he cut off Yu Yue's left arm all at once. , Fell into the ice basin of the response.

Puff, blood was splattered, even if he had a decision, when he broke his hand, Yu Yue still burst into blue veins, his sweat glands swelled crazily, and his gums were about to sink into the brie.

It hurts, it hurts, and it hurts so much that I almost fainted, but I couldn't pass it. The pain was at the critical point of the fainting, and it was not up to and down to torment Yu Yue.

Yu Chuchu didn't dare to look at it at all, it was terrible, and he felt weak just thinking about it.

But Sai Huatuo's face was calm: "Chu Chu, take the basin away, I want to stop the bleeding for your father."

With both hands shaking, Yu Chuchu tremblingly sent the ice basin with the broken arm to the larger ice block. The brain is completely blank, and she doesn't know what crazy thing this is, she feels like she is going crazy.

"You bear it a little bit, I have minimized your pain, and the rest is up to you." As he said, he quickly took out a piece of pigskin and sutured Yu Yue's wound.

Liu Adou felt his scalp numb. Ancient people were really crazy, crazy enough to make people fearful. Sai Hua Tuo looked like a doctor with the knife just now, it was even more terrifying than a butcher.

The teeth are sore.

"..." Yu Yue was already sweaty all over, "Chu Chu, come here to check your sweat, don't let the sweat run into the wound."

"Oh." Chu Chu ran over to wipe Yu Yue sweat.

In fact, Sai Hua Tuo is also sweating profusely, but he is now concentrating on sewing the wounds, and the time for a cup of tea is over: "Chu Chu, go and drink the blood tonic that you fried before to your father, bandage it, and let him He has a good rest and then comes in to help. I'm about to start taking over."

The main event finally came, Liu Adou stepped forward, Yu Yue was already exhausted and unconscious, and Chu Chu was controlled, and fell asleep after feeding his father the medicine.

Entering the door, Sai Hua Tuo did not notice a change of person. At the moment, his attention was highly concentrated, and he came to Bu Jingyun's side with his cold arm in his hand.

Bu Jingyun had three points of vitality in his body and was unconscious. He happened to have avoided anesthetics, but even so, Bu Jingyun was firmly tied to the bed before the operation.

Bu Jingyun's arm was not completely broken, so there was also a shoulder that was also removed this time. If there is a god in the knife, let Ding Jie Niu, Liu Adou can see clearly, Sai Huatuo's position of the knife is exactly the same as Yu Yue's body, which means that the fracture of the body tissue is exactly the same, so that it can be connected. NS.

Sai Hua Tuo likes to cut off his hands and feet when he has nothing to do, or else I really can't think of why he is so proficient. In fact, Sai Hua Tuo has treated countless martial arts practitioners who were more than arbitrary hands and feet in his entire life. He has long known the structure of human beings, so he can accurately locate the position without drawing any lines.

Obediently, really confident.

"Chu Chu, you go and raise the fire in the house a little bit."

Liu Adou did it right away. Presumably, the genius doctor wanted to adjust the temperature in the room through ice cubes and flames to ensure the activity of his arms. It should not be too ice and not too hot. Master, even the temperature is considered.

I saw the genius doctor quickly perform acupuncture techniques back and forth between the wound and the broken arm, and even the needles can pierce the meridians and prevent the nerves from shrinking. If this technique is taken to the earth, it is estimated that it will be enthusiastically praised by the special forces. No, this Sai Hua Tuo is a baby, so I have to take it back to teach the young Titan first aid. You can change your arms in such a simple environment. If you get injured on the earth, it is definitely the best frontline first aid.

But the next thing is the most difficult, which is to connect the bones, muscles, and nerves. Liu Adou craned his neck and widened his eyes, not wanting to miss this time the top and most difficult surgical operation in ancient times.

What material will be used for connection?

Liu Adou soon had the answer, silk thread, it was an extremely thin silk, thinner than a silver needle. Sai Hua Tuo used this kind of magical silk to connect his nerves. Liu Adou was shocked. What kind of material is this? ..

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