Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 297 Nine Dragons Eight Diagrams Seven Star Tower\r

Yashida and Logan met in Nagasaki. At that time, Logan was confused by Yashida, who treated American captives preferentially. He thought that Yashida was a Japanese with a conscience. So when the atomic bomb detonated, Logan pushed Yashida into an underground cell and protected him with his body. Yashida.

And Yashida also knew for the first time that Mutant existed in this world, and used his exploits to make a fortune after World War II. In just a few decades, the Yashida enterprise has spanned multiple industries in Japan and has become a large consortium, and the control of the consortium has always been in the hands of Yashida.

Although Yashida wanted to hand over power to his son in recent years, his son's ineffectiveness, coupled with his greed for power, made him unwilling to die. He is going to live another five hundred years, but the truth is too cruel. He has a tumor and is aging and aging. Although he has developed a lot of medical equipment to sustain his life, when he was a hundred years old, he finally felt that he could not support it. NS.

But there are many Mutants in this world, and he expects Wolverine's genes to make him live long.

The people in the Yashita family are not friendly, except for Xue Xu. I can't feel the human touch, I can only be cautious.

"Ms. Xuexu, when do we have dinner? I had a drink with Logan at noon and I am hungry now." Liu Adou asked, clutching his stomach.

"Soon, Liu Sang, everyone will be there." At the same time, thinking that he grew up in the United States, he was straightforward. There are foreigners and foreigners in any country. If you have been to the United States, Europe and other countries in Japan, you will be respected. Japan is the maid’s life. I think it’s a European country. It’s a pity that they don’t want you. In Asia, it can only form alliances with countries like India and the Philippines, which are not even considered third-rate countries, to lower their value.

In fact, India is okay, and the Philippines is really speechless. It can be said that the decisions made by the upper echelons of Japan are made by scratching their heads. There will be no thoughtful thinking. Japanese people with brains cannot survive in China. For example, during World War II, someone proposed to occupy the three northeastern provinces first, and spend time digesting them before plotting other lands in China. What a wise way. Unfortunately, this person was killed the next day, and then the whole country clamored to destroy China in three months. This kind of brainlessness It is the mainstream, so now Japan is also tight in the second. It doesn't matter to show that the war of the father's generation has nothing to do with you. You shouldn't apologize for the appearance of a victim who should live a good life. But if you have the ability to plan the grave of your father's generation, what Yasukuni Shrine can be built if you know that they did something wrong? Obviously they knew that the only mistake of their parents was that they did not win the war, not something else.

"Then can I look around?" Liu Adou wanted to see if there were good things, it was not impossible to go along by himself, anyway, they would not know if there were so many things.

"This." The Shenzhai compound is not easy to walk around, but the other party is a guest, and it is not easy to refuse: "Liu Sang, you can walk around in the front yard, but please don't go to the inner courtyard. This is where the Yashida family lives."

"Okay." Liu Adou disappeared in the corridor in a blink of an eye.

Logan was speechless, why did he leave him alone? He didn't like the atmosphere at all. Fortunately, Xue Xu introduced something to him, and finally Logan saw a Katana in the hall.

"The name of this sword is Duan Zhan, which means to cut off the enemy's hands and feet."

Logan drew out his sword curiously, only to feel a chill on his face. It was sharp. Sharper and stronger than all the cold weapons he has used, it can be compared with the Adamantium alloy in his body: "Good knife."

"Thank you, Logan-san, this is a famous Japanese sword with a history of two hundred years." Xue Xu continued: "The legend is a saber of a Ronin, who fought for two days to protect the villagers and bandits and killed him. So the bandit, he was also seriously injured and died, and later his saber was enshrined by the villagers. That village is the hometown of Lord Yashitian."

Logan danced twice and could clearly feel the air being cut: "It's a good knife."

Liu Adou walked around in the front yard and found that there was nothing good, so he went to the banquet hall and started serving food. Finally I can eat.

Wolverine sat on the right hand side close to the owner as a distinguished guest. Opposite them was the family of the Ministry of Justice, and then there was Xin Xuan and his daughter. Xuexu was seated in Liu Adou, the owner's seat was still empty, but before the meal, a doctor appeared pushing a high-tech hospital bed.

The hospital bed is very intelligent. As long as the patient makes an action, the small parts below will support a comfortable appearance to keep the patient moving. The ups and downs of the small hydraulic rod on the bed stretched flexibly, which is a gospel for the patient. However, only super rich people like Yashida can enjoy these high-tech. In order to continue his life, Yashida does not feel sorry for the money.

Next to the hospital bed was a tall American woman with a blonde hair and a beautiful figure. She was a rare beauty. At the family banquet, there were three beautiful girls, the coquettish and attractive Doctor Green, the gentle and elegant Mariko, and the enthusiastic and cheerful Xuexu.

It's beautiful and delicious, Liu Adou can definitely eat a few more bowls of rice tonight.

The traditional eclipse is very compact. Japanese chefs pay attention to keeping the ingredients authentic, so they often serve raw things directly. To put it simply, Japan used to be too poor and had no conditions to make seasonings, but the Japanese have always concealed their shortcomings and even packaged shortcomings to become their national characteristics. How many years has it taken for humans to start cooking food with fire. This has been denied by a small number of Japanese chefs. Raw food has the original flavor. Isn't it after seasoning?

Many sashimi, it can be seen that their ancestors must have lived like gods. Liu Adou doesn't mind eating sashimi and admits that it tastes good, but he will not admit that it tastes better than after cooking.

"Mr. Yashida, for the marriage of our two families, I brought a gift specially, please open it and have a look." The Minister of Justice said.

The servant brought a very ornate wooden box with some traditional Japanese characters carved on it, which looked like Ukiyo-e. Liu Adou had learned before and knew that this was the story of the Seven Warriors, that is, the Seven Warriors died to protect the village. Anyway, there are many, many stories of this kind in the early days of Japan, and many of them have been handed down. The previous "Duan Zhan" is also a similar story.

"Please open." The Minister of Justice said.

Liu Adou noticed that the son of the Minister of Justice had been peeking at Mariko and obviously liked her very much. In Japanese society, birth is very important, and the son of the Minister of Justice will also enter the political arena in the future. It is estimated that he can climb to a high position.

Yashida motioned to the servant to open the box, revealing a gorgeous golden silk wrapped in an antique thing.

Liu Adou couldn't take his eyes off as soon as he saw it. At a glance, he could see that the pagoda was extremely valuable, and it was a cultural relic for thousands of years. There was absolutely no such technology in Japan at that time, and the shape of this pagoda is known to be Chinese at first glance, and it seems that it is a cultural relic that has been exiled abroad.

"Mao-kun, is this?" The Minister of Justice is the same age as Yashida's son Shingen, so this is also appropriate to call Roar.

"Sir, the name of this tower is the Nine Dragons Bagua Qixing Pagoda. It is a priceless treasure from the Shang and Zhou Dynasties in China."

When Liu Adou heard the name, he thought it was not so coincidental, right? ..

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