Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 273 Space War\r

The first space war in human history, the collision between the two great powers of the earth, began in the universe no one knew.

The opponent is a formation, ten pythons. He was a testing machine, and Liu Adou really didn't dare to wave. It does not matter if the test machine is broken, the data loss will be serious.

The force is on, as long as the opponent attacks, you can feel it.

Hey, his limbs moved slightly, he dodged the 15-style at a high speed, and then hit back suddenly. The power of the laser gun is reduced, and it is enough if the opponent's fighter is not broken.

A white light shot out at the speed of the python, hitting the wing of the python, and the jet port on one side was broken by the fragments of the wing, and it spun on the spot and left the formation.

"Everyone, be careful, the other party is really a cosmic fighter." I didn’t expect that a second country’s cosmic fighter appeared in the universe besides the United States. Although I know that this will happen sooner or later, it is faster than anyone expected. According to The United States predicts that it will take at least ten years before a second country establishes a space army, by then the United States has established a firm foothold in the universe. When other countries are toddlers going to the universe, the United States has tens of thousands of space fighters in the universe, crushing everything.

But now the situation is developing unexpectedly. This strange satellite is very flexible. Matthew decided to disperse the attack: "Circle, surround him."

The spots of light spread, and Liu Adou knew that they were planning to surround him, and he had no chance to leave when surrounded. After firing continuously, three more pythons were hit and lost their movement.

"The opponent's technique is very good, and he can always avoid his own attacks." Matthew said to Jack behind him: "You come to capture, I'll shoot."

"Understood. X-axis minus 3, Z-axis minus 1, lock."

Liu Adou was hairy and moved suddenly to the right, but the opponent was too close, and the bullet still hit the 15th type. Fortunately, it was just a solar panel. It was obviously dodgeable just now, but because the movement of the 15-style was all translational and couldn't roll, it was hit.

It turns out that Liu Adou knows that the pre-written program is to maintain the 15-style posture, so when moving, the four nozzles on one side are sprayed at the same time, so that the fighter is easy to control in translation, but it is slower than rolling when evading. This is not okay, Liu Adou wants to rewrite the system that cannot be rolled.

As he accelerated the distance, Liu Adou picked up the keyboard and crackled, making each nozzle spray independently so that he could avoid restraint when he dodges.

The enemy behind was getting closer and closer, and Liu Adou could feel that he was about to be caught up. He was anxious, his ten fingers turned into the wind, and finally finished the rewriting before he was bitten by the enemy.

"Okay, the battle will start again." Liu Adou rolled over as he said. The Type 15 rolls forward in the universe like a drum washing machine. Normal drivers can't stand the spinning like this, but Liu Adou is OK.

In a turning motion, Liu Adou fired at the enemy condescendingly.

The opponent's movements became more flexible, and Matthew frowned, so powerful. One of them has already made four of them out of action. Ability: "Don't be nervous, please calmly challenge." After the words were finished, another python was hit.

So fast, how can the opposing driver's driver bear such pressure? Those roller movements are simply not made by humans.

The United States was surprised, and Liu Adou was not uncomfortable because the fuel was running out and he couldn't beat everyone. There are only two options now, one is to fall into the atmosphere, and the other is to go to outer space to a range that humans cannot pursue. Only in this way can the enemy be thrown away.

However, they are all dangerous. If they fall into the atmosphere, they can’t go to the predetermined location now, maybe where they landed. Then there is only one way to go to the universe.

Turning around, without any hesitation, Liu Adou retreated. When the fuel is still enough, if you continue to struggle, there is no chance to escape.

Matthew saw the enemy fleeing into outer space, "Stop the attack." The python didn't have much fuel. If he chased it out, the ghost knew how far it would fly, and if it was too far, it would never be possible to return to Earth.

"Crazy man." Matthew cursed as he looked at the enemy further and further away.

"I think that action just made his head bloodshot." Jack said.

Liu Adou did so desperately to preserve these data. This was precious cosmic battle data.

The battle lasted only about ten minutes, but it left everyone with lingering fears. Matthew said over the radio: "Report the situation."

The five pythons could not move and needed to be towed. The personnel were not injured, but a few people vomited nauseously in the cockpit. During the battle, the movements of the pythons were also very intense, worrying that the driver would lose control of being hit and the violent movements.

The overall situation is okay, but Matthew is thinking about whether the opponent is merciful or the opponent's weapon is just a defensive weapon without lethality. In any case, he really encountered an opponent this time, and he had to admit that his operation was not as good as the opponent. What country will they be from? Russia, or Germany, or China or Japan?

"The second formation is on alert to prevent the enemy from returning to earth."


The first formation returned to the Garden of Eden first, and it was time to write a report on this encounter.

"The war in space is cruel." Now Liu Adou has become an exile. The fuel of the Type 15 test machine is empty, and he can only rely on inertia to constantly face outwards, floating endlessly.

It's a pity that this expensive test machine is now available. It seems that I can't bring my first space fighter back to Earth, but the computer motherboard has to be brought back.

"Type 15, please report the situation."

"Kunlun Mountain, in order to get rid of the enemy, I ran out of fuel, and now I am drifting towards the endless universe. But don't worry, I will protect the motherboard." Liu Adou said calmly, but in the eyes of others Here he is already a martyr, what should I do? How can Liu Adou return safely?

"Communication has begun to be delayed." This shows that Liu Adou is getting farther and farther from the earth. Kunlun Mountain has a quantum radio station, which is Uncle Benn’s. Later, it was copied and remodeled. However, it was too large to be equipped on the base and Wu Gang. It was not that large on the Type 15.

"Adou, don't be nervous, pay attention to the oxygen content, we will definitely find a way to save you." The general said.

A delay of one second is also a delay. Liu Adouxin said that this time it was really careless. How could he be on the earth? At least let the 15-style stop first, if it is farther, there is really no way.

Putting out all the means to stop the Type 15 in the universe, Liu Adou looked at the oxygen and could still last for six hours, but now there is only one solar panel, and the temperature in the cab will get lower and lower due to insufficient power for the equipment. . There is still oxygen, but it is not good to freeze to death first.

For a time, the distance between the earth and the universe became a dangerous wire, which made people daunting and could not think of a rescue method. ..

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