Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 945 Chaos\r

Stepping on the pedals that control the jet and holding the joystick in both hands, Vincent drives the Anaconda II space fighter to shuttle through the universe, which is the second space fighter designed by NASA. Compared with the first type, Anaconda II has only been in service for less than two years, and there are only a few racks in the Garden of Eden and Wormhole.

The one Vincent drove was a new machine that just came off the production line, but because the universe does not have any constraints of gravity and air pressure, even if a box is fitted with a jet, it can move in the universe. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the new product. Proper.

Unlike the 15-style in China, the python has only one steering rod, which is operated by both hands, similar to combat in the atmosphere. Vincent has been an veteran Flight member for more than a thousand hours. Although he participated in actual space combat for the first time, he never missed the confrontation training. At the moment, his eyes were looking forward, and he could vaguely see a green dot. That is their captain, Green Lantern.

In hand-to-hand combat, Vincent's goal is to eliminate all approaching enemies.

Toot toot...

The sound of the cannon penetrated the ears from the fuselage and became extremely dull. Added combustion-supporting bullets into two parallel lines straight forward.

The universe was dark, and occasionally turning the fuselage over, Vincent could see the huge Jupiter above his head, as if he was about to be attracted by Jupiter.

The enemy's aircraft is like a crown. The weapon is an energy weapon. It launches a short energy light to attack. It is very powerful and can shoot through the outer armor of the Earth and universe fighter aircraft in one hit.

Vincent saw with his own eyes his comrades' fighters were broken into pieces by a green light, and the enemy was not easy to mess with. Fortunately, the enemy is not invincible, as long as he can hit the enemy, he can also cause damage, especially the laser cannon in the belly.

It's just that the battery of the laser cannon can only allow Vincent to fire 30 shots of the maximum power laser, so there is no certainty that Vincent will use this weapon very carefully.

However, even though Vincent had been very careful, the battery quickly ran out, as did other ammunition. It seems that it hasn't been long since the ammunition has run out.

"This is Anaconda 88. My ammunition has bottomed out. I think I need to go back to the ship to supply ammunition."

"Received, Anaconda 88, please land in Hangar No. 3, and we will prepare enough ammunition for you." The Superman did not have enough personnel, so the U.S. sent many female U.S. soldiers to serve as CICs.

"Understood, Hangar Three." Vincent turned his nose and flew towards the Superman. Now the distance between the two sides is close to the face, almost the tip of the nose is touching the tip of the nose, which is about less than 20 kilometers, and the fighter can fly back and forth at full speed.

There are a total of six hangars on the Superman, and they are all very busy now, returning to replenish ammunition, returning to repair, and so on.

Vincent saw the storage compartment door open, the fighter plane and the spaceship were connected at the same speed, and then the fighter plane was collected into the spacecraft, and after pressurizing, it entered the hangar after another door. I saw that the hangar was in full swing, a fighter jet that was hit by the engine was still smoking, and I didn't know how the flight crew drove the fighter back.

"The python 88 entered the warehouse and began to replenish ammunition." I saw the humanoid armor Xingtian was sent as a transporter, holding the heavy ammunition box with both hands to fill the python 88 with ammunition.

Xing Tian obviously had no chance to go to the battlefield, but it was more than a task to do logistics. Now even the cooking class was called to carry it. It can be seen that the hurried preparations exposed huge amounts of defects during the war.

Several workers on the smoking fighter jet next to Vincent have been using fire extinguishers to cool them down to prevent secondary combustion of the fuel. Its pilot also seemed to be talking to the ground crew below, very excited, as if he wanted the earth to fix the fighter jets so that he could fight again.

Vincent said he was lucky enough to come back. But he must not be reconciled when he comes back. Watching his comrades fight and sacrifice outside, he acts like a coward in the back. But the number of fighter jets is just that.

"The battery is replaced, the bullets are full, the missiles are all ready, and the fuel is refilled. You can start again. Good luck." Xingtian's driver said in Chinese English.

boom! Just when Vincent was about to push the tractor back into the launch track, a loud noise came from his ears, and Vincent turned his head to see that the tanker and a tractor had collided with each other.

The more anxious, the more chaotic, hundreds of people are busy in the hangar, and mistakes are inevitable in the busy. In particular, this team was made up improvised, and it worked pretty well.

"Don't be silly, send me to launch orbit." Vincent was not in the mood to watch the excitement.

The tractor pushed Vincent into the launch orbit. The so-called launch orbit is actually an electromagnetic catapult that ejects the space fighter into the universe. The catapult is installed in a cylindrical space that can accommodate fighter jets, which is the track as well as an isolated pressurized cabin. The ejection track is about 30 meters, and there are light bars inside, up and down, all four lights are red when they are in use, and green when they are allowed to start.

The isolation door at the rear of the aircraft was closed, the launch door in front was opened, and the air was expelled from the track, forming a short-lived chaotic airflow in the gap.

"This is Anaconda 88, requesting permission to launch."

"Please check the status of the fighter." These are all prescribed procedures: "Coordinator."

Vincent looked at the indicator light: "Normal."



"Survival system."


"The system is normal and the launch is allowed." "The launch control is given to Anaconda 88, and it can be launched at any time."

The original red lights all turned green, "Boa 88, launch."

The catapult slammed the fighter jet out of the open hatch, and Flight went into the universe: "I'm back." This time, I must just drop more enemies.

In the universe, the four flying energy beams symbolize death, although they are beautiful, they are shunned. Vincent found that he was used to these chaotic battlefields. Protecting himself and fighting back, the space war looked very simple.

Definitely compared to ordinary Vincent’s perception, Iron Man and Green Lantern are more like unparalleled. The two are free to come and go in the universe. Two sharp knives stabbed into the enemy army and wiped out most of the hypocritical grandmother fighters. It even threatened the enemy's huge fleet.

The hypocritical grandma did not expect that before the arrival of the Creation Star Fleet, she would be beaten so embarrassed by the stupid earthlings. In fact, he couldn't hurt his muscles and bones, but the enemy is the earthlings, those uncivilized savages, how can his subordinates as the supreme monarch endure such savages in front of them?

Damn, when the creation star fleet comes, she must destroy the solar system and vent her breath. She still sucks deeply, and then: "Hit me hard, destroy them, destroy them, kill them!!!" The hypocritical grandmother was angry. Yelled at the people around him. ..

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