Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 910 Persist in Persuading People with Truth\r

Just like fire, magic circuits are born from nature in this world. Humans use fire to create more things. It can be said that without fire, there would be no human technology.

Burning water to generate electricity is the cornerstone of human science and technology.

The magic circuit is fire for a magician. It is derived from nature and transcends nature. After being mastered by the magician, various abilities are developed.

The Deviance Sword is the innate treasure, possessing the first magic circuit between heaven and earth, and is the ancestor of all magic circuits.

The power of a sword, break the world!

Merlin feels that his soul will be wiped out by this one too!

All the magicians and heroic spirits noticed the violent magic fluctuations on the TV station's signal tower, and they looked up and saw that the night was red and bloody.

"What's that?" As the heir to the magic family, Rin Tosaka had never seen such a terrible magic.

Archer also frowned and looked towards the sky. He probably knew that this was the hero king's move, but he didn't know which hapless guy actually encountered the servant killer. Among the heroic spirits, Gilgamesh is a plug-in that transcends its powerful meaning.

Heroes who use throwing treasures will be classified as Archer, but Gilgamesh throws treasures of the king, countless real treasures, no matter how powerful people can only retreat in front of local heroes.

However, the opponents of the King of Heroes should not be underestimated, and they have forced the King of Heroes to use the strongest move: the star of deviance!

The night sky was red.

Boom boom boom -

The roar hit her eardrums, and Mei Linxin said why she was not dead yet? Your own "Giant Dance" magic is not the opponent's opponent at all. Didn't the opponent's attack make a hit?

Opening his eyes, I saw a straight back in front of him blocking the shocking blow.

The white cloak was hunting, Merlin's brain short-circuited. A blow that even the heroic spirit couldn't stop was actually blocked by the magician who was a mortal? ?

How can it be?

"How is it possible?" The hero king didn't release water, and his treasure was not vegetarian. How could he not even kill a mortal? !

But the fact is so cruel, Liu Adou blocked this Rage's attack, and only with one hand.

The red light faded, and the hero king looked at Liu Adou in shock: "Who are you anyway?!"

"Pay attention to the king's manners, how could his face change because his attack was blocked." Liu Adou looked at his smoking gloves and smiled: "Isn't this calm, isn't your king just showing his appearance?"

"Damn it!" When was the hero king ever so despised, but where is the other party sacred?

Even Merlin was stupid. He found that he had never known his master. He blocked the full blow of the heroic spirit and was so relaxed. Is Liu Adou a god?

The hero king received an unprecedented insult, and the power he was proud of was actually blocked by others. He squinted his eyes to observe Liu Adou during the period. I wanted to see if Liu Adou had an artifact that surpassed his own level, but he was disappointed, because Liu Adou was very ordinary, and there was no magical fluctuation on his body.

"Then your attack is over?" Liu Adou asked: "Then you go, I will spare your life!"

Make a fist, bursting blue veins. When did Gilgamesh suffer such humiliation, and he was actually sacrificed for his life? Unbearable, this is an insult, it's just spitting in his face. How can you: "Bastard, don't be too arrogant, just see if you can block my treasure of the king!"

If the big trick is not enough, just use the treasure to kill the opponent. The hero king will never accept anyone's charity: "Dead, bastard!"

Numerous golden ripples appeared in the sky, and countless treasures appeared from the void, turning into the hero king's throwing weapon. Shoo, swoop, swoop...

"Liu?!" The target of all the treasures was Liu, and Mei Lin was really afraid that Liu Adou would be beaten to death by so many treasures.

Understand, Liu Adou smiled and opened his eyes wide, looking at each treasure and understanding their magic circuit. In fact, the magic circuit is really similar to the electrical circuit. On the first earth, Liu Adou builds a magic device by collecting magical energy and transporting it through the circuit. Now that he sees these magic circuits, his magic mastery Ability has improved to a higher level.

"Come again, come again, it's not enough!" Liu Adou eagerly felt the advantages and disadvantages of each treasure, and remembered all those magic circuits in his mind.

"Mongrel!" Gilgamesh was going crazy. It was a stormy attack, but Liu Adou at the center of the attack seemed to be very comfortable. Isn't the moonlight magician shaking M? However, Liu Adou's words will only arouse Gilgamesh's stronger anger. No one can surpass the Hero King: "Bongrel, go to die, go to die, go to die!"

Double, double again, and all the treasures between the world and the earth are vented.

The entire TV station signal tower melted and collapsed under the fierce attack.

Merlin stared at everything in front of him dumbfounded, his master hadn't shown any pressure yet, what kind of strength was this?

In fact, Jin Shining's attack power is not small, and the power of each treasure is different. If ordinary heroes are estimated to have been wiped out, only Level Universe people like Liu Adou can resist it.

The extremely small universe had already burned, otherwise Liu Adou would not be able to withstand these attacks.

For the first time, the King of Heroes felt that the treasures he had collected were too few. Treasures can be copied continuously, but because they are exquisitely gorgeous, the hero king usually only copies one of the treasures at a time. If this set is defeated, the last treasure is shot, and if you have to attack, you will have to repeat it.

Thousands or tens of thousands, the hero king himself can't count it, in short, a set of treasures of the king that is not repeated is finished.

Snapped! The last treasure was held by Liu Adou, a scimitar: "Is it over? Is this your limit?"

Hero King’s expression has been distorted. No one has ever offended himself so much, never. But why does the other party not die, why not?

Distorted, glittering emoji packs are available.

"It seems that you really can't do it anymore. As a man, you can't do it so quickly. You must have been very aggrieved when you were a king." Liu Adou continued to attack: "It is probably because of this reason that you are so uneducated. A poor and incompetent king with no cultivation, I can already imagine how miserable the people of your contemporaries are."

Continue to twist, if she can, Jin Xing can't kill Liu Adou.

But Liu Adou's eyes narrowed: "Since your attack has ended, then it's up to me to convince you with truth!"

The treasure in Liu Adou's hand was crushed by him, and then the magic power changed from the magic loop flow to Liu Adou's use.



The magic circuit, countless magic circuits, spread out to the sky under Liu Adou's feet. Having studied the magic circuit, it is time to practice it. Liu Adou likes this scene of learning now and selling now!

Convince people with truth!


The magic circuit burst out with incomparable magic power, even the hero king looked sideways, this is no weaker than the king's treasure.

Then something terrible appeared. In front of the Hero King, there were countless cannons, the artillery in the sky, endless, without a glance.

Infinite Magic Cannon!

"Much is beauty, big is good, caliber is justice, and turret is truth." "I will convince everyone with truth!"..

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