Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 906 The Investor's War\r

As he advances and retreats, Liu Adou avoids Ge Mu and pursues twice as if walking a cat.

Then Liu Adou retreated to the corner, behind which was the wall. Ge Mu was still able to enter, the poisonous snake Baiyi came out again, and his fist, like a poisonous snake, attacked Liu Adou's chin, still an uppercut.

"Liu, I'll help you!" Seeing that Liu Adou was forced to the corner, Mei Lin quickly wanted to make a move. But for this kind of opponent, there is no pressure at all for Liu Adou.

"No, abuse of food is my favorite thing!"

Abuse? Although I don't understand, Liu Adou's tone has shown that Liu Adou did not see the enemy in his eyes at all. Merlin was silent, but thought it was just the arrogance of young people.

Liu Adou's magic power was unprecedented, so Meilin thought that Liu Adou was swollen because of his talent. Obviously we are in crisis, but we still have to support it.

However, it was not. Liu Adou leaned back exaggeratedly, avoiding the uppercut. When the pistol rang again, At the moment Liu Adou's pistol was facing upwards, and he also shot Ge Mu's chin.

Ge Mu sees being avoided by Liu Adou again, and learning to attack the same place by himself, he has to back up to avoid the bullet.

"This is called offensive for defense!" Liu Adou stood up straight, took the time to say something, and then he saw that Ge Mu had regained his offensive and attacked more fiercely than before.

It’s been a long time since the small universe broke out. I stood there and raised my hand with hundreds of millions of fists in one second and then went out. This time the opponent is an excellent fighter. of.

If you can't hit, you can't hit, no matter how you attack, the opponent will dodge with incredible actions, and even Liu Adou can change bullets while evading. Ge Mu finally discovered that this policeman was not an ordinary person, but a hidden master.

After stopping the attack, Ge Mu knew it was time to retreat.

"Don't fight anymore?" Liu Adouxin said that he still wants to exercise a little longer.

Ge Mu didn't reply.

Liu Adou looked at the situation and said, "Have you played enough? So is it my turn?"

Ge Mu's heart jumped, feeling bad, and Liu Adou in front of him had turned into a light. So fast, several times faster than yourself, or even faster!

Ge Mu's thoughts hadn't calmed down yet, Liu Adou had already arrived behind Ge Mu.

move! Ge Mu's body-trained reaction instinct required him to move forward to avoid Liu Adou's attack.


However, Liu Adou's counterattack movement was faster than Ge Mu's reaction nerves, and the people's teacher had already flown out between the electric light and flint.

"Master!" Caster showed up immediately when she saw her master being beaten into the air. She thought that the master had always had the advantage, but she didn't expect Liu Adou to be beaten into the air all at once. She didn't understand the pros and cons of the fighters, and did not see that Liu Adou was. A stronger fighter than Ge Mu.

After all, the knowledge of the heroes is only limited to their learning and circumstances, and they are only strong in the aspects they are good at. Heroic Spirits are actually a group of investors, and their investment projects are their ideals. Some of the capital they invest is their own and some are borrowed from Alayas.

Sometimes Liu Adou thinks that Alaya is just a capitalist who opened a bank, and he always collects more things than borrows. Lend the heroic spirit and magician's power, collect the heroic spirit's freedom and magician's soul.

An autonomous spirit, whether it is a real hero in history or a figure of mythology and legend, who wants to participate in the Holy Grail War, they need to sign a contract with Alaya Consciousness, that is, a contract.

In Liu Adou's way of understanding, what kind of labor-management contract is actually the same thing as the Fengshen Bang. Wouldn't it be nice for people on the list of conferred gods to go to heaven to be immortals? Why doesn't everyone like it? Because they are not free, they must go to work on time and run errands on the orders of the Jade Emperor.

Alaya’s Soul castle is actually the same. It’s a heroic spirit. It’s nice to go to the Soul castle outside of the world, which is not controlled by time. In fact, it’s just a high-level worker for Alaya. Whatever happened, the first batch of thugs sent were definitely Heroic Spirits.

But because of the desire to invest, the heroic spirit had to sell himself to Alayashi, a capitalist who cannibalize people without spitting out bones.

Looking at the world from an economic point of view, Liu Adou found that it was really that simple. It seems high-end and high-end, but the essence is still the relationship between supply and demand. The concept of “Definitely” can also be applied to other worlds, such as the world of steel. The gate of truth is also open to banks, but as long as the alchemist is not greedy and does not consume too much capital, the gate of truth is still conscientious and won’t overtake it. It is equivalent exchange. But if the alchemist is too greedy and wants more capital to invest in larger projects, such as getting back from death to growth and immortality, then the gate of truth will have to reclaim additional things.

Alaya Consciousness, as a collection of human consciousness, is the largest bank in the human world. As long as humans have the skills, they can obtain power from the Alaya Consciousness and make their own investments, but the loan will still have to be repaid in the end, and cannot afford it. If you do, you can only be the heroic spirit of Alaya Consciousness.

The Holy Grail War is a financial war between investors!

Caster knew that the people's teacher needed treatment, and now he couldn't waste time, holding Gemu and disappeared from the corridor.

Liu Adouyi put the pistol away still, and then returned to Rider's side.

"She was badly injured and had already begun to collapse. Without a magician to replenish her magic power, she would disappear." Merlin said, and he still had a question as to why another Caster appeared.

"Liu, what are your plans?" "If we don't save her, we will have one less opponent." Mei Lin said, but he thinks Liu Adou will definitely save people. If he doesn't want to save her, let Ge Mu kill her directly. NS.

Sure enough, Liu Adou squatted down, stretched out his right index finger, and a faint red light gathered at the fingertips.

Merlin was shocked, because what did he see? A red stone condensed by magic power: "Sage's Stone?" Even Mei Lin was so surprised, showing how rare the Sage's Stone is in the magic world.

This is no ordinary magic crystal, the sage’s stone is a prop to a higher level than the magic crystal. Generally, magicians can only refine their vitality into magic crystals. According to the Ability of different magicians, the purity of the magic crystals produced varies.

The technology is poor, dozens of people may only be able to refine a little bit of turbid magic crystals, while the life of a master like Medea can be refined into a large number of magic crystals. But this is only the crystallization of magic power, not the sage's stone.

The magic crystal can only be used as the magic reserve of the magician, but the sage stone can allow the magician to change the rule of the world, let a person who does not know magic use magic, and let the magician's magic leapfrog bonus. The crystallization of magic power is just the amount of magic power, and the sage’s stone can change magic power qualitatively.

No wonder Merlin is so excited, what is the origin of summoning his master? He now suspects that he might be a heroic summoned by an extraordinary summon, otherwise the service of a heroic spirit cannot be repeated, and only the sage's stone can make Liu Adou do an extraordinary summon.

The peanut-sized sage stone can free the heroic spirit from the Alaya consciousness and reshape the body, while the peanut-sized sage stone requires tens of thousands of lives to be extracted at the highest utilization rate to succeed. Waste.

But as soon as Liu Adou stretched out his hand, he trained the sage stone. Is he the illegitimate son of Alaya? ..

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