Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

The ninth and thirty-seventh chapter preparations\r

The atmosphere is serious. The deep-space radar of the observation tower is based on Kryptonian technology, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Although the fleet has not yet entered the solar system, their direction is here, and they are very fast.

"What to do?" All Justice League members arrived.

Green Lantern said: "I know the logo on the spaceship. It is the symbol of Darkside, the infamous dark monarch of the galaxy." "He is not easy to deal with. Darkside has been unscrupulous in the galaxy, but it has added to the Green Lantern Legion. A lot of trouble."

Obviously it was so strong that the Green Lantern Corps didn't dare to provoke it, but everyone did not expose Green Lantern. Because Darkside has not only tyrannical personal force, but also terrible military power.

Look at the battleship with its teeth and claws on the screen. Each ship has countless gun barrels. This battleship is simply deadly.

"Do they want to invade the earth? This is too costly, right?" Liu Adou doubted whether all the resources of the earth could be tapped to build so many huge warships.

"I don't think it is possible. Although they have been coming towards the solar system, but I think their goal is not us, more like seducing someone." Batman said: "Otherwise, they can reach the solar system at the speed of their warships in the first time. Yes, I will definitely not advance slowly at this speed."

Green Lantern also nodded: "The battle-star deep-space battleship here is the strongest warship in Darkside, and he can cross the entire galaxy within a short period of time."

"So who are they seducing?" Wonder Woman asked.

Green Lantern frowned and thought: "Darkside has a lot of opponents, but the only one who can make him such a big deal is Creation Star." "The Father of Genesis Star is an old opponent of Darkside. But I heard that after they exchanged protons, it has been a long truce. I don't know why they started fighting again this time."

"The reason is not important anymore. The important thing is that the solar system will become their battlefield." Batman said in a deep voice, "We must stop them."

Everyone looked at each other, how to stop? Do you rush out for a fight, or do you always have to sit down and have tea and chat?

"I guess they won't listen to us." Green Lantern shrugged and said, "But it doesn't matter that we have Superman."

Superman smiled bitterly, destroying their battleship is not a problem, what matters is what will happen to the earth after the fight.

But Batman suddenly said to Kidd: "Kid, we need your moonlight journey and the Krypton spacecraft floating in Jupiter's orbit. We have to organize a decent space fleet for the earth to meet them."

Kidd was taken aback: "Batman, what are your plans?"

"Show the power of the earth." Batman said, "Although Superman can defeat them, as we should have some power to talk to them."

"Does it only rely on two spaceships?" It's not that The Flash is not optimistic about the technological level of Kidd and Superman. It is because the number of enemies is too different, and the level of others is not low, which is really too horrible.

Kidd also looked at Batman strangely. Didn’t the other party always refuse to take out weapons, because the paranoid Batman believed that everything would become weapons in the hands of bad guys, but this time he took the initiative to upgrade weapons and equipment, which made Kidd very much. Accident.

But Batman also has his own plan. As a master of strategy, he must make different choices in different situations. Batman thinks that everyone except himself may become bad, but this time obviously it is not that simple to solve the problem.

What is Darkside? Although I heard it for the first time, I knew it was definitely not easy to mess with Green Lantern's performance. The creation star that can fight Darkside is estimated to be equally difficult to deal with.

The Justice League can stop them from starting a war, but then? The earth will enter the vision of both sides, and the Justice League will inevitably lose sight of one another. Although weapons can cause harm and make it difficult for bad guys to deal with, if they don't upgrade their weapons, they may all face destruction. In the face of extinction, everything should be considered as a prerequisite for survival, and we should step aside to prevent weapons from falling into the wrong hands.

Batman is absolutely sensible, and he can see everything clearly. If this matter is not handled well, it is definitely an infinite crisis for the earth.

It seemed that the vacation was going to be postponed. Liu Adou knew that as soon as this happened, Ada had to go back and work overtime.

Although it was a step slower than the Justice League, Iron Man also discovered that Darkside’s fleet was flying towards the earth. SHIELD immediately entered a high level of alert. All personnel returned to their posts. Naturally, Ada, as the director, should also make every effort to guard against the possibility of coming. battle.

NASA also contacted their Space Force base, the Garden of Eden, and all fighter flight crews were also on standby. At the same time, the defense bureau space station near the wormhole is also a first-level combat readiness. Although they may not be useful when they really fight, there is always nothing wrong with preparing.

The United Nations immediately called an emergency meeting, but when they saw the photos of those fleets, they were silent. With so many warships coming, is there an Ability master on the earth? Can the earth’s mass killer nuclear weapons be launched and effectively damage the enemy?

The enemy has come from the universe, and the scenes that have only appeared in science fiction films suddenly appeared in front of everyone, making everyone at a loss.

This may be the biggest crisis that the earth has encountered. If a cannon is fired from the universe, the earth can't stop it at all.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations looked at the five permanent members: "At present, the Defense Agency is fully alert, but it is still a drop in the bucket in the face of such an enemy." This means that if you have any warships or fighter jets hidden, take them all out.

Everyone is definitely researching their own space battleships, but they know that they didn't say it. But even if there are the latest space battleships, there are only one or two. How can they fight the dense fleet?

The world's space battleships together don't know if they can make up the whole number, this also includes Kidd's moonlight journey. Because now everyone is only developing transport ships, no one thought that they would encounter a space war so soon.

After looking at each other, the President of the United States spoke: "If superhero is sent to the universe, there may be a possibility of turning the situation around."

But everyone is not optimistic. In the universe and not on the earth, just say Hulk, he will be restricted by the weightless earth. Although the spaceships look close, the distance between them is huge, and it is difficult to jump from one spaceship to another.

"We can't always rely on superhero, we also have to use our own strength." The Russian president said: "We have to organize our own space fleet and let those alien invaders know how powerful people on earth are."

Everyone is speechless, the words are simple, but where do they have the resources and time to build the fleet now? Seeing that the aliens will be in the solar system in a few days, they have no time to prepare. ..

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