Kaito Kidd Is Superhero

Chapter 949 Bazaar\r

Liu Adou is famous, and the whole community knows that the famous Liu Adou is their neighbor. For Liu Adou, who is often absent from New York, they don't know and it's normal.

Although Liu Adou bought this house when he first came to New York, he was not so famous at that time. Later, when I made a movie, the house was often empty again. Naturally, everyone didn't know that the owner of the house was the director.

But now they all know that the community church even came to spread the gospel to Liu Adou. Fortunately, they only had a lively for a while, took their signatures and left. They won't be too excited to see them in the future. I have to say that the American people are still very calm about treating celebrities.

"We have lived here for half a year, and there are not as many people as you see in two days when you come back." Asuka said that too many people are not good: "I didn't expect you to be a celebrity."

"Don't you guys have seen the movie I made?"

Naturally, they have seen it. They also met some friends in college and watched "Saint Seiya", but they didn't really care who the director was.

"Maybe you can play some small roles next time." Liu Adou said: "Well, now the priest wants us to participate in tomorrow's bazaar. You can go to the house to find out if there is anything you can sell. Homeless orphans do something."

Although compared to saving the planet, the bazaar is a trivial matter, but the meaning of doing it is exactly the same.

Asuka and Ling Boli looked at each other, or Asuka said, "How do we know what can be sold in this house?" The only thing that belongs to Ling Boli and Asuka is their own clothes. They have not yet come to the class to add some usual time to themselves. Useless miscellaneous items.

Although Liu Adou and Aida lived for a while, they didn't buy too many useless things for their new home. Now that I think about it, there is really nothing to sell.

But it doesn't matter, Liu Adou has a way: "The cup used by the big director can be sold for several hundred dollars."

"Huh?" "Isn't your cup a very ordinary mug?"

"It will be worth the money when I sign it." Liu Adou didn't believe that he couldn't get something out, so he looked for it again. There are really good things, such as the old clothes that Aisha left behind when she lived here. The pants that Aisha only tried on were stuffed at the bottom of the closet by her.

Speaking of it, Aisha hasn't come back to live in a long time. Since she became a teacher, she has focused entirely on cultivating Mutant's career, and she has become a workaholic like Ada.

Aisha doesn't like these pants anyway, they are all sold, maybe more expensive than her own cup.

"You don't seem to have met Aisha yet." It happened to be that they all met this time, and I called Aisha to come over to help the charity sale, which was absolutely a sensation.

"Are you talking about the person in the other room upstairs? Haven't you seen it." Asuka is also curious about who lives in that room.

Participate in the bazaar? Aisha was taken aback, but she agreed. It's been a long time since I went back to live, and there are indeed a lot of things that I don't need to deal with.

When other people's families participated in the charity sale, they all dragged their families away. Only Liu Adou brought three beautiful and flowery girls, one of whom was still a big star.

Aisha has also taken the driver's license and used her salary to buy her own car. Now it seems that she is an independent daughter returning to her parents' house. Although she lived here for a short time, she left a fond memory for Aisha, her first residence after descending from Mount Olympus. Here she is accustomed to modern life. It is also here that Liu Adou and Ada decided to go to Mutant College like their parents.

I haven't returned for a long time, and my room is still the same. There are many messy things that Dulan Aida bought for her high school girls should use, and many clothes that I only tried once.

In front of Aisha, Asuka was a little embarrassed. Because Aisha's temperament is so beautiful, she looks like a fairy. The skirt she wore was swaying, and her figure was as elegant as a princess.

Compared with Aisha, Asuka is like an immature little girl.

Aisha sorted out the most charity sales, because she no longer needed many things.

After finishing the three boxes, Liu Adou nodded: "Almost, let's go, the bazaar will start at nine o'clock in the morning." It is already eight o'clock, and they have to organize the booth.

Liu Adou casually made a wheelbarrow, put the box away, and then pushed out the door by him. The Sanwei girl followed behind him.

Aisha wears sunglasses, even at the end of the year, she wears very thin, long skirts on the floor, her blond hair in braids hanging behind her, and she is as graceful as an elf.

The bazaar is held in the community church. This is a typical American community. There are almost 900 households with 5,000 residents. They are located on the outskirts of New York. Every household has at least one car. They usually use the car to go to and from work in New York. Drive back later.

In fact, the charity sale is handled by the priest of the church every year, but Liu Adou has participated in it for the first time.

When cleaning up, someone found Aisha, although she was wearing sunglasses, her figure and temperament betrayed her. Adding to the fact that the great director Liu Adou is here, it is not surprising that Aisha is here.

Finally someone stepped forward and asked, "Are you the Snow Queen Aisha?" Fans like to call Roar Aisha like that.

In an instant, several people raised their ears, and they were obviously curious to know if Aisha had come.

Aisha looked at the situation and knew that she couldn't hide it, so she took off her sunglasses in a generous manner.


The crowd exploded. It was really Aisha. This is an international superstar. You can't usually see people. I didn't expect such a big star to appear in a small community bazaar.

Everyone put down their work one after another and came up to watch, which was even more lively than watching Liu Adou. Aisha is the brightest star on the screen. Unlike the big director, she is much more famous than Liu Adou.

Some people use their cell phones to take pictures, and the small bazaar seems to be on fire right now. If these things are uploaded to the Internet, Aisha, who has been low-key, will definitely attract countless people.

Jonathan is also in the crowd, holding his mobile phone. He is not actually a fan of Aisha, but the girls in his class like Queen Aisha. He decided to send these videos to the girl he had a crush on as a parting gift. He will transfer to another school next semester, and he may never see the girl he likes again.

Aisha was in Jonathan’s community, and all the students in Jonathan’s school knew about it, and then the cute students of the first batch of fans rode over on bicycles.

Then the news of Aisha's participation in the bazaar became bigger and bigger like a snowball. More and more people knew it, and finally even the entertainment reporters knew it. It was more lively than going to the fair, and the fans and reporters gathered in an instant. ..

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