Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 299 Strange Thief Detective\r

Patriarch Yoshida died, and the house was in chaos, but suddenly a guest jumped out to tell everyone to stay still, saying that Yoshida was not a natural death but a murder case, and everyone looked at him.

"Liu Sang, what are you talking about?" Xuexu worried that Liu Adou was talking nonsense.

Xinxuan also jumped up: "What are you talking about? What evidence do you have that my father was murdered?"

Liu Adou entered the center of the crowd and scanned the crowd. This feeling is really a long-lost feeling: "When I saw Mr. Yashida's spirits at dinner, how could he suddenly die. Looking at Ms. Green's medical skills, if there is anything wrong with Yashida, she must You will find out. Look at these high-tech instruments, there are even mini-robots suppressing tumors in his body."

"It makes sense, but it is not impossible for my father to be sick for a long time."

Liu Adou smiled slightly: "The treatment equipment may be wrong, but the corpse will not lie."

"How do you say?" everyone asked.

"Dr. Green just showed that the heartbeat stopped just now."

"Yes, the time is no more than fifteen minutes now." Green said.

"But the body's hardness has been more than two hours, indicating that the Decedent died two hours ago, but the instrument was turned on only 15 minutes ago. Then Dr. Green can tell me what happened. NS?"

Everyone looked at Miss Green, and they said that she couldn't kill people, right? This Liu Adou was poking at his words, and was justified, it should be a real murder case. And the doctor is really suspicious.

"But Mr. Yashida stayed alone in the room after dinner. I was arranged to wait in the next room, but Mr. Shingen had been in for more than ten minutes."

"Don't bring troubles to me, I just see if my father's anger is gone."

In order to make Logan understand, everyone talks in English.

Logan couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all, only knowing that this incident was absolutely extraordinary, and that the murderer was in it.

At the moment Yukio looked at Mariko, because she had seen Mariko come out of Grandpa's room before. Who killed Grandpa? There are now three suspects.

Mariko lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.

Liu Adou's sharp eyes like an eagle will not let go of any doubt: "Now all irrelevant personnel are out. I want to investigate the scene, and the Attorney General will stay and help. Logan, watch them. If there is any suspicious action, catch him. "

"no problem."

Liu Adou grasped the situation in an instant, he was originally an experienced detective. If you want to commit a crime, you must be familiar with the way of thinking of a detective. He has competed mentally with every famous detective in the detective world. He has seen many such scenes.

"Since it was a homicide, shouldn't we call the police first?" someone said.

Obviously he didn't understand the affairs of the rich, and he wanted to face it. Before finding the murderer, they had to prevent all things that were not conducive to the lintel of the family. So I can't speak up.

I saw Xinxuan looking at Liu Adou: "Although I don't know who you are, it seems that you should be a detective. Then I want you to find the murderer, and I won't treat you badly after it's done."

"Catch the murderer is what I should do. I only need your cooperation. Now everyone except the attorney general is going out."

"Go out." Xinxuan knew that he hadn't done anything anyway, so someone else definitely harmed the old man. This situation is very good for oneself, no matter who the murderer is can help oneself get more inheritance.

And Dr. Green's face changed and the weather was uncertain.

The Minister of Justice looked at the young man and found that he was very professional, even more professional than the police of the Metropolitan Police Department: "Are you a detective?"

"Amateur, but I still have experience in solving crimes." Liu Adou had already discovered the first suspicious point, the paper cup that fell under the hospital bed.

"Decedent had no trauma, no peculiar smell in his lips and mouth. It should not be a normal poison. When he died, his clothes were neat and there were no signs of painful struggling. It should not have died of illness, but died immediately after being poisoned, without any pain." Liu Adou said.

"Then is this paper cup a poisoning device?"

"I don't know yet, but there are other discordant places in this room." Liu Adou looked left and right, and found that there are a lot of things here, and many things that shouldn't appear.

The Attorney General didn't see anything, but Liu Adou was really reliable like that.

The people outside are sitting on pins and needles, and it is a big deal for Yashida to be killed. If they are caught in, these poor people can't bear it. Besides, Mariko had been sitting quietly, Xue Xu worried that her childhood sweetheart was the murderer, but she didn't know what to do.

Liu Adou said that the murderer was among them, but Xuexu's mood was very conflicted. The grandfather who adopted him died, but the murderer was probably his son or granddaughter, which made her wonder how to deal with it.

Wolverine has been watching these people all the time. The atmosphere at the scene is too complicated, and his nose can't give him a hint. He can only rely on Liu Adou's reasoning, although Logan has never seen Liu Adou reasoning.

For more than an hour, the Minister of Justice ran errands and called some people in for questioning, including Dr. Green, Shingen, Mariko, Xuexu, etc., more than ten people.

Finally Liu Adou had an answer and called everyone together.

Dozens of eyes looked at Liu Adou, dozens of ears were waiting for answers, and dozens of beating hearts were uneasy.

Logan approached Ah Dou and asked curiously, "Do you know the truth?"

"Definitely, how else would I let you in?" Liu Adou laughed and said loudly, "Everyone, regarding the death of the Patriarch of the Yashida family, I already know the cause and effect. I know that some people are nervous and some are worried now, but Everyone waits quietly, and I will take the cocoon for everyone and bring the truth to the world."

Liu Adou is a detective, and his every move brings everyone into the case. Last time I was acting as the chief of the police, with a fat figure with no distinctive appearance, and unable to show his temperament. This time Liu Adou can let people in this world see the style of "Mr. Detective".

"The murderer is in this room." Liu Adou's words made others look around and guess each other.

"Quiet." Liu Adou asked everyone to calm down, then nodded in satisfaction, "This incident has revealed a suspicious atmosphere from the beginning to the present, I don't know if you have noticed it."

Obviously I didn't find it.

"First of all, there are a few things for everyone to listen to." Liu Adou took out a recording pen: "This was found in the room. The conversations between Yashida and his son and granddaughter also prove that they entered this room tonight. evidence."

Shingen's face changed suddenly, because when he came to meet with his father, he was very unhappy about the issue of inheritance. This recording is definitely not a good thing.

Mariko's face also changed, because grandfather wanted to pass on the family to her, and if this matter was announced, she might also be misunderstood to kill in order to get her inheritance as soon as possible, and she might even be hated by her father. So she was silent all the time, just because she was afraid of it. It was just misunderstood by Xuexu.

When the recording was played, everyone's faces changed. ..

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