Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 948: Community\r

The Genesis Star fleet is gone, and I don't know what Superman and Orion said. However, it is estimated that Superman Batman and the others will not extravagantly seek the cooperation of Genesis. They just know that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future, so Genesis will still need the help of Earth Heroes in the future. Definitely Orion will never have this idea now, he just left and agreed with the courage of the earth hero, but that's all.

It was the end of the year when the subsequent Earth fleet arrived, and the speed of the Earth's spacecraft was too slow, even if it had been improved. Although the spacecraft equipped with electromagnetic shields allows the spacecraft to be protected during high-speed navigation, the electromagnetic pulse engine cannot be compared with the jumping engine, so it took ten days to arrive at Jupiter.

Come to clean the battlefield, there are some large debris in the ruins of the enemy, and there may be useful and intact parts inside. Weapons and engines are what people on earth lack most.

Although the battlefield this time was around Jupiter, it was already in the solar system, and it really caused the insiders of the earth to squeeze a cold sweat. Be aware that Jupiter facing the battlefield is also affected, fragments and attacks fall on the surface, taking permanent damage. If they were around the earth, these things would fall from the sky and hit the city, the consequences would be disastrous.

Unlike the legend, the devil broke out of the ground and Angel fell from the sky, but in fact everything turned upside down but the crisis came from the sky.

If any step is wrong, the earth will be forever. Leaders of all countries know that now is the time to cooperate, otherwise they may not be able to stop it next time.

The Space Defense Agency is a model of cooperation. Based on the Defense Agency, a joint fleet will be built. This agenda will be passed as quickly as possible. At that time, the earth will have the power to fight in the universe even without the help of superhero.

It is estimated that it will take a few months or even longer for the Ling Boli Legion to cooperate with the follow-up work. Kidd is not interested in picking up garbage. He and other superhero have left Jupiter’s orbit. The next work will be done temporarily. The combined fleet is completed.

The whole family seems to be unable to travel. Ada is now the busiest time. Although the invasion is not in the universe, S.H.I.E.L.D has a huge scientific research institution to conduct comprehensive investigation and research on the garbage left over from the battlefield. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent Amanda of the Sky Eye from taking the opportunity to continue to expand her rights and cannibalize the department of S.H.I.E.L.D. Having engaged in a series of political struggles, it is also forgotten that Ida was so happy about this kind of thing.

After Liu Adou returned to the earth, he got nothing to do and returned to his New York house to take care of Asuka and Ling Boli. They were also at home because of the Christmas holiday, but they seemed to have a good relationship with their neighbors and participated in community activities.

Drinking coffee and enjoying the afternoon sun, he suddenly saw that the house opposite was for sale. Thinking that there are more and more people in my family, maybe I can buy the house opposite.

Just do it if you think of it, anyway, Liu Adou is not short of money for a house.

"My neighbor, do you want to sell this house?" Liu Adou asked.

The owner who was inserting the'sale' sign into the lawn turned around and said, "Yes, first..." The owner is a gentle middle-aged man, supposed to be a white-collar worker, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, tall, thin and slender, and a coat. A black woolen coat, you can see the lower body is pajamas, and a pair of slippers on his feet. Obviously he doesn't want to stay outdoors for a long time.

Familiar, isn't this a famous director? Having lived here for so long, I never knew that Liu Adou lived across from him.

"I am the neighbor opposite you, Liu Adou. Hello." Liu Adou found that the other party was surprised.

It was a surprise. I didn’t expect the big director to live on the opposite side: "The big director lives on the other side of me?! I don’t know at all."

Liu Adouxin said that he doesn't know who lives opposite: "I often stay away from home."

"I only know that the young lady who lives opposite is your sister?"

"It's a relative." Liu Adou said, and then he went to the topic: "Is your house going to be sold?"

"Yes, our family will move to Washington next year." The host said: "But when I see you, I don't want to leave anymore. Who would have thought that the great director of "Frozen" is in our community. Opposite my house." This is a big celebrity, but this is also a joke. Going to Washington will not change: "Can you sign me?"


The owner touched his pocket and found that there was no pen and paper in his coat, so he shouted into the room: "Jonathan, bastard kid, bring me paper and pen."

Unexpectedly, the gentle white-collar neighbor's voice could be so loud.

"I'll come, Dad!" A ugly drake returned with a voice. It may be in the voice change period, so the voice is not good. Soon after a ten-year-old boy came out with a pen and paper, and then he looked at Liu Adou curiously, he felt very strange.

"This is our neighbor, the famous director Liu Adou." The neighbor introduced to his son.

"Liu Adou?" A little strange, then the child named Jonathan's eyes lighted up: "Are you the director of "Saint Seiya"?"

Liu Adou nodded.

"Hail, can you tell me how to make a small universe?" Jonathan looked at Liu Adou expectantly.

"Don't be fooling around." I have to ask a celebrity to sign.

Liu Adou laughed and said to the boy: "It's not easy to cultivate into a small universe. You have to be brave and honest. Only by learning these qualities can you be qualified to learn from the small universe."

Liu Adou did not forget to sign, and signed the name on the blank paper: "If you have the will, I am willing to buy your house."

"Do you need to buy real estate?" In the impression of white-collar workers, celebrities like Liu Adou should go to the wealthy area with complete security, not in this ordinary community.

"Yes, if we can, we can ask the real estate manager to complete the formalities."

The white-collar worker said, "Well, we didn't expect to have a buyer so soon. We originally wanted to leave in March." I hung up a few months in advance, afraid that I could not find a suitable buyer. I didn't expect the buyer to come so soon. Their family was not prepared to move out so soon.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go through the formalities first. You can continue to live until you leave." It was only a few months, and Duran didn't mind.

Having said that, the white-collar workers had no objection, so they called immediately. And Jonathan didn't give up studying the small universe, and told Liu Adou that his classmates like Saint Seiya, and he himself is a Leo, and his Christmas gift this year is a Leo doll.

Jonathan also wondered why he hadn't seen Liu Adou, and Liu Adou also stalled one by one. The child really didn't admit his birth. Jonathan knew Ling Boli and Asuka, and went to the other side to get candy on Halloween.

Liu Adou seldom lived for a long time, and he did not encounter community activities. Now he is ashamed of thinking about it. ..

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