Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 298 The Mansion Murder Case\r

The sudden appearance of the pagoda put a lot of pressure on Liu Adou. Before he started looking for it, the pagoda could not wait to appear in front of him, and he couldn't let him rest for a moment.

The Attorney General didn't say how he got this priceless treasure, anyway it would not be a normal method. Yashida was satisfied with the gift and asked the servant to take it away.

During the meal, Yashida said to Logan with emotion, "Seventy years, you are still the same, but I can't do it anymore."

Yashida suffers from a tumor, which is suppressed by the treatment robot in the body, as well as Dr. Green's medicine.

"Are you calling me to say goodbye to me?" Logan said.

Yashida nodded and shook his head: "You saved me seventy years ago. I hope you can save me seventy years later. Your Ability can keep me alive."

"I will go to your funeral." Wolverine was really rude. He, like many people, only believed that Ability was the safest in him and would not harm the public.

They were the two people who survived the nuclear explosion in Nagasaki, when Logan saw that Yashida had released the American prisoners before the bombing and rescued him. But seventy years later, Yashida had already exposed his nature. At the beginning, he was just a conscience discovery before the caesarean section. When the murderer still felt sorry for the small animals, Yashida released the prisoner, but Wolverine also rescued him at a critical time. Wolverine didn't owe him anything. Unexpectedly, Yashida's face was so thick and he wanted to find Wolverine to continue his life.

Wolverine definitely didn't want to.

"Presumptuous, how can I talk to my father like this." Xin Xuan took the case.

"Xingen, you are presumptuous. This Logan is my friend. Don't forget who you are." Yashida shouted, then panted violently, and Dr. Green hurriedly stood up and checked.

"Father." Xinxuan was also startled when he saw that he was angry with his father.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm, but Yashida still needs to rest. Before leaving, he said, "Logan, stay with your friend tonight. I will arrange a special plane to take you back to the United States tomorrow."

"Then bother." Liu Adou agreed on behalf of Logan.

Yashida said again: "Shige-kun, you also stay here, let the children communicate with each other, and let them communicate with each other about young people."

"I understand." Just to let the junior play by himself, the attorney general glanced at his son and motioned to him to take the initiative.

Shingen also said to his daughter, "Marriko, take him for a walk after eating."

Mariko didn't speak, and a banquet ended before it even started. The host's father and son's departure made the atmosphere very embarrassing. Fortunately, Xuexu was here, so she was also the adopted daughter of the family, half the host, and she asked Roar to continue the meal.

It's just that the more Mariko thought about it, the more unhappy she got. She put down the dishes and left, and then her fiance immediately followed.

Wolverine watched Mariko leave, Liu Adou saw her heart and said that Wolverine really only followed her own intuition. This is the case for Koto. It seems that Mariko gave him the same feeling as Koto. Does Wolverine want something that fits in the end? It's so evil.

Xuexu is not polite to entertain everyone, Liu Adou is really not polite, he doesn't eat much, but the food looks ugly, he only picks what he likes, and even grabs food from the Wolverine bowl, which makes Logan speechless.

There are many rooms in the mansion. Xuexu brought Liu Adou to the room, "The bath water will be ready soon, and someone will call you, Liu Sang, do you have any more orders?"

This is the most wealthy family that Liu Adou has ever seen. Bruce has only an old housekeeper, and Stark has only a computer housekeeper. Only here can he see many servants. This is the life of an authentic native rich. There is only one dissatisfaction, that is, they are obviously Japanese but these maids wear kimonos. None of them wear maid costumes. If you have so much money and land and mansions, you must do it yourself.

"If I can't sleep, can I talk to Logan at night?"

"Definitely, Logan-Sang is on the other side. You can go to him anytime."

"That's it, the bath water is ready, just ask me to do it."

"Then you rest first."

Xuexu left, and Liu Adou quickly disappeared. He had to see where the pagoda was hidden. But Liu Adou knew that this mansion was full of organs, and the guard was the highest level, so he wouldn't rush to do it. He would look around before talking.

I saw Mariko and the son of the Minister of Justice aimlessly looking around in the courtyard. It could be seen that the man wanted to talk to each other, but Mariko was so cold that he could not find the topic.

Seeing that Logan, who was not resting, came here somehow, seemed to meet Mariko again. Mariko is a good girl, born as a File size sister. She can't run around like Xue Xu. As one of the heirs of the Yashida family, she must learn to be reserved. So as soon as Wolverine appeared, she was attracted because Logan was so young, how he became friends with his grandfather, and what is his story.

Wolverine has hundreds of years of experience. It's like a lively storybook that will never be read through or through. Such a mysterious and wild man has a fatal attraction to the caged bird-like sister File Size.

Look at the so-called fiance next to me. He is not good at all. Except for his father’s shade, he has no talent and Ability, and is extremely superficial. Where is it as connotative as Wolverine.

"I'm tired and want to rest." Mariko was afraid that if she stayed any longer, she couldn't help but continue to compare the two. The more she compares, the more angry she gets.

The man can only let the goddess leave, with a look of dismay. Liu Adouxin said that he would chase after him if he liked it. Besides, isn't it a fiance? If you don't get her heart, you can still get her body, but if this is the case, there might be domestic violence. Looking at that man, he knows that he will not cherish his wife. Under one roof, if his wife is absent, he will definitely commit domestic violence.

Looking at Wolverine's eyes again, she also watched Mariko leave all the way. But this is a matter of Wolverine's life style, and Liu Adou can't control it either. He still went to find the location of the pagoda, and then went back to the room.

That night Liu Adou slept very shallowly. He heard anxious footsteps in the middle of the night. Although he was not wearing shoes, the sound of the soles of his feet and the floor awakened him.

Everyone woke up, what happened?

The servant went in one direction, and so did the guests. Liu Adou heard the noisy Japanese, and only after carefully distinguishing it did he know that Yashida was dead.

"Liu, what happened, what are they talking about?" Wolverine asked, he didn't understand.

"Your old friend is dead, go and take a look." Liu Adou's eyes lighted, and the incident finally came.

Pushing the servant away, she saw Mariko and Xuexu standing there with sad faces, and Dr. Green also lowered their heads and sighed. Xinxuan's face was blue, and his father seemed to have changed his will. He was no longer entitled to inheritance, so he immediately looked at his daughter. I didn't expect my daughter to get the entire Yashita family over her, and I can't forgive it.

Logan saw Liu Adou squeezed to Decedent's side, glanced at him, and then listened to him yelling: "Don't move around, don't spoil the scene."

Everyone looked at him and didn't know what he meant, and the guests, servants, and hosts were confused.

I saw Liu Adou's lowered head suddenly raised, his eyes glowing with wisdom, and he said loudly, "This is a murder, not a death, and the murderer is among us."

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked, looking at Liu Adou who was uttering shocking words in amazement, not knowing why he made such a judgment. ..

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