Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 936: Crisis is Coming\r

The Milky Way is dominated by Thanos and Darkside, but it does not mean that no one will resist them. So Thanos and Darkside also have their own troubles, so they are also looking for ways to kill their opponents, and then kill each other.

One mountain can hardly tolerate two tigers, if it weren't for their own inability to make a move, Thanos and Darkside would have already started to tear.

Thanos has a new star army to deal with, and Darkside has a mortal enemy, the creation star.

Darkside ruled the doomsday star Apocalypse, and has been fighting with the creation star in the galaxy for thousands of years. They once ceased the war and even exchanged their sons as hostages, but Darkside regards the ruler of the creation star, Heavenly Father, as a thorn in the eye. , Is his first enemy to be destroyed.

Their war can be said to be the most magnificent and legendary chapter in the entire universe. Both sides have a huge number of space battleships and have changed the star map of the Milky Way countless times.

"This is good news. If we can successfully wipe out our Heavenly Father's cosmic fleet, we will be able to drive straight to the creation star. I will make our Heavenly Father's head as an ornament and dedicate it to our greatest monarch." She looks like a rickety silver-haired old woman, but the words are so vicious. She is the hypocritical grandmother of Darkside's top servant. The inner and outer existence are completely opposite, killing people like a numb, poisonous scorpion heart.

"Violent woman, call the'Vengeance Team', we want to give Heavenly Father a surprise."

Not inferior to the muscles of a bodybuilder, the muscles exposed by the violent woman's simple armor make her back numb, and her two-meter-high figure is full of power: "I'm going now."

The hypocritical grandmother has developed an excellent combat plan, and now it is time to implement it.

The Nemesis Team is an all-female team trained by a hypocritical grandmother using an orphan. It belongs to the most important combat unit on the Apocalypse star and has made various achievements for Darkside. Therefore, Darkside also gave the loyal hypocritical grandmother a very high status and gave her the power to wage war.

"The Violent Girl, the Beautiful Girl, the Iron-Blooded Girl, and my cutest captain, Big Bada. It's time for us to dedicate ourselves to the Supreme Sovereign again. This time our goal is the Creation Fleet, the main force of the Creation Star. I want them to become the history of the Milky Way, and can no longer stop the way of my monarch."

"For Darkside!" The four women slapped their chests, shouting the name of the Supreme King.

At the moment the creation star, Orion hurriedly came to see Heavenly Father.

"My child, why are you so flustered?" Although Orion was a son exchanged by Darkside, Heavenly Father raised him as his own son. He helped Orion overcome his violent temper and cultivated Orion as a son. A warrior who thinks that hate is hateful.

Orion's greatest wish is to defeat his evil father, Darkside, and win peace for the galaxy.

"Father, we intercepted the intelligence of Apocalypse."

"Is there going to war again?" Heavenly Father sighed, he and Darkside have been fighting for thousands of years. The two sides went back and forth so many times, winning and losing. Generally speaking, the military strength of the two planets is equal.

Doomsday Apocalypse star was transformed into a military base by Darkside, and he is still searching for resources in the galaxy. Darkside has mastered a kind of space transmission technology "mother box". Using the mother box, they can use teleportation to go to any corner of the galaxy and grab resources. Only Genesis also has similar technology that can shield the transmission of the mother box. . The battlefield where the two fight is the boundless universe.

"Father, Apocalypse will never give up ambition unless we defeat Darkside." Orion said excitedly: "Please allow me to lead the fleet to destroy the invading enemy."

"My child, you haven't told me what happened?"

"Apocalypse will send six fleets to bypass the edge of the galaxy to attack our Genesis Star." Oliver said: "But their despicable plan has been intercepted by us. We can preemptively go to ambush ahead of time and just wait for Apocalypse's fleet. When they appear, we can wipe them out in one fell swoop."

"Don't impulse my child, we still need more information." Both sides have intelligence agencies on each other's planet, but there is very little core intelligence that can be obtained.

"Father, six fleets, six hundred ships have set off from Apocalypse and headed towards the edge of the galaxy. Their target is definitely us, and we can't sit still."

"It is indeed difficult to completely defend 600 warships with our air defense force, but if we mobilize the army hastily, there will be loopholes in our defense line, so we need more intelligence." Heavenly Father is still relatively calm.

However, more information came, and every piece of information proved that the Apocalypse star was really moving this time, and the six fleets rushed to the weakest place of the creation star's defense line. Obviously, he wanted to capture the creation star and kill all the new protoss above it.

Heavenly Father finally gave an order: "Oliver, you take the main fleet to fight."

"Yes, Father, I have chosen the best location for the attack." "On the galaxy that the Apocalypse Star Fleet is supplying-the solar system, the battle will take place."

The star chart appeared, and Heavenly Father nodded slightly: "A good choice, I am waiting for the news of your victory."

"Yes, Father."

Oliver led two hundred and fifty Planet-class warships, and 100,000 soldiers led an expedition. The army of Genesis is a regular army, while the army of Apocalypse is a straggler, more like bandits. Therefore, although the opponent has 600 warships and the Genesis Star only has 250, the combat effectiveness is not much worse.

Oliver believes that he will be able to destroy this enemy this time, and then he will attack Apocalypse and defeat Darkside.

At the moment the earth is still ignorant. Two huge fleets are going to kill in the solar system. Liu Adou is still enjoying the family pleasure on the paradise island. Watching his daughters running on the beach, he just feels that his life is worth it. NS.

Although he is going to Otherworld for vacation, he has not yet decided which universe to go to. There are too many universes to choose from and I don't know which number represents luck.

But it doesn't matter. Just stay with your family anyway.

"Ah, it's a peaceful day." Just when Liu Adou stretched out, he only felt that his eyes were white, and he was teleported to the'watchtower'.

The Justice League’s new space station is named the Watchtower.

"I want to sue you, how can you disrespect my privacy like this?" Liu Adou didn't even wear a uniform, but the atmosphere seemed wrong, and Liu Adou shut up immediately.

"We have a problem." It was Batman who was talking.

"What's the matter? Is it an alien again?" Liu Adou came to the big screen. I saw that the black and heavy pieces on the screen were all spaceships. He knew why Batman sent him up, it seemed that it was really a problem, or a big problem. The entire fleet actually flew towards the earth. ..

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