Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter Ninety and Eleven\r

The inherent barrier is the magician's inner scene eroding the world, projecting the power of the heart into reality, which can be said to be the ultimate forbidden curse of the magician.

Now Liu Adou used the inherent barrier.

The large-caliber artillery, lined up in rows, is endless. Compared with the cold weapon covered by the heroic spirits, Liu Adou's inherent barrier is obviously much more advanced.

All cannons are constructed using magic circuits and have magical bonuses. Infinite Magic Cannon Position, abbreviated as Infinite Magic Cannon.

"Tremble, what you will face is the legal principles and social axioms of modern society, prepare to welcome the infinite truth." Liu Adou laughed, like a big villain.

"..." The hero king Gilgamesh has never encountered such a person. At the moment, he has recovered his calmness. He finally knows that the other party is just teasing him. He has met someone who cannot be defeated by himself. He admits Liu Adou is stronger than him.

For weak people, the King of Heroes is a bastard, and he will graciously admit to those who are stronger than him. Because the ancient times are so simple, the hero king is in the final analysis just a barbarian who worships the strong and enslaves the weak, no matter how gorgeous his armor is, no matter how rich his weapons are, the essence is just like this. The starting point of mankind is the barbarism full of Beast atmosphere, and now Liu Adou is washing the ancient barbarism with the truth of modern society.

"I admit you alone!" said the hero king.

"Haha, I don't need you to admit it!" Now, as long as Liu Adou gives an order, he can send the King of Heroes back to Alayashi: "I just convinced you with the truth."


Boom, a loud and deafening noise shook the entire Fuyuki City.

Countless shells roar out from the barrel, dragging the flames to the hero king.

Closing his eyes, the King of Heroes knew that he had lost. He looked down on the heroes of the world and was swallowed by artillery. The King of Heroes became the first hero to die in the Fifth Holy Grail War.

"Sure enough, it's reasonable to travel all over the world, and it's hard to do anything unreasonably." Liu Adou felt great.

Mei Lin closed her mouth and cleared up her mood: "Liu, you don't seem to like him." Mei Linxin said that with Liu Adou's personality that has a lot of nonsense, how could he fire a gun if he didn't agree?

"Our times are so different, and chatting is also about talking with ducks." The Uruk dynasty happened more than a thousand years ago. At that time, human thoughts went straight forward. You are strong and I listen to you, and you are weak. Just kill you, without any courtesy, justice, integrity, filial piety and justice. The King of Heroes is also a perverted reasoning, that is, relying on his own strength, people can't do anything with him, propagating his theory of obedience and rebellion, and giving himself the right to decide the life and death of mankind. If it was no problem in ancient times, but the times are different, how could Liu Adou, a new era small pacemaker who was born under the red flag and grew up under the red flag, talked with the hero king. It's better to send him back to his hometown.

In addition to values, there is another reason definitely because the hero king is already Deadman, and Liu Adou has no psychological burden to kill.

"Is that so?" Merlin still didn't quite understand.

"Simply put, the age of the King of Heroes is where humans are struggling for survival. Everyone must play a role. In the eyes of the King of Heroes, there are no good people and bad people. There are only useful people and useless people. In a country that survives, the useless people just waste food. The age is too long. Although it is helpless as a human being, it is far from our values. Could it be that you think that a person without a job is useless? Will you kill him?"

Merlin shook his head: "It's not like this for the old."

"But the King of Heroes, in his eyes only useful people have the value of living. And even if a person is no longer useful before, once he gets old and sick and can’t work as before, the King of Heroes will kill him mercilessly. "The other side." Liu Adou said: "It might make sense in the era of extremely low productivity of the Hero King, but it is useless in the modern Hero King. And I don’t have much confidence to change the Hero King, so I can only prove it. The truth of modern society is stronger than the ancient ways of survival."

Merlin was speechless, but he also understood that Liu Adou and Hero King really had nothing to say. Because Liu Adou is a good person and wants to help people, but the hero king is a person who wants absolute control. People from the two worlds really can't talk together.

Gilgamesh was dead, and Yanfeng Qili was astonished. The Hero King, the strongest hero, was also killed by the Moonlight Magician. Who is the Moon Gate Magician?

Sleepless night, the TV signal tower in Winterwood City was burnt down. Although experts said it was caused by lightning, the magicians knew it was because of the Holy Grail War.

I don't know the final result, but the intensity of the battle can be seen to be average.

"Saber, you don't need to follow me." Shiro Weimiya said.

"No, Shirou, the Holy Grail War has begun, and you can feel the battle yesterday. The powerful heroes have already started. I don't know when they will attack us." Looking around guardedly, Saber observes in the most primitive way. .

"Boy, didn't you say that Saber can't speak Japanese?"

Shiro Weigu was taken aback, and a slow-moving policeman appeared beside him. It was Liu Adou who was driving.

"Police officer?!" The lie was punctured, and Shiro Weimiya was terrified.

But Liu Adou doesn't have time to make a joke now: "I still have business, I will let you go today!" As soon as Liu Adou rushed out of the accelerator, he was going to exchange courtesy today.

The King of Heroes suddenly attacked him. He was definitely ordered by the church. Today, he is going to the early church.

The only neutral area of ​​the Holy Grail War, the church.

Yanfeng Qili looked at the policeman who completely surrounded the church outside, her expression calm: "I wonder if the Metropolitan Police Department is looking for me?"

Liu Adou took out a piece of paper: "This is a search warrant! The police suspect that your church is involved in illegal transactions, so they have to search here. Please cooperate."

Yanfeng Qili let the door open and let the police in: "Definitely, our church has never been involved in any illegal transactions. If you want to investigate, just do it."

What happened to the church? Because the curious Shiro Weimiya didn't expect Liu Adou's destination would be the church. Isn’t the church a neutral zone in the Holy Grail War? How could it be searched by the police: "What happened?"

Saber also looked curious, she really didn't know why the police would investigate the church.

It's definitely a fault. Liu Adou looked around the church and took a deep look at the invisible Lancer. The luck of the gunmen in this world has always been very low.

Have you been discovered? Impossible, Lancer said to his heart that it must be a coincidence.

There is definitely nothing illegal in the church, and Yanfeng Qili is only a person who does evil for pleasure, and he does not do evil without pleasure.

Therefore, there are no illegal tools in the church. Up and down, Liu Adou took a closer look, and said that the old pervert, Yanfeng Qili, was really perverted, like an ascetic monk. It seems that only by doing great evil can he please him, the little evil Can't satisfy him at all, he doesn't bother to do it.

But it doesn’t mean that you can’t be wronged. Besides, it’s not really spotless here. The Hero King needs a lot of magic power to survive for ten years, and many innocent people have been caught in the church for the Hero King to use. There are many corpses deep in the basement of the church, but they are hidden by magic. ..

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