Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 274 Set Sail\r

"Quickly, all personnel get ready." The Kunlun Mountain base was full of excitement, and the general obtained permission to launch Wu Gang in advance after asking for instructions from the Chief of No.1.

All preparations must be made as quickly as possible, and then set out to save people. All personnel who were ordered in danger were very nervous. There was still a month to prepare, but I didn’t expect to take off suddenly.

Although Wu Gang could fly, it was only disassembled and assembled to ensure that it was foolproof. After checking it several times, it was one month short of time, and no one knew if there would be any problems.

The personnel also gathered, and this time we set off directly to the moon. Only China has Ability to mobilize all resources to build a spaceship from scratch within five months, which is only on the blueprint. There is no shortage of execution, action, and productivity in China, so it can be successful.

Definitely originally planned to train for another month, but no one was prepared for an emergency, so I had to launch in advance. For Liu Adou, he disrupted the entire space development plan, which shows that the country attaches great importance to him.

"This is not a drill, not a drill."

The astronauts knew that this was a rescue mission, and they were all ready to go.

"General, I will go too." An Rong took the initiative to request her order. As the main engineer of Wu Gang, Wu Gang is her child, and she wants to travel with Wu Gang.

"Dr. Ann..."

"General, I know the Wu Gang best. If the crew has problems due to insufficient training, I need to eliminate the danger as soon as possible at the scene."

"You can command them here, and there won't necessarily be a problem," the general said.

"Wu Gang is very complicated, it is difficult for me to troubleshoot the problem without being on the spot, and a problem may cause chain problems, I must be on the spot. And you said, general, maybe everything will go well, then I will just go there. Things." An Rong was very determined.

Seeing An Rong's determined eyes, the general sighed: "I agree with you, but you must be careful of your life, because your life is very important to the country."

"My life is the most important to me, I won't mess around. Thank you, General." An Rong smiled, great, I can go to the universe.

Wu Gang, six pilots, plus cargo and seven advanced engineers, are all in place.

An Rong also boarded the boat and cleared the venue. The Wu Gang is propelled to high altitude with a rocket before starting the engine. The use of nuclear pulses near the ground can cause problems with the surrounding electronic equipment.

An Rong has stood under Wu Gang countless times, and each time she feels very small. Only China can build such a huge amount of project in such a short period of time.

An Rong put on a heavy spacesuit and stood on the lift. The car under my feet turned into a matchbox. The Wu Gang was 72 meters long and 28 meters wide. The cargo warehouse occupies a lot of space. The cockpit is small enough to squeeze 20 people. In addition to the positive and negative drivers, there are eighteen seats.

The hatch is at the top of the spacecraft, and the other pilots have already taken the seat. An Rong needs to go down the stairs set on the top of the spacecraft to find a seat.

The bulky spacesuit made An Rong difficult to move, let alone climbing stairs. Although she has climbed this staircase several times, it has never been so difficult.

However, the help of the people at the side was finally seated, and Aya was already sweating. The new cosmic suit is still being studied. The current Kunlun Mountain cosmic suits are all old-fashioned and unwieldy, but they can only be used now.

"Comrades, this rescue mission is very important. It is not only about our companion’s Name, but also about the data of our Type 15 space guard aircraft, and also about our motherland’s future development plans in the universe. Comrades, you may not have completed your training. , Maybe it was a half-born monk, but I believe in your spirit and the Wu Gang built by our engineers. Our journey is the sea of ​​stars. Today is our first step, comrades, a smooth journey."

"All systems are normal, ready to ignite."

"The countdown begins..."

An Rong held the seat belt nervously. This was the first time she went to heaven, saying that it was impossible not to be nervous. Now she felt like she was sitting in the can, and when they ignited the fire, the only thing they depended on was the tin spacecraft. We must know that accidents have never stopped since the Soviet Union and the United States started their aerospace industry. People sitting in the spacecraft, the spacecraft is in the sky, the engine explodes, and the parachute is not opened, all humans and planes will be destroyed.

An Rong was so nervous that her lips turned pale, and her body trembled involuntarily. Even if she had participated in the construction of this spaceship from scratch, she still didn't believe that she would be safe. So what are the moods of those astronauts who take the spacecraft of their own design? An Rong was suddenly moved, grateful to the astronauts who were willing to entrust their lives to her, they were so great.


The auxiliary rocket burned into flames, and An Rong felt that her internal organs were about to move. Although she was prepared, she was taken aback and out of breath.

The astronauts also gritted their teeth, and as the behemoth rose slowly, a rainbow across the surrounding scenery lit up.

Everyone looked up. The future of the country, the hope of developing the universe, and the rescue mission were all pinned on this hasty takeoff.

"The ancients said, Qionglou Yuyu, the heights are so cold. We are here today, and we are united in the moon and palace to fight the new osmanthus." The general watched as the spacecraft dragged a piece of white smoke away and muttered to himself: "After today, we will open up history. To a brand new page."

"At the designated altitude, start the nuclear fusion pulse engine."

"The system is normal, and the ignition device is normal."

"Understood, the ignition process begins. Everything is normal, ignition."


A blue flame vigorously emerged from the tail of the Wu Gang, causing the spacecraft to accelerate again: "Ignition is complete."

"Bound the rockets and break away."

"The detachment of the tied rocket is complete."

"All systems are all normal, and Wu Gang is accelerating." The ground personnel were excited, and the hardest part was over. There was no explosion and no accidents. Now we are waiting for the spacecraft to leave the atmosphere.

All the astronauts have their heartbeats fast, this feeling is really too complicated, excited and nervous as if a child's little hand is slapped hard on their chest. The spacecraft is getting faster and faster, faster and faster.

"Captain, a huge target was found behind, and it is flying from the ground." The second formation, waiting to be seen, hurriedly discovered the target.

"Disperse, disperse all." No one wanted to be knocked.

The pythons separated like bees, leaving the way, and a strangely shaped spaceship flew by their side at high speed. what is that?

The python formation watched the Wu Gang flying past their python fighters with dumbfounded eyes, as if the child had encountered a giant. One Wu Gang can hold ten pythons.

However, such a behemoth is faster than a fighter plane. The captain of the second formation contacted the Garden of Eden: "Eden, Eden, we found one ship after another, an alien spacecraft." They felt that the spacecraft was definitely not the earth. Go to any country, but aliens. ..

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