Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 946 The Enemy of the Enemy\r

"It seems that we are not the only enemy of the Apocalypse fleet." When the father's adopted son Orion came to the solar system, the earthlings had blocked the enemy with two spaceships for four hours.

Now the creation star fleet has finally arrived, appearing uniformly around Jupiter.

In sharp contrast to the black fleet, the creation star is white that symbolizes light. When the two forces collided in the solar system, Oliver narrowed his eyes to look at the two earth ships: "I didn't expect that they could actually block the army of Darkside?"

"Master Orion, there seems to be a problem." An official said: "The attack intensity of the enemy fleet is completely out of contrast with the size of the fleet."

Orion also discovered this problem. If the enemy is really 600 battle-star warships, the earth's defense force will not be able to block the attack of the Apocalypse star.

But since the enemy is right in front of you, don't worry about the problem. What is needed now is to crush the enemy: "All warships enter a state of combat, let us annihilate the enemy."

But? The fleet officer wanted to say something, but remembering Orion's violent temper, he chose to follow the order and issue the attack instructions.

Heavenly Father once evaluated his adopted son, saying that Orion was a brave warrior, but lacked patience. In the confrontation with Apocalypse, Orion appeared to be eager for quick success and quick gain. Every time, he couldn't wait to make Heavenly Father worry that Orion would suffer sooner or later.

A large explosion occurred on the Apocalypse star with a salvo from the main fleet of the Genesis Star. It was completely unexpected by the creation star warriors. This was wrong. Even if his shelling was strong, the Apocalypse star's fleet should not be so weak.

"This is the decoy." The officer was shocked, and it was definitely not easy to execute such a large-scale lure plan: "Master Orion, I think we should leave this galaxy."

Orion frowned: "No, destroy them. After destroying all the fleets on the opposite side, we will naturally leave." He insisted on defeating all the enemies of Apocalypse.

As soon as the army of the genesis star appeared, the people on earth became completely bystanders, so the Youyu planes returned home.

In the four-hour battle, the precious space fighter pilots on the earth suffered a lot of losses. The field doctor was rescuing the injured flight crew, but more flight crews did not come back. After the battle was over, they would conduct a full search of the universe.

"It seems that our battle is over." Kidd was relieved to confirm that all visible signals had returned to the spacecraft. He felt guilty as he watched the continual reduction of crews of space fighters on the earth. Although it is inevitable that there will be losses in gaining experience, if the price is too great, it will be a loss.

Iron Man finally came back, holding the two downed Flightmen in his hand: "Well, lads, you are safe." Tony knew that the two Flightmen had been floating in the universe for a while, and he was frightened.

The military doctor immediately helped them take off their space suits: "Roar sucks, Roar sucks, now you can take a big mouthful of Roar's air. You are good, now Roar sucks!"

Iron Man looked at the chaotically parked fighters in the hangar, turned around and prepared to fly another round to see if there were any problems with the annunciators, but the fighters were still alive.

It's the same in the Superman, it's messy.

But it is considered a pass, the first group battle in the universe for mankind. Definitely this score is only considered fighter combat, and all of the earth’s spacecraft and spacecraft’s weapons have failed.

Earth’s space warships did not even have time to participate in the war, but even if they came, they could only serve as spectators. The weapon system is unqualified, and there is no weapon that can cause effective damage to the enemy. This is no small problem for the development of the Earth's space fleet. As for protection, the shield of the earth should not be bad.

Seeing the situation on the battlefield, Superman knew that he could only deal with the aftermath, but he didn't even have a chance to play. All this depends on Batman's strategizing, Batman is Batman, there is no conspiracy he can't count. Establishing positions and delaying time, everything is the same as Batman planned.

Definite Batman didn't make a plan out of thin air, but made such a plan after integrating all the information he knew. He knew that since the enemy was a bait, he would not be too eager to leave the solar system, so the so-called delaying time was actually the default common goal of both parties.

The transformation of the wormhole was guessed by Batman in advance. It was also because of the abnormal actions of the enemy. Batman only considered a few more things and came up with the wormhole as one of the most disturbing factors in the solar system and made arrangements in advance.

Now that the enemy's conspiracy has failed, Vision Captain America has stopped the Nemesis team that went to create the black hole, but only destroyed the black hole converter, and did not catch the nemesis team female villains, because they all escaped with the mother box.

The hypocritical grandmother Rage looked at the three members who had returned in a fiasco: "You failed?" All of her plans were burned because the black hole could not appear: "Be prepared to accept my punishment." "Damn it, if the Big Bada didn't If she is betrayed, she will definitely complete the task."

The violent woman lowered her head and gritted her teeth. Couldn't she ever surpass Big Bada? That damn woman.

Boom, boom!

The explosion has already occurred on the flagship. The decoy fleet has no ability to resist the main force of the Genesis Star. The decoy of the Apocalypse star is about to be wiped out by fierce artillery fire.

"What a conspiracy, it's just a group of mobs." Orion looked at the enemy who could not fight back, and smiled contemptuously: "The entire ship strengthens the firepower, so don't let the enemy have a chance to escape."

"Yes." The officer also felt that he was suspicious. Seeing that the Apocalypse star's fleet was about to be destroyed, he was not in danger. He felt that he had been tricked, or the enemy's IQ was dropped: "Fight, give me cruelty. Hit hard!"

Take advantage of the victory to chase, beat down the dog.

The hypocritical grandmother knew that it was time to retreat, and the plan had completely failed, "Let's go." But the ship could not turn around and leave, but they had no problem with the mother box and could not escape.

The hypocritical grandmother stared fiercely at the galaxy that had left her humiliated, and she vowed that she would destroy it by herself one day, absolutely.

The last spacecraft of Apocalypse was wiped out, and after a brief flash, only fragments were left floating around Jupiter.

When it was over, Orion felt that this victory was simpler than expected. It was simply mowing the grass, and his fleet did not receive any damage, so he solved the enemy.

"It's easier than I thought." Oliver said.

"We received a communication signal from the spacecraft next door."

"Access." Since it was a spacecraft fighting Apocalypse, it was Oliver's friend.

It is still Superman's endorsement: "I am the Superman of the earth, and I am honored to meet everyone from Genesis."

"Hello, I am Orion of Genesis Star. I am also very happy to meet a friend who can fight with us against the Dark Lord Darkside."..

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