Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 905 The Battle in School\r

At dusk, on the empty campus, two sneaky people were still wandering around in the teaching building.

"Rider, hurry up," Shinji Ma said impatiently, "How long will I have to wait for this kind of boring work to end?"

Rider didn't bother to talk to him and continue his work.

In fact, the three people Merlin looked for today were not wrong. Rin Tosaka is the master of Archer, Shiro Eimiya is the master of Saber, and Makiri Sakura summons Rider, but because he has no desire to fight, he gives Rider to Shinji Makiri, who has no aptitude.

Therefore, Rider never thought that Ma Tong Sakura was her master. Her only master was Ma Tong Sakura who had summoned her. She obeyed Ma Tong Sakura because of Ma Tong Sakura's wishes, not because she agreed with Ma Tong Sakura. .

"Too slow, too slow!" Ma Tong Shinji couldn't wait, shaking his feet restlessly, but still couldn't attract Rider's attention.

With a click, the door was pushed open, and a tall figure walked in. He has a stern face, a serious face that seems to be isolated from the world, thirty or so, with half-rim glasses, his face is like a knife, and his eyes are like Death God.

The meticulous suit was worn on the body very well, and the sharp eyes passed from Shinji Ma Tong, and fell on the heroic spirit.

"Teacher Ge Mu?!" Jian Tong Shener was startled, how could he be discovered by the teacher?

The rule of the Holy Grail War is that it cannot be discovered by ordinary people, and if it is discovered, it must be destroyed.

Although surprised, Shinji Ma Tong is not a person who respects life: "Rider, you know how to do it."

Rider looked at Gemu Soichiro, because the petrochemical magic eye was protected by a blindfold, so she couldn't see her unserious eyes. In Rider's eyes, Ge Mu is just a stricter teacher, but strictness is only useful for students, and strictness is just a funny joke for heroic spirits.

kill! Humans and ghosts have different paths, and so are the living and the heroic spirits. The heroic spirits don't take the lives of the living in their eyes. What they value most is their own wishes.

The short thorns linking the chains pierced the enemy’s neck from the air in an arc, like the fangs of a vampire, like being bitten by only being slaughtered.

However, everything progressed beyond the expectations of Shinji Ma Tong and Rider, and the enemy disappeared.

No, the accurate statement is that the enemy is too fast and disappears into their field of vision.

where? In front of Rider, in a squatting posture, with powerful fists.

The poisonous snake has a variety of arts, using the elbow of the arm as the fulcrum, violently swings the forearm to make a punch, turning the arm into a snake as fast as it is. This is the skill trained by the killer organization when Zongichiro Ge Mu was still a killer.

Quickly, "However, mortal fists are useless to heroic spirits!" Rider did not forget to laugh when he saw Ge Mu's fist.

There is no language struggle, as always, serious expressions, Ge Mu's eyes, Ge Mu's movements, and even Ge Mu's heart will not be shaken by a few cold words, or he will not be shaken by any words at all, he is the independent jump out of his life. The killer of the Three Realms, as long as he does his job well, other things are not his business, so he punches.


The tearing air sounds, the punch is out, and the strength is not stopped.

Blood came out of Rider's little cherry mouth. I have broken three ribs. The internal organs also suffered internal injuries. How can it be? Is this a mortal fist?

No, it's magic. Even if Rider is dull, he feels that although the opponent is not a magician, his fist has been added by magic, not an ordinary fist.

It's a pity that Rider knew it too late. This punch had already seriously injured Rider, and it would be impossible to recover without absorbing the magic in a short period of time.

However, the enemy hasn't given up yet. The poisonous snake has a variety of arts, fists move as fast as a snake, and hit Rider's body in more than one second, punch after punch, endless.

The ribs, internal organs, blood vessels, and muscles all seemed to be flattened by a fist.

I never thought that I would be driven to such a desperate situation by a mortal, but now the pain has made Rider completely do not know how to deal with it.

Rider's feet were off the ground, and his slender body was fisted.

With the last punch, Kazuki Soichiro slammed his punch, aiming at Rider's pale face. This punch will definitely break the enemy's neck.

Ma Tong Shinji was completely dumbfounded, and his feet fell to the ground, completely lost thinking Ability, he just wondered whether he would die?

Rider At the moment only feels that death is approaching again. Has his battle ended here? It was over before it started. I didn't expect to encounter such an enemy.


The smell of gunpowder burning was permeated, and the classroom was full of flames.

Retreat, retreat, retreat, three steps in a row, retreat in a small jump, staring at the direction of the shot like a cautious lion.

"Police?!" Ma Tong Shiner was dumbfounded, why did the police appear again?

It was Liu Adou who stood at the door to prevent Zongichiro Gemu from killing his killer. He held a gun in a standard police style, holding the gun in his right hand and holding it in the palm of his left hand.

The bullet grazed the hairline of Kazuki Soichiro's earlobe. His movements were so fast that he avoided the bullet as soon as the bullet hit him.

Sure enough, pistols or other things can only clear the mobs? When you come out, you must learn to hide from bullets.

Ge Mu Zongichiro didn't put down his guard, and even focused his attention on Liu Adou, because Rider would not be able to fight in a short time.

"Don't move, police, you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court!" The muzzle was locked tightly.

"Idiot, Idiot!" Ma Tong Shinji was going crazy, is this police an idiot? Didn't you see that the person in front could punch through the wall with a fist? Didn't you see that he could dodge bullets? These lines are useless at all!

Ge Mu Zongichiro still had an expressionless expression, his fist still guarded the middle door, ready to kill the stunned young policeman at any time.

"You go first!" Liu Adou let Ma Tong Shinji go first.

Jian Tong looked at the police, and then at the half-dead Rider. He used his hands and feet to perform his best skills and ran away. Climbed out through half of the door, then ran away from the corridor crying, leaving his servant Rider.

Opportunity, when Liu Adou was distracted to look at Ma Tong Shinji, the People's Teacher suddenly attacked.

The floor was crushed, and one speeded up to Liu Adou's front.

In Ge Mu's heart, Liu Adou was already a Deadman, because the distance between him and Liu Adou was enough for him to punch.

Pushing away the air, punching Huanglong, hit Liu Adou's heart.

The killer's means! Liu Adou narrowed his eyes, stepped back and opened the distance, raising his gun and firing.

Ge Mu's eyes widened, and the winning blow was easily resolved by the opponent. At the same time, Liu Adou was able to raise his hand and shoot? No, the other party predicted his own movements, and the position of the muzzle aiming was extremely precise. It was not a coincidence that this little policeman turned out to be a master.

Jab! He turned his head and avoided the bullet that stirred his hair, and punched one step closer. Seeing you can take a few steps back, the corridor will allow Liu Adou to retreat twice at most. ..

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